I'm sad and tired.
sit in the dark and ponder
You should fear this place, you know. It isn't what you think it is.
I hate >>1's name. It looks like one of those emojis stolen from Japs and abused by Westerners.
>>982 in the last run of the thread
from his twitter
>>6 You are probably very correct as I copied it from here a long time ago to a big Sticky where I keep a bunch of kaomoji i like.
"hate" is such a strong word, why does it elicit such a strong emotion in you?
Is the music I listen to when I'm drunk the only music I truly like?
Everybody pretends to have strong emotions on the internet.
I'm not going to try to post about symbiotic relationships again.
I'd like to lay my head on a moe girl's lap and close my eyes and think about nothing in particular whilst she whispers sweet nothings in my ear.
I'm drunk!
what a vapid cunt
Oh, why not.
I'm drunk too!
Chaos chaos chaos chaos
>>15 are you a straightlaced innocent teen shows fresh nipples and striped panties
If the Jews are behind some worldwide conspiracy, they're not very good at it.
Of all the Jewish people I've met, none have had a "Jew nose." I've met several non-Jewish people with a "Jew nose," however.
The statement "She has broken me."
More screaming! More crying! It's not like I can do it myself, you know.
I don't understand what a Jew nose is. Is it a big nose? I have lots of Arab friends with big noses. Is it a hook nose? Because what I consider a hook nose doesn't seem to match the stereotype...
Rooting some dorks webserver from my phone.
DQN: Hackers on steroids
Death by happiness.
Death by erotic cutting
Ayha ahhhnm,.sodfjjjjgttttttttttterjw
Jesus fuck what the christ am I looking at
I love it when you choke me.
I'd like to undergo nucleophilic substitution with her nitrile group, if you know what I mean!
I wanna try drinking so my friends will not feel awkward around me but I don't like drinking/I don't drink.
Why not have mixed drinks or something? Or make cooler friends?
garlic bread garlic bread garlic bread garlic bread garlic bread garlic bread garlic bread garlic bread garlic bread garlic bread garlic bread garlic bread garlic bread garlic bread garlic bread garlic bread garlic bread garlic bread garlic bread garlic bread
I want sponge cake.
daddy's balls
Emily is a whore.
Emily is a hobbit
Emile is a Cioran
Enamel is a tooth.
Let's hate on things beginning with "E".
Espeon is a dumb jerk who can't spell.
Now I physically can't smile. Good.
Everything's fine, I'm fine, shut up.
DQN is where I go for quality.
I have a big scary presentation in ten minutes, wish me luck!
Good luck! Don't spill your lunch!
And if you do, swallow it up before anyone notices.
Why do we have to rely on primitive means such as displays, mice and keyboards to handle user I/O? Because we are not supported by computers.
Thank you very much! You'll be pleased to know that everything went just about as well as it possibly could have done.
Today is my last day of work! I feel I did an alright job, but I cannot be the judge.
Too bad the work is not over, because now I have to move across the country.
I think that's pretty exciting.
I have an overwhelming amount of homework to do. Most of which I do not yet know how to do because of vague instructions. And I am almost failing a class, which is not an option, and I have precious little time to fix it.
dear diary
today i talked with a friend. his mom drank a bunch and did some drugs and went crazy and tried to run him over last night. "it's usually worse" he says.
thanksgiving will be lonely. probably everything will be closed down. since my gf dumped me a few weeks ago it'll be awfully quiet in my apartment. i hope the power doesn't go out again because it sucks having to throw out food.
My other website is vip-quality.org
Where do you live? It's +2°C here, so in case of power outage I would just store food on the balcony or hang it in a bag outside a window.
The crusade might begin tonight, you know!
I live in NW Oregon. It tends to be around 10 C here, sometimes a little cooler. If the power is out for days, I have to throw out frozen goods and I don't feel safe with my fridge stuff.
Well, temperatures below 10°C should be okay for storing food outside. Perhaps, you should cook everything that might go bad quick if the power goes out.
Some of old Soviet apartment buildings had so called "Khrushchev fridges": http://microrayon.wikispaces.com/Winter+fridge
In some places people just tied string bags with food to windowframes, and of course some people tried to steal it. One of the famous anecdotes of that time involved a sharpened hook lowered from the upper floor, a catcher down below and... a dumbbell in an opaque plastic bag.
Tokiko's initials are pretty rad.
Jisaku jien in the dark of the night, what what what.
This library is surprisingly empty.
I suppose it mightn't be so terrible after all.
Palm Springs is very nice.
It pisses me off when people post incredibly vague, contextless thoughts! If you're going to say something that doesn't mean anything for the rest of the board, don't bother saying it at all!
We've had this discussion a few times. People think thoughts in isolation. Re-read the thread title. It's a thread to post your current thought, not a general chat thread.
I wish she'd stop doing that.
She got me so drunk tonight! Well, I'll guilt her into nursing my hangover tomorrow. Heh heh heh.
I do nothing and silently congratulate myself afterwards. What a fun life. Mr. C. was fundamentally a lost chuunibyou case, but that does not mean there is no truth in his words.
I just want a hug.
Using tastes in media as a means of moral superiority. You're all just consuming, anyway.
I should do something... else
Absurd, utterly absurd.
Heal already, you stupid paper cut.
Why is it so damn hard to get an invite?
So much food...
Come on, surely mountains can't be that hard to come by!
Some mountains make me hard.
track 8 is always good
When I was younger I discovered that my favorite track on an album was, 80% of the time, track 7, so I used to always skip to it when I got a new album. I have since stopped doing that but it is funny how often it really was the best track.
I was afflicted by similar numerology with a propensity for track 6, until it changed most decisively to track 3, and with a swing to track 8 along with mental maturation I began to suspect the whole thing was a learned superstition, just like my paranoia that every time I saw a clock, it was either a sequence or a run.
On topic, I'm hungry.
DQNsgiving sandwiches for the rest of the month.
I'm tired of writing things on my hand. I'll write things here instead.
The XXXterminator
Starring: Arnold Schwarzenegger as a lonely pest control agent who winds up with more than he bargained for when he is hired by former first lady Hilary Clinton.
Score by Danny Elfman.
Mother of God, it works! Bifurcations everywhere!
Dude is mad and it's fucking hilarious.
Sitting by a waterfall to post.
Are you using the power generated by the waterfall to power your computer?
It's snowing! Or was...either way, snow!
More of a sort of flesh-coloured plague, if you ask me.
Why am I even alive?
Crying to Fushitsusha. And I thought I hated Haino...
que que? mo.
my balls are sticky
Write back, god damn you! Tell me about your festivals before it's too late!
I wouldn't mind having small genitals, but I know one day someone besides myself is going to see them.
Relax, most likely it will only be your doctor, who's seen that kind of thing before.
Degeneration is your prize.
I picture him foaming and drooling at the mouth in anger each time.
What if I end up in hospital and all the nurses or medical students who haven't been desensitised to the sight of someone's genitals all laugh at me? Or what if I join the Army and have to shower with other men? What about public showering in general, e.g. if I join a gym? What if I move in with someone and he or she walks around nude, and I feel obliged to return the favour? What if aliens beam me up to their ship and try to learn about human anatomy from me, of all people?
These are all things that go through my mind daily.
Penis anxiety is suffering.
Well I'd like her more if she was wearing mittens, but I guess it can't be helped.
Forensic origami.
Potential insertion point.
What happens if I ejaculate inside a mitten?
Too late, I already love you.
Lawmakers might make civilian ownership (and concealed carry) of pistols legal. Finally, I would be able to blow my brains out.
If I don't buy it now then I'll probably never have it.
