ITT we solve the question above us [Part 5] (999)

519 Name: ( ˃ ヮ˂) : 1993-09-6934 08:07

Very interesting... I haven't read any philosophy on it at all. I suppose it's the thing that clocks, journals, and memories make, isn't it? Hmm...

What philosophers / works of philosophy should I introduce to my female friend who's somewhat ignorant about the field? She said she'd read some, but I think she was just saying that to be nice... Out of what I've found most enjoyable, easiest to read, and most interesting, I was thinking of lending to her:

  • Descartes (Meditations)
  • Berkeley (Principles of Human Knowledge)
  • Hume (Enquiry Concerning Human Understanding)
  • Kant (Critique of Pure Reason)
  • Schopenhauer (World as Will and Representation)
  • Nietzsche (Thus Spake Zarathustra)
  • Wittgenstein (Tractatus, Blue and Brown books)

I felt the need to mention her gender because I feel women are not as inclined towards philosophy as men. I'm also worried that these may be too many books, but she's a shut-in, so it's not like she has much better to do... Well, if there are any I should take out, replace, or add to that list, I'd really appreciate your input.

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