I like reading these threads as a sequential conversation, with everything a reply to the previous posts
Your mother is a whore.
I am the stewed apple baron!
I wonder if Freezepop still exist.
Seriously, what was I thinking signing up for a newspaper subscription?
I'm struggling to troll youtubers for the last few weeks, but they're unable to comprehend my sheer vitriol. I assume I'll be assimilated the moment I start using memes and "grammer" wars for this purpose.
Dark as night in the middle of the day.
I hope she notices me today.
Buried alive... in salad.
How Aspergers can help with getting a job?
I wish I was cuter. Maybe then I could be a NEET sex slave.
I'm going to go for the PhD.
Oh, but you need a degree for that, don't you? Every day I wish I studied harder...
What truly matters to us?
A good number of aspergers kids don't study and just learn everything the first time.
My autism service has connections with local businesses so they can hire autistic people for jobs they are usually good at. I am thinking of applying to be a game tester. I hear it's terribly boring work if you like video games, but I hate video games so it's okay.
Fuck you for making DQN shitty lately. Yes, you. You got me to leave T-C and now you've made me leave DQN. Are you proud of yourself?
Why did the Nomic thread die so swiftly and suddenly?
I, personally, cannot understand the rules any more. I know that it getting ridiculously complicated is sort of the point, but even so.
Flimsy little thing, but it should suffice.
We're all too weak. One of the public games on the internet had 4 MB of rules in plain text when it ended.
If you're the one whose every post was bitching about how DQN isn't what it used to be then yes, good riddance.
I think they're less complicated than they look, and since we're rewarded for breaking rules I think it shouldn't hurt to post without worrying about following the rules.
Tohno-chan was always shitty, you.
As for DQN, it's more a result of 4-ch as a whole dying. This place is...what 10 years old now? Older if you count back to how it was conceived. I've been posting here since the beginning, I've witnessed the gradual loss in post(s) quality/content. Frankly, it's the expected course of any community.
The only predominately active board on this site left is this DQN which has, at most, 10 active posters? And that's being generous. When a community dwindles down to nothing, you can't expect the quality to maintain a recognizable semblance over the years. People just don't care about text boards anymore besides a tiny niche community. Some of our older internet users here (those above 18) will get what I mean. For example, the few Telnet based BBS' left (electr0n, Mono, Lunduke, iscsBBS) may be alive, but aside from a tiny handful of users, they're all but dead now. The same goes for Usenet. We all remember which groups were the COOL groups, but visit them now, they're either dead or full of spam.
As >>164 says, instead of bitching about "how it was" (were you even able to use a computer then?), contribute some QUALITY! I wouldn't say 4-ch/DQN has gone to shit as you put it, but there is just a lack of regular users now, and we're all used to seeing the same crap day after day, to the point where we can recognize each other.
I miss being a teenager and venting on alt.depressed.as.fuck
. Truly happier times.
'Gott mit uns' sounds like 'Got mittens?'"
No, that one was driving the cart.
He was strapped to the top.
Apparently it was a polo mallet.
Yeah, like what they use in croquet, but longer.
How have you never heard of croquet?
It's like a wood hammer.
No, it's all wood.
They'll live.
Look, this is no big deal. No one important got hurt.
I like little bits. If I can do something or pass something over a network in a few KBs instead of a few MBs, then I will.
i think a vipper followed me on tumblr and their page made me smile, very nicely done
Woah woah WOOAAH Nelly. All KINDS ah shit is going on with Javascript all of a sudden. http://leemachin.github.com/say-cheese/
Aieee aieee aie Ah
My arm is no longer sore from sleeping on it!
DQN hasn't even changed as much as you say it has. The post rate is still in the tens a day, which is more than two months worth of the once thriving /VIP/. As for the rest of 4-ch it has centralized to DQN or died away, same as everywhere else I mean even on 4chan and forums most forums die and the most populated ones live. What you are saying about usenet may be true but its death was more in part to ISP bans and negative publicity rather than user entropy. Telnet based BBS was always cumbersome and I'm glad it has all but died out, there is a reason the Roman legion wouldn't fair so well against today's marines. As for your claim that only a "Niche community" uses the textboards, that is true, but only a niche community uses futaba style BBS in the first place. I would say that DQN's low user base actually exceeds 20 people and that the title of the board "The Elitist Superstructure" applies well, there are only a handful of creative, funny, intelligent, and like minded people in the world that would like the style and users of DQN, and most of them are here. So enjoy it while it lasts because some of the good and some of the bad posters will die or leave and the board will change. Everything is constantly changing and you can do your part to make DQN good or you can sulk.
(・∀・) Things weren't as good as they were before I was born.
Whenever I'm away from the Internet for a few days, the first few days I don't think about it but then I remember that I'm going to come back to lots of stuff to read, emails, facebook notes, posts here and other boards I visit etc.
I'm back to page 10 on 420chan's /m/
Time and time again, I find that the image is better than the original.
How's about you and I just shed our humanity and become omnipresent forces of nature?
Edgy autistic hipsters.
I can't believe I spent over $1000 on a necklace.
I can't believe that either. How does a DQN have so much money?
My fiancée gave me a cute wee chain necklace with little purple gemstones on it that she got given in primary school
Those are shitty headphones. Jesus, don't bite the fucking cord. Are people really going to buy them?
Nothing but tears.
Curse you, special relativity!
She's lost it; my god, she's lost it.
I now have a mental image of Jesus Christ biting into a cord that is somehow engaged in an act of copulation.
I blame you for my thigh-high sock fetish, you know.
All these internet/RL stalkers of mine I could build an army or slave force or something cool.
I found a thumbdrive, looked at it's files, got a name, SE'd the name, got a Facebook, copied down their email, sent them an email asking them is they want it.
If I lost my bag, people would go through my things.
Well I suppose I was accusing DQN as a whole - but sure, you'll do as well, why not.
what ow I though i fixed that
Oh look, 299GET
I need somebody.
In my experience, little girls are good at programming.
Tekken 2 is a bit more cumbersome than I remember...
I kind of miss !ESpeoN/nPA.
I know what the Japanese character for "no" is so now when I look at manga or japanese books I see little "no"s floating everywhere.
I got glasses as big as my head.
And they still make my head hurt.
I wouldn't dare, not after last time.
I can't do anything right.
I don't know why, but it seems like "no" is the easiest hiragana character to remember. It was the first one I ever recognized, since it would always appear in the titles of Japanese things.
Related to topic, I'm not going to get this job. I'm going to die just filling in the application. Why can't I just be paid to be lazy and be a weeaboo.
Effort, ergh.
This is a lovely song but I have no idea what it's about.
It's fun clicking on the verification textbox then holding the down cursor button and scrolling for ages through all the captchas I've ever entered
I don't know what I want.
oczarowalas mnie
I love this number!
Check my triples!
Oh, but the pictures are all alive. That's no good.
Am I hungry or just bored?
Dear god, I am so lost right now.
Could not connect to MySQL database: Too many connections
DONG: Do Online Now, Guys
Human evil displaced somehow? What an odd idea.
Will Eternal September end with the world?
I really want to customise my wmii and write this puzzle game, but I have coursework to do as well...
The cities of Europe have burned before, and they may yet burn again. If they do I hope you understand that Washington will burn with them.
I'm burnin' I'm burnin' I'm burnin' for you
A little blunt, I'd say.
I could live out my childhood dreams of being an independent game developer, but that sounds like a lot of work.
I flipped my share of tables a few years before a certain emoji became a mainstream reddit/9gag meme. Kids these days are traversing in my past.
Could not connect to MySQL database: We're just too different. Sorry. I don't think it's going to work.
*Such a filthy day...♪*
I hate the sun.
Without the sun you would die.
Praise the sun!
There is only one god!
He is the Sun God!
Ra! Ra! Ra!
Philip J. Sun founder and CEO if the sun
Internet posting helmet!
I wonder if I could convince her to wear a maid outfit...
...No, never mind; she still wouldn't be moé and I'd rather wear it myself.
I'll wear your maid outfit if you want...
I want him to wear the maid outfit.
Shii decides spellings.
obtuse paranoia
It's weird to think that my wallet used to be running around in a forest somewhere, eatin' berries and shit.
Stop eating chocolate spread and finish your popcorn.
It's doing just fine without me.
It's weird to think that people used to wear my wallet as a shirt.
Whenever I see the acronym SCOTUS, I want to mentally insert an R and make it SCROTUS.
Well, what next?
Keratin for you, keratin for me. Can't wash my hair any more.
While apple juice makes a delicious alternative to water, I've come to realise it's a little less thirst-quenching.
A female gave me a sore throat
So long as this coldness remains.
It's weird to think someone's wearing my poop as a shirt!
That dream was incredibly unnerving.
I like to think that I would make a good housewife.
"Falling off the floor."
The course is set it seems. Inevitable. I just hope I don't have a heart attack when it happens.
The idea of visiting her in person is looking more and more appealing, but I know I'm not allowed. Really, I shouldn't even consider such things.
It all makes more sense now.
Damnit, I hate most of you but you're the best I've got. Guess I'm back for good this time
what should I put
There's really very little difference between being dead and being alive.
Don't blame the barley.
Don't blame Barney.
Slam and jam with Barkley.
Well, I could always just not post it.
オ looks like a person ice-skating.
It's interesting to see how this is progressing exactly the same as before, even though the internal workings couldn't be any more different.
I have to wonder if the preceeding thought is related to the backwards novel thread.
Why oh why didn't I take the blue pill.
i need lak
does anyone have lak
horses are irrelevant
That was, uh, what was that?
I can sort of understand students who use their laptops to check facebook during a dull lecture, but listening to music at the same time?
I wonder why it is that I talk to myself so much.
Crawling in my skin, these wounds they will not heal
I don't use facebook, but I do compile Linux software during boring classes. Speaking of which Archives Management is a class well worth your while.
Don't go outside.
Something dead in a forest.
Dear God, 38GB is going to take a while over FTP.
I'm sick of putting up a facade in real life. I'm tired of being the genki. I hate telling my friends I'm feeling down, and them acting like something is wrong with me because apparently someone like me can NEVER BE SAD
"What are you talking about, ____? You can't be sad! Youre _____" Fuck off you idiot
So you know what? I'm not going to pretend to be someone I'm not anymore. If I'm feeling depressed, I will show it. If I'm actually feeling really happy, I'll show it. If someone doesn't like that they were never my friend
The only thing that could solve my loneliness is a textboard where I would be able to chat with myself from alternative universes (or timelines).
But that's your destiny, man. You cheer people up at your own expense. Imagine how your friends are going to feel if they see that even the happiest person they know is depressed.
That's a good thing. Lieing to youself is bad for you health.
Gayness up tha anus
Half an hour ago would've been a good time to go to bed.
maybe people don't know about the personal issues board
( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
I hope 4chan comes back online soon...
Oh dear, this is not good at all.
What encoding do I have to use to see both this and AA at the same time.
Unicode, presumably? I didn't need to set any special encoding.
Blossom, commander and the leader
Bubbles, she is the joy and the laughter
Buttercup, she's the toughest fighter
Oh no, the spheres, the spheres, I mustn't leave my spheres!
Getting desperate.
An angry song about abiogenesis.
I get the feeling Windows does a lot of net rate throttling.
i need to buy a Crown Victoria Police Interceptor
I have to stop procrastinating, but it's just too fun.
Sometimes I wish DQN was more active. Sometimes I don't.
but only after listening to 3AM (RJs I can't sleep in this casino mix)
"Mathematics for biologists"? Hah!
Why won't my track update? I set it to free download, but it's still only a 30 second preview!
I tried reuploading it, but then it got rid of the rest of the album! Guh!
>The file you're looking for either never existed or has been deleted.
My scrotum itches but it's painful to scratch
She's back where she belongs. You can't worship bread based snacks, after all.
>>331 Would putting some ant-itch cream on it be a good idea?
My crotch itched due to a fungal infection. Get anti-fungal cream an apply it for two weeks every day after showering and drying it.
Tuesday is not a good type of day.
Try again.
Ready to get this over with
http://www.microlabelguide.com/ read most of the page before i realised it was about beer
I read most of your post before I realized it was about beer. That's because beer was the last word.
penis zits are painful
I can't keep myself from it like this.
Was she breathing? What a stupid question. Of course she wasn't.
Needs to stop.
Poor generic anime girl.
Greatest of the Corea has successfully launched a satellite!
If you're using Firefox, press Ctrl+Shift+I, then Alt+W.
I hate having to wake up before dawn so fucking much.
My attempts at getting a higher education never got me anywhere. I still cry at night because all my friends have at least engineer's degrees by now... I feel like I'm an even less achieving version of Howard from TBBT. I wish I could lie down and disappear from existence.
It's two in the fucking morning.
Maybe you'll make it into space! You never know!
Education isn't everything. I'm going for a PhD next year, half because I don't actually want to go into the Real World.
Thank you! Maybe I should try again then. Good luck with your PhD!
Hideous things.
If you get a BA degree then you suddenly qualify for lot's of jobs in othe countrys. That's what I'm doing. I'm doing CS but I'm using the degree to work as an English teacher.
Lolikons are just child molesters waiting to happen.
As it happens, I'd quite like to live in a cave as well.
So, chartered accountancy sounds like it wouldn't be too bad. Compared to corporate law anyway.
It's nothing nearly so romantic; I used her. So what? It happens thousands of times every day, I'm sure. And it's safe to say she can't feel it any more.
Yeah, the thought of leaving my country was motivating for some time. I wish I could get a bachelor's degree faster, say, in 2 years. Just to compensate for some of the wasted time.
From my own experience, I just don't go along well with younger freshmen. It feels like they consider me to be too old, like if I was from another age. Well, they were all a bit shy. Add a bit of terrible time management and a winter depression and you are out.
On the other hand, distance learning felt humiliatingly easy. It was quite clearly designed for incredibly busy men and women who would struggle to find some time to solve a single problem. I eventually managed to forget about it at all.
Sorry, if I don't make any sense now, but I'm too tired.
Who did the hully gully on the Panama Canal?
Peter the Great is currently my favorite historical figure.
I have forgotten what it's like to not be a NEET.
From what I hear from my friends it's all about troubles with time management, terrible project planning, lazy coworkers, working overtime until midnight, spending weekends on the work and clients trying to launder some money. I don't think either of us would enjoy this.
Who's this "ticks" guy? Why should he kill himself?
Fuck it.
Good night, DQN.
Fucking and drinking and talking and drinking and fucking and talking and listening to songs we loved as teens.
It was a good night. I don't care if I've got things to do tomorrow.
I met my waifu in a dream! This is cause for celebration.
That's nice. I getting my ass kicked at a magic the gathering.
I'm so excited for the end of the DQN Short Novel Part II!
Fuck it makes my head hurt.
Computers piss me off so much right now.
| (^o^)ノ | < おやすみー
need a job
don't get a job
but i need a job
no don't get a job
but i really need money
but you'll be away from me all day, and you'll have to deal with so many cunts
i know but
Rife-rike textule.
Bitch, I am a pattern reader.
/jp/ /jp/. creativity~
I played board games and Wii U with my friends this weekend. I wish it went on for a little longer.
It's time to stop poasting.
It's going to branch out exponentially.
i really should accomplish something
Off I go.
I think I fucked up with this girl I'm trying to get
I need to cake.
I have rum cake and it's good.
This thread is like lyrics to one of Pavement's songs, and I love pavement.
The coach's uncle took the sausage and that would begin his successful sausage company.
How the fuck am I still on level 0‽
Yuri looks so cute with his little powder blue kitty ear hood. Good this it ups his DEF stat so much.
I cannot believe that I still haven't finished Fortune Summoners.
If I have to stay here for a whole extra year because of my teaching forgetting to get some paperwork from us. I am going to flip my shit.
(╬ಠ益ಠ) Linux Mint
Problem? I am considering moving to Mint. Is there something wrong with it?
Ooh, my left ctrl button works. What a pleasant surprise.
It's been freezing on a nigh-daily basis for me, and I haven't (yet) managed to track down why.
He's probably not awake yet. But it's really snowing.
In Hungarian, LFS stands for "Ló fasz a segedbe"; literally, "A horse's penis up your butt", generally used to mean "Go fuck yourself". Just thought I'd let you know.
In Finnish a computer is called a "number witch".
In Russian it's just a borrowed word as well as "calculator". Well, there is an original name for it "электронно-вычислительная машина" (ЭВМ) which stands for "electronic data processing machine". "ПЭВМ" refers to the same device as "PC", П is for "personal".
ЭВМ and ПЭВМ were commonly used back in the USSR (when both hardware and software were manufactured by their own means - despite heavily borrowing concepts and designs from the West), however, they are obsolete now.
I hit myself in the jaw in frustration after getting repeatedly killed in a video game. I feel both more concentrated and less smart after this.
Sometimes I copy things just so I can share them with /dqn/ in the Ctrl+V thread.
Huh, so "entropic" is a word. Also butterflies.
I wonder how many Icelandic people are on DQN, not a lot I would imagine.
Wait, do I even have any creepy fetishes?
LIVE: the world is ending.
DIE: beat the world to it!
We will not.
Touch a weenis.
Touch a harbl.
Well, that whole apocalypse thing sure is not happening.
After poking around some more and seeing that it was a KDE component that was crashing, I tried the Cinnamon version of Mint and it seems rather more stable. Not perfect but at least when something does crash it doesn't freeze the desktop.
I can now conclude that everything fits into one of two categories: Japanese schoolgirls or shit I don't want to think about right now.
This threads name is cumbersome and takes up the entire top of the page.
Blood loss makes me feel great!
I hope ticks, Archduke, et al. bleed to death.
>>429 But, it clearly and concisely describes what the thread is about. This is key.
I don't hate you, but I'd like you more if you were dead.
Homeless people are just feral humans.
That was stupidly successful.
Intuition tells me the Janitor is purposely derailing my threads. But I can't provide any evidence to get him canned!
I suppose I'm not so much immoral as amoral.
I'll do it tomorrow.
Shii sure is a masochist, but at least he was better than anyone in the moderation at 4chan now.
I wanna get into dqn irc sekrit club
I cannot help but notice that this is actually a grapefruit.
All I can hear coming from the nearby airport bar as I wait for my delayed plane are the same two bass notes over and over again, sidechained to a 4/4 kick.
hey there's somebody else posting right now
I gotta hide!
Is it αν + ονομα or α + νομος?
Come inside North Corea, american!
Listen to my keyboard! Hear its clanky music!
I'm sorry. I double posted like some stupid kid. I'm terribly sorry.
Testing out some demo tablet at best buy lol
That guy didn't had to kill Albert to get the message across... He could just have, like, killed Madden and carved "Albert" in his chest, or paint it with his blood on a wall, or something...
oh i get it, because dvorak was a composer who did that bread advert
For some reason sleeping in my home bed makes feel horny.
>>465 I was really horny in my home bed too, it's been a while where I've woke up in the middle of the night and masturbated before I knew what I was doing
I'm going to rewatch Lucky Star and there's nothing you can do about it.
>>467 I am going to upload some bizarre Lucky Star pr0n to 4chan and there is nothing you can do about it.
Which is the best DQN ELECTRONICS? If you were to show a friend for the first time, which one would you recommend they try first?
I hate it when web comics and infographics popularise some language rule, because it always leads to hypercorrection. It's fine to use 'i.e.' for examples if I am using it to mean 'that is', god damn it.
"Rancid polecat giblets"
>In unknown file:
I can't even recognise myself from two years ago. Things change so fast...
Don't hate on my porno, bro
Happiness is a warm cat
Sadness is a cold cat
Apathy is a lukewarm cat.
After many struggles across the Atlantic ocean, my sleeping schedule finally brought me to New York. Now I want to rotate 7-9 hours back.
Latency is a tepid cat.
a tepid cat is a wreath of pretty flowers that smell bad
We're all cute girls on the inside.
...Wait, no, that isn't true at all.
NPR seems to be giving a lot more reporter jobs to people with really bad lisps these days.
Makes the whole news section sound even faggier than it used to.
Do-do dooo dodo doo do doo
Dodo dooo
Endless strings of ws, as far as the eye can see...
I gotta get back to work.
Oh no!
bum farts
Oh my, I was able to imagine this in 3d! Surrounded by ws...
Ah, but it's cold outside!
I love my bike, that was lots of fun. I climbed to the top of the big hill my hometown's built on too. Then I bombed down the side, aaaahhh so fast hehe ooh am buzzin
aye a knar how ya feel m8
At least that way he probably lost less Cherry than if he'd died. Unless he was playing as Marisa A, that is.
Can anyone offer a translation of this http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vEd4QGVn1hY ?
instead of trying to send radio messages randomly out into space to contact extra-terrestrial life, why not invent something that could suck the entire vacuum of space in and out a tiny but perceptible amount, and send a message into space with binary using sucks to spell it, thus contacting all of space at once, like a big net, or sack even?
It's cold.
I think propagation of the effects of gravity also conform to the speed of light. So even if you could create and destroy planets rapidly it would take just as long to get places.
>>506 i was really baked when i posted that, even before i hit send i was like "haha wow i talk so much shit"
Care for a hopi, madam?
Omegle is practically analogous to those rat experiments where they press the button a thousand times to get stimulated. Fancy that
I've been putting off my dreams for so long, I'm not even sure if I want them any more.
Hey I found a DQN group on facebook
It has one member
Hey wait... posts I made in 2009?
Where did everyone go?
My electric shaver functions better as a sex toy than as a shaver.
"Pussy" brand energy drinks actually tastes like pussy
You're a winner.
Sociopaths are harmless, apparently.
Gott mit uns
I'll do it tomorrow.
Some integration is just what I need right now.
Daleks just need a hug.
That "New year resolutions" rap idea is bad. It either demands too many resolutions or words about nothing in particular. I just can't do it.
But anyway, I will study AI. I'm going to try and make some good tracker music. And I won't drink alcohol at all!
I am NOT a Victorian!
in 2013 i am going to learn Tarred & Feathered on keyboard and start an art blog
Hello, this is !ESpeoN/nPA, already reporting from so-called "new year 2013" or 1993-09-7063 and wishing you Happy Next 365 Days!
Happy new year and shit.
The London fireworks show was extremely good.
In other news, I just mistyped London as Londong, which is no doubt a much better name for the city.
You're a dog, you don't even know what fireworks are.
We got an usual mediocre one in Moscow. At least clouds turned it into an interesting colour show this time.
Is NPR going out of their way to hire news announcers with speech defects? Morning Edition and All Things Conthidered sound like a championship level lisping contest.
This post is not sufficiently incomprehensible yet.
No, it's my pen name/character for video games. I believe the first time that character appeared was in Fallout 3.
>>17 Song title
>>5,11,23,41,12 First verse
>>66,46,16,68,20,64 Chorus
>>59,25,81,36,85 Second verse
>>27 Last line
i didn't check what they are
Isn't ESpeoN/nPA a tripcode used by Cudder on 4chan?
Queen of Apples.
ITALIAN VIPPER is a talented fellow. The cultist, on the other hand, is tasteless trash
Who's Cudder? Where was it used? At first I noticed "espeon" and "cuddly" and I was eager to agree, but this is terrible.
http://goo.gl/maps/SzSvz I think you can see the topography of oceans, >>832 of another thread!
>>552 nice, thanks, but it was a lot more detailed than that; it was as if the planet had been emptied of water, it was very rocky
See you again soon, Poyo!
How can I even call this breakfast when I'm eating it at 3PM?
Sounds like a perfect match!
I hate winter and I want it to end
Turned the melatonin on himself
Dividiiiiiiiiiiiiiing Depression!
Sharp like depression
called it depression
>>1 is probably happy with his life
Caused by the dark of night
what what what?
Dividiiiiiiiiiiiiiing Depression!
Sharp like depression
called it depression
>>1 is probably happy with his life
I want to enjoy life and STOP whining about this shit.
>>560 http://www.orangesmile.com/ru/foto/oceans/atlantic-ocean.jpg is the north sea really just a flat shelf? cool though
I'll be back in a minute, I just need to go shove some food into myself.
It seems that many maps show it as uneventful and dull, but http://www.bfn.de/habitatmare/images/schutzgebiet-nordsee/nordsee-relief.jpg
It's probably relatively flat compared to the ocean and thus depicted as such.
We'll know the time has come again when we see the salmon with human faces.
Haha China's main state broadcaster is actually called CCTV
Do you mean that she is not interested?
sovietrussia dot org noooooooooooooooooooooooooo perhaps my favourite place on the internet is no longer
goodbye i loved you RIP
No, don't put me in the Winter Pool! It's cold and icy!
Finish that DQN lobby painting that you owe us, Espeon. We won't love you unless you give us the painting, Espeon. But Espeon sucks at painting!
I will never forgive ticks for posting CP on Soviet Russia and reporting Storlek to his host.
i remember bookmarking sovietrussia so i could check it out later some months ago. i guess that's not happening then.
whats soviet russia whose ticks & storlek what are you talking about
it was the first imageboard i found; i started an animation course and thought well, better look at some animations and googled "cool flash videos" and found /f/. After a short while I discovered they had other boards - the cosmic /z,/ and /m/ was a wonderful extravagant goldmine, i listened to everything ever posted after that. /w/ /o/ /big/ /cats/ were all great. I think I posted most of /p/ the food board.
ah i will miss /z/ most of all, wow.
genuinely saddened that a website i loved has died
captcha: high yeWHERE IS SARAH CONNOR
I know I posted on sovietrussia, but I dunno when or what boards. I posted on them through the WAKAchan.org iFrame.
Proof positive that textboards > imageboards?
whoah dude, benis denis
Mr. Depardieu chose 13% tax over 75%. I can respect this. If you are a man of wealth you should probably move to Russia as well. God knows we could use that extra bit of tax money since rich scumbag natives evade even that!
Come over to my house and foods me a new potato set
chicken mush for lunch
Well now I just don't know what to do with myself.
Oh god, poor sovietrussia. I loved that circles board.
Introspective bullshit.
People shouldn't write down things. That makes others incapable of expressing them without being called out because it's become a "cliché".
Rock Chalk Jayhawk !!!
KU 69 Temple 62. Posting and watching sports rocks
This is the last place I come before I stumble to bed
I, I, I; me, me, me; my, mine, myself...
how about dqn-brand computers
Forevermore shall I be haunted by unopened mail and dirty tissues. Paper must hate me.
Is there something about me that causes crazy or mentally fucked people to always want to befriend me.
Teleport my urine to a nother planet.
The photoelectric effect shall not be my undoing!
Onwards! For victory!
I'm probably retarded.
No, you aren't. If society drags you down, if society makes you drag yourself down, fight it. Don't let it break you.
For science!
I'll do it tomorrow.
I fucking hate fighting games.
>>600 If you're late for an appointment, would you be "tardy"?
On the contrary, this sounds like just what I need right now.
I feel like I'm vomitting in slow motion.
I need to shower.. but I have to read everything on the internet!
Well that's just terrifying.
Dragon Ball Squidward
My face hurts buttlust
Those wooden cane things shepherds have.
Users of this site are neurologically near-isomorphic to each other and me! Our minds are fields under a similar clime and fate! Proclaim, proclaim, for living- time is dear!
>>606 I'm just bad at them. It frustrates me when I can't do something everyone tells me is "easy" like blocking everything. No real reason to complain, but it was just on my mind at the time.
( ゚ ヮ゚) I'm making mittens!!
If you take the day part of today's date, turn it upside down and arrange the letters backwards, it looks like LOLI.
I wish I still had the link to the yoshinoa thread.
What the hell are you doing with that skirt?
How do I turn myself gay?
Under the moon, together with you.
Isn't it SLOL or ZLOL?
I'll 無理する if I want to, dammit!
No, this technique implements diagonal mirroring of every individual number.
Oh yeah. I was thinking it was rotation, but then I realised I did a stupid since I accepted yesterday's LOLI without question. Carry on!
My hentai should not end as a comedy.
I want to find a nice fluffy cat and just rub it all over my face.
This was added to the Oxford dictionary recently:
Lolz is a corruption of many a lol.
Mindbreak is a corruption of many a loli.
I might not be the only ALT on DQN...
There's no objective argument against doing anything.
It'll be the best farm the world has ever seen.
a book called Rule 34? ah, thanks mom...
I wish the voices in my head would stop screaming already.
As always I have no idea what I'm talking about, you see, so I'll just shut up and go to sleep.
I'm a teapot.
I'm going out to eat with a friend!
No more mirrors!
Is it just me or do Japanese videos (especially the ones that demonstrate high-tech accomplishments) actually benefit from a yellow tint which gives them a retro, sort of "we did it long time ago" look?
I've read something about that. I don't know what it's for but they call it the "early morning look"!
sixty niggers
twenty dongs
6.666666 butts
Fuck yeah, entropy!
π rates
>>643 Where did you go? What did you have? Was it nice? I also went out for a meal last night with the girls I used to live with, they are like my sisters and I had a big chicken gourmet burger.
Then I met with my band at a bar and we had a chat and we've decided to kick out the new guitarist we got because he's overstepped his mark. It happens today i'm a bit nervous, he's a nice guy and I don't like confrontation/hurting people's feelings
Argh, I can't stand it when there are too many stories of successful social life on DQN!
What the fuck do you think you're doing‽ You don't just elope with a shrine maiden like that!
Fuck me, it's been way too long since I've been here.
Me and my greasy head-brow.
This is some real Piiiieeeerce Lagooooone
RIP Aaron Swartz
http://archives.4-ch.net/dqn/kareha.pl/1138416745/ is a beautiful thread.
Should I buy Windows 8 Pro whilst Microsoft is selling it for 40 bux? Should I wait for Gaben to port my games to Linux and move on to it?
Such a low price is really tempting. But why is it so low? Is it due to doubts about Metro interface? Is it just crap? It should be more secure, more stable due to an update core, but I'm still unsure.
I don't know what I'm going to do in the future. For the past few months I was good for nothing. I'm stuck in a perpetual loop of browsing and gaming. If I actually start coding instead of that, I might as well make a move. But I'm so unsure...
What's your current OS and why would you want to upgrade? My philosophy is if you don't have a specific reason to upgrade, don't.
As for your life situation, at least you recognize you should make a change. That's the first step. To get yourself working you might need to change your lifestyle somehow, like moving your computer to a different location than you're used to, or going out for walks and exercise more often.
I have Windows 7 Professional under MSDN AA license (i.e. I got it for free when I was a student, non-commercial use only).
I wish I had enough space for a standing desk, so I could stand or sit in a tall chair.
She's DEAD!
Just keep posting until you can't remember it.
Who? What? Maybe she'll get better soon. Don't panic.
I, for example, have all the reasons to panic. I desperately tried to dodge being >>666. I really hoped that when I refresh this page, it will be at "670" or so. But no. It seems that I have to be 666th and there is no changing that. I'm actually quite nervous at the moment. What will happen to me if I click Reply? I'm biting my nails. I can't concentrate. I always thought I don't believe in superstitious things, but now it's obvious that I do. I always thought that I'm free of stupid beliefs, except that I have a favourite number. But it's only because I could use it to free up some of my time that I would otherwise spend trying to come up with a random number. I only had it to make my life a bit easier. And now I'm a prisoner of 666. I'm scared.
We went to a local pizza joint run by Italians on the main street of a big town/very small city. It was really nice. We talked about RTS's and made fun of some CNN stories and talked about his future. He's not the type for adventures and is indifferent about everything, but he's a lot of fun to talk and spend time with. And another one of my friends called while we were eating and asked if I had heard about Pokemon X/Y. I asked him about how his progress on getting the paperwork for his GED was coming. I really hope he comes to college with me. We ended up eating half the pizza each. I never eat that much. Ooooog. It was reaaaly nice. Thank you for asking.
Of course now that I get my replacement fan for my laptop it's magically working again...
>>666 was Espeon. He suffered a mental breakdown upon depressing the "Reply" button.
If you try to invent a unit of measurement for happiness, it will always be a positive number. Even fractions of happiness would still be positive.
And the dawn will come!
This is Sierra One One Seven of the UNSC Forward Unto Dawn. We are station and ready to assist?
>The model on the left is conventionally camouflaged and visible, whereas another on the right is countershaded and invisible.
But there is no model on the right! Quit trolling me, wiki!
I know, I know, I just really wanted to post Wikipe-tan.
>>672 but what if someone was unhappy? Surely it would be a negative number
Yes, yes, that was just, uh, things. Yes. Things.
No, the unit of happiness should be positive by definition. An unhappy person would probably have a fraction of happiness. But happiness nonetheless!
I really, really enjoy hentai. I don't even fap nowadays. I just appreciate graciously-depicted sex.
Peni is the plural of penus.
If organic chemistry were a blanket, I would wrap myself up in it and fall asleep and dream about wounderful things forever.
what the fuck
Oh, I'll give you a schism!
I hate this visual basic homework.
>>688 ahh i miss visual basic, all the programming knowledge i have (very little) i got doing visual basic in computer studies
for my advanced higher project I made a minesweeper game, with a best times table. The code was pretty much a smoothed-out hodgepodge of code from other places, which i pretended to work hard on when really i was getting guitar tabs off the internet
it was a fun subject though
These posts anger me greatly, though I am not entirely sure why.
I miss the times when I first started learning to code. I was so passionate about programming back then.
I had all these little ideas for programs I wanted to make, but not the skills to make them... now I've got the skills, but I forgot all my ideas and can't think of new ones.
I brought the counter past 1 million
I miss being a student... If only I could get my time back, I wouldn't fail this time for sure!
I can't post that here!
if i die,
20 years isn't that long really.
This will be the greatest 700GET ever to grace DQN!
Here is a picture of a cute girl wearing mittens.
Oh, this pic is pretty sugoi. Though her eyes colour and shape seems like tsundere's!
I wish I had someone to talk to
Though I have been using the chans for 8 years now, I have yet to dip my toes into the boorus or pixiv, which I guess is just Japanese devaintart.
I don't know why, I've just never bothered, plus pixiv is in Japanese so I can't navigate it.
Are any other dokyuns infiltrating the SAoVQ Minecraft server? If so, we should form some sort of nefarious cabal together and do semi-evil things.
Oh man, I might get to play video games with my little sister again.
I dunno about pixiv, but learning katakana can go along way in navigating the Japanese web, as long as you can figure that "ro gu i n" means "login." Also, rikaichan is a firefox add-on that lets you hover over Kanji and get their meaning in English, and their reading in hiragana. You've been on the chans for eight years, so you probably know all this. Whatever, better to at least try and help.
Strike all that: I've just been told that there's an English pixiv.
You have me!
I left chans many years ago! I'm not usual on *boorus, but pixiv is almost like my second home.
You don't need to know Japanese to use it. You can get all the character/series/whatever tags just by using Wikipedia. Just don't forget to turn R-18 browsing in site settings!
I remember somebody boasting about a VIP minecraft server here more than a year or two ago. I went there and did some eerie things like replacing chest labels with memes and putting a bed on the rooftop.
Is it the same server? Does it have tekkit or is there any chance to convince the owner to install this mod? If so, we could found an invisible base inside a dreadful mountain and build a terrifying automated mining machine that will lay VIPPER's villages and fortresses in ruins. The only drawback would be a giant inconspicuous trail leading back to us.
You don't need "rogue in" if have a huge big button near to two text fields!
I have my own server that is working fine and has a number of useful plugins. However the Us.to nameserver has just crashed and I don't want to hand out my IP address so you'll have to wait if you really want it.
I only like vanilla Minecraft because I hate change.
Nope, didn't know about Rikaichan. Thank you. It's pretty cool! But can it, or can I make it, show my what the individual is sound for the character I'm pointing at? I pointed at a few characters on /nihongo/ and it told me their definitions, but not how to say them. Or is there another addon that will do that?
It should show the hiragana readings for the kanji to the right. If you don't know hiragana I recommend learning, it's really not that difficult and there a billion tools and games for learning it online.
It's a new server, and it's pretty much entirely vanilla; no mods at all as far as I can tell. Main thread here:
I've set up an embassy to the West of spawn; feel free to use the farm or borrow some materials from there. And don't forget to come visit my shrine!
You doofi. Pixiv has an English version. Has for a while now.
Why won't you give us your IP, I thought we're friends.
You don't have to use stuff from any of the plugins. For example I used to play on a tekkit server where a couple of guys couldn't be arsed to learn TECHNOLOGY. They just did everything the oldskool way, whilst the rest of us enjoyed automation.
I use built-in translation service of Google Chrome and romaji.org for all my romanization needs.
We aren't going blatantly troll them by slaughtering the villagers, pillaging their belongings, and burning their houses down, are we? We shall outshine them by our splendid constructions, shan't we?
No-no, they decided to translate interface to a few different languages. The translation is incomplete and a bit awkward.
> We shall outshine them by our splendid constructions, shan't we?
But of course! That would be the most gentlemanly manner in which to show our dominance.
CDADDR? I hardly know ’er!
DQN, I want to read some Foucault but I don't know where to start. Any suggestions?
It feels like half of descriptions of both types apply to me. And the last two sections seem to be swapped.
Do I have ADD? Do I have ADHD? Encyclopedia Dramatica clearly diagnoses me with ADHD for having a lot of useless interests, knowing a bit about everything, being good at the internet, programming, playing Minecraft and etc.
And by "et cetera" I mean "never getting laid".
The legend of poo-tits.
Nevermind, random numbers god just diagnosed me with ADHD.
I forgot to mention that it might be some sort of generalized anxiety due to lack of sleep or lack of recent achievements, or because of something else.
Champagne for breakfast.
Never self-diagnose! It's unhealthy and unnecessary unless you can 100% confirm it actually degrades your life quality.
I believe in the machine and I know its name. Would that there were a mechanic equal to the task.
But I don't want to. It isn't like I'm doing this to stuff myself full of pills.
Gesgenga, wajaja, wajaja, kookoorookoorooooo
So, is anyDQN playing on VIP server? Or would I end up wandering along long-abandoned buildings if I join?
I just shoryuken'd myself over a losing in a video game. I think my jaw is dislocated.
Read about the symptoms of various psychological disorders and you'll end up thinking you have most of them. Reality is we're all a little crazy. Giving ourselves a label like ADHD might help us feel better about ourselves in the short term, but ultimately it's self-defeating. Don't self diagnose. It doesn't hurt to see a doctor. You don't have to take pills if you don't want to.
This is coming from someone who went through deep depression and had to take pills to make it out. The doctor convinced me to take them and I'm glad she did.
>psychological disorders
Oh no, there is a whitelist with IRC registration now! Everyone will learn my eye-pee and steal my stuff.
Please sage if you are not going to contribute meaningfully to a THREAD
I want to be somewhere dark and quiet.
I hate the stupid games you have to play to be social.
There's so much I don't know and I am confused by the choices I must make in life
Oh man, I could really go for some necrophilia right now.
Why isn't my waifu wearing mittens? Her hands'll get cold!
Doo doo doom
I wouldn't mind having this song stuck in my head so much if I actually knew the lyrics.
There should be a porn/humour comic with a masturbating muscular man (or minotaur for extra punnage) called Beef Strokinoff.
Silly girl, that's not how you tie a noose!
Where I come from, the adjective "altered", when applied to an animal, is used as a somewhat euphemistic synonym for "neutered." I cannot help but think of this every time the game title "Altered Beast" is mentioned.
Teenage Mutant Maria Toshokan?
There are about 3 people on this site right now
And me makes four!
Number Five here, reporting a full roster and all positions closed.
I'm Espeon and I'm #1 in this roster.
Now that I think about it, "more intricate than any spider's web" isn't saying much, but it's still damned terrifying.
nice beat
I have broken myself. Now what?
Hey, hey, mister! Which one of these is the least retarded in your opinion?
What a horrible dream.
I'm really excited to start this folk project with our band's drummer. I am so fucking tired of playing pop and indie rock.
>>759 aaa if the circles describe how to get from platform to platform by foot. bbb if they don't. but aaa is still kind of growing on me.
Well fuck you too, Sun.
it makes me kind of sad to think that robert has finally died
I released them.
Everything's fine, just keep screaming.
Rosa Rosa Rosa
Oh dibble dibble doo
Na nana na noklezoot
Why are the people I talk to ignoring me again?
And finally I shall use it as a DIODE not a REPEATER! I am the redstone wizard.
I'm desperately looking for a hug. Hello?
Thus I embarked on Minecraft adventure.
What would happen if Touhous said "Take it literally" instead of "Take it easy"?
Put up your calendar already, there's only six days left of January!
Will they return in greater numbers? I need a locksmith now. What if locksmith is a burglar too? What if he gives them a copy of the keys? I would like to move out to a cave and live like a hermit, thank you.
That actually felt like a randomly generated event. I'm even more convinced now that the world in which we live is noting but a large scale simulation.
Lolis with chainsaws are one of the best types of loli.
Lolis are shit
Madoka a shit.
Madoka's a loli.
I'm glad that Espeons aren't lolis!
dokyun a loli.
Wagahai wa loli de aru.
If only some more people joined minecraft to prove our superiority over VIPPERS. That server supports pirated clients, as far as I know...
Can't go wrong with Aquarius.
It's whitelisted though, I used a whitelisted name to get on since they don't have Xauth but it was rather bland and yncolonized, quite primitive really.
Using the web console I can set downSpeed and numFlakes to 300000 and have millions of mittons when I click the emergency mittens button.
Turns out the drummer and I make a really good team. Kinda wanna quit our band and just work with him.
I just realized. If I get a life sentence in a Scandinavian country I can be a hikki.
Join the IRC channel and there's a couple of commands to add yourself. I forget what exactly since I have no intention of playing either as a VIPPER or a DQN, but it's mentioned in the dedicated thread.
http://www.secretareaofvipquality.net/saovq/kareha.pl/1357842082/50,57 π-rating and whitelisting. Though there is some other useful stuff in the thread.
It's not VIP vs DQN or anything like that. Think of it as a bunch of guys trying to make this place look nicer.
Don't worry, I know! Re-reading it, what I said came off a bit snappy.
Life is good.
I want pretty fonts, but the configuration is just one more thing I have to keep track of.
Rosebud frozen peas, full of country goodness and green peaness.
In my third year oh college I get to go to Japan!!
I didn't mean to have sage there, curse you, cookies.
Also I just found this out today and I am in SUCH a great mood!
I get to go for the same rate as any college in the state since Michigan and Japan get that perk.
The Hydrogen Konata.
I will make her unfit for marriage!
I know a guy who was doing that!
Unfortunately for him, that was two years ago. Royally fucked over his credits and all that.
someone just suggested I google my name + The Hedgehog
holy fuck what's wrong with people?
They are subhuman! Slaughter them all!
I could go to Tesco at midnight and get some orange juice, but that's exactly what the capitalists want.
I'm so sick of this language.
I'm so fucking sick of this language.
Wait a minute... Laguna was Squall's dad? What?
I need to study but I don't want to have to get up. I've been in bed all day and it's 21:30... I think I also need to eat but if I don't move I don't feel hungry. Complete inactivity will solve all of mankind's problems.
eat a penis
Is hoot muself
I wonder what Freud would have to say about waifuism.
Surpassing childhood is hardly a great achievement.
>>823 Surpassing childhood without horrendously fucking up the entire rest of your life is.
It's selvedge, baby!
Occasionally, it feels good to be hated.
Somebody is extremely generous.
I suppose a generic keyboard mash would do a reasonably good job of conveying my current thought.
There's devices that can detect a camera's lenses already... Couple that with a portable, concealable EMP generator that sended a very small, directed EMP towards detected cameras with at least a 50 meters range, and...
>>832 And you're carrying a pretty heavy backpack and satellite dish around with you everywhere.
Or just sew LEDs into your clothing that cause starburst effects in cameras and you cannot be seen.
Most cameras pick up either UV or infrared as well as visible light.
Actually there are "privacy glasses" already in development that place a bunch of LEDs around your eye area. I'm unsure whenever this blinds the camera or tricks face recognition software.
Also, some hackers say that twisting your head like 15-30 degrees to the side also makes your face unrecognizable. But they probably said that to laugh at gullible people in public. That's something that >>333 of another thread would do.
If they pick up UV rays they will have so much noise from the sun that the the reflection that is you is basically worthless, if it's IR rays it's worthless too since that's just your heat signature, LEDs create a halo that when recorded causes a starburst effect through the entire visible spectrum it is really a crippling blow to the cameras, however it's rather obvious and if someone sees you they will say "hey, that guys clothing is covered in Light Emitting Diodes, he is probably trying to evade the police, let me call them.
They're all either near-IR or near-visible. because you see light in a much fuzzier band than cameras, they'd appear very faint to humans but very bright to a camera.
I could go home...
I hate you, Michael.
Well fuck you too, David.
Biblical names are ugly
Biblical names are fine. It's nice to have a status quo. If you name your children "John" or "David" then you have my respect for not choosing to use your child as a fashion statement. If you name your child "Ziggurat" or "Moonsphere" then you are a terrible parent.
Obviously there's a grey area, but I'm saying it's nice to have a handy list of things that are inoffensive and won't cause your children to get bullied. There are non-Biblical and unusual names like this, but naming children has become this big thing. Go to any bookstore and you will find dozens of books on how you should name your daughter "Starchild" if you want to inspire wonderment in her, or "Boulder" if you want her to have a +2 to strength. I wouldn't mind so much, except it's actually harmful to the children.
I don't know. Of course it's not as clear-cut as "you name your child 'Matthew' or you name him 'Azathoth'", but I certainly have a strong respect for people who just take it easy and don't try to treat naming their kids as a competition to see who is the specialest snowflake.
The color blue and the number 6
It has been 7093 days since the end of the rise of Usenet. Somehow in it's new relative obscurity it has actually recovered to a point from eternal september, only people who are there and are willing to try to keep up as they did 7093 days ago and before stayed. No matter how destructive the enemy it's possible to wait them out.
My synaesthesia informs me that the number six is in fact dark red.
My penis informs me that it's time to download some fresh porn.
>>855 it was old 3d glasses left on a windowsill in the sun for a very long time, months and months
>>852 I always thought names like that were supposed to be unique and special, but it's a cultural thing and they just mean things like "smiling one" or "beautiful one", similar to some western names
Create your own Germanic name, DQN!
Thursday is brown, Wednesday is green.
Well that was silly, wasn't it?
This "Monsjazz" remix is surprisingly addicting.
And, out of the corner of my beady little eye, I spied a spot of organic chemistry!
I made an organic chemistry in your mum.
I want a thread where we speak in faux Middle English.
I would an thread purposely we were disuse language.
And respond in a form that perverts the flow of conversation of the thread.
I'm swinging in the park. I'm swinging in the park! I'M SWINGING IN THE PARK!
I should probably just grab skies and go outside. I haven't left my house for about a month and a half.
Skies? I meant skis.
Sky's the limit! Grab your money, learn how to drive, get yourself a cheap car and get into racing! It would surely teach some extreme driving and important mechanical skills!
Not street racing, because it's dumb and retarded, but something like a local version of BTRDA.
To whom it may concern:
It's as if a space alien heard that Earthlings have this weird thing called "humour" and wanted to try it out without really understanding it.
You know, the terrible thing about a black hole is that it never really finishes eating you. Like the spiral, you'll never reach the center.
There's a couple of dark bits in the bottom right corner of 1.gif at the top of the page and it's really got my goat
light bulbs and blonde chicks
Life is not a palindrome.
I miss sovietrussia's food board, i want to talk about the toastie i made
I miss sovietrussia's circles board. I wonder if anyone ever watched the Look Around You video I posted.
>>893 i didn't see it there but i have probably seen it before, i loved look around you
People all look much the same once skeletonised.
Spooky scary skeletons.
Damn, it smells like a poo in my room even with a window open.
My mind is fucked, I know how to fix it, and yet I don't.
900 GET
Captcha: cafe
when you turn off the eurobeat after several hours of listening to it, the silence seems so clean
Either I don't have to pretend at all any more, or I have to pretend more than ever.
Perhaps murdering people would bring me closer to my waifu.
I should get off Channel 4 and do my application.
I'm sure there's all sorts of things that have fallen through the cracks like that.
i shouldn't be doing this, but its fun.
My nipples get su wrinkly when they're col
Rape an Ape
I have "Having An Average Weekend" stuck in my head
But a moment,
woke no droopy
I hunger... for LUNCH
I'd better be careful not to accidentally turn into a psychologist.
Is it just me or do these threads fill up quicker and quicker?
Flagellum doesn't even seem like a real word.
It's probably just me chatting with myself without a tripcode. I do it sometimes.
I have at least three essays I ought to be writing right now.
Who's the cutest AA character? My vote goes to the sleeping salmon which may or may not be smoked or salted.
the haunted vagina
I can't tell if I'm oversleeping, depressed, or just plain tired anymore. NEET life ain't for everyone
Drown in festivities~
I hate meeting people I like because that's more people to worry about when there's a huge earthquake here.
Well, that keystone certainly makes things more interesting.
What browser/OS? Do you have monafont installed? http://monafont.sourceforge.net/index-e.html
On most of my computers I need to install monafont, but on my Firefox/Win7 box that I am currently typing this from I did not need to install anything.
So I was watching NHK English and they were interviewing the guy who makes One Piece and they in the background they had an American girl punk rock song from the 90's playing.
Oh Japan, why do you love us so? We nuked you. Twice.
Chrome/7 and yes, I do have Monafont installed. Could it be my browser's encoding?
finally, baskotion has left us.
Ai rabu yuuuuuuuuuuuu!
I remember building one of those in Roller Coaster Tycoon once, as a hedge maze. I found it hilarious how people still got lost in it.
I must go BACK to the REFLECTION.
I wonder what happened to coasterchan.
Uhm, well it's possible. Un-install monafont, install Firefox, re-install monafont, then look at the AA board in both Chrome and Firefox. Then tell us if it works.
The AA works. It's just that specific example. The accents don't combine with the eyes.
Actually the image you're missing is not the accents it's a floating multiplication symbol that looks like a large period.
You need UTF8 support.
DQN is served as Shift_JIS.
Go into your browser's font settings (you know, the ones with colours and stuff you haven't cared about since the 90s) and set everything Japanese to be Mona.
Chrome on Winders doesn't like combining accents with just any old character willy-nilly, it seems. I get the same results there, whereas it looks just fine in Exploder 9. You can even copy and paste the character, delete the combining accent and see the KATAKANA HALFWIDTH MIDDLE DOT just fine.
What this all really means, though, is that you, >>932, should just stick with today's special.
His eyes show up now, but they still don't combine with the eyebroes
I kinda find it endearing when AA looks a bit misaligned.
Stop staring at me!
So, wait, if I am understanding this correctly, Chrome can't render all standard fonts correctly just because couple are being using in the same space? No way. It's like, a standard. How could one of the major browsers even be a major browser if it can't even do that right.
That's because they're doctors glasses and not eyebrows.
WebKit can't even load favicons properly. If you have an icon file with a 16x16 icon, it instead smushes down the 32x32 version to 16x16 (which looks awful).
Maybe this was fixed recently, I don't know, but it's funny to me how people are worried about this space race of supporting the latest enterprise HTML5 Web app worker storage wizardry, when simple things like this have been broken for years.
>it's funny to me how people are worried about this space race of supporting the latest enterprise HTML5 Web app worker storage wizardry, when simple things like this have been broken for years
Two words: Soviet Union.
Seamonkey = USA
Opera = Soviet Union
Firefox = China
Chrome = Canada
Ace fuckin $AP
Their space program wasn't all that great during the cold war.
Speaking of which why hasn't the cold war policies banning encryption exporting been lifted?
Drawing is difficult.
I don't think I'll see 2014
If I have the pleasure of starting the tenth iteration of this thread, I am totally going to omit the full stop in the thread title.
In Canada?
I thought Canada was one of the few places where that was okay. The OpenBSD team organize hackathons there because they can't legally work on crypto software in the USA (or something dumb).
>WebKit can't even load favicons properly. If you have an icon file with a 16x16 icon, it instead smushes down the 32x32 version to 16x16 (which looks awful).
Lol that blows.
Doraegon Ball? Doragonmon? Doraemon Ball?
It works just fine in OS X. It’s probably a Windows rendering quirk. Well, I’m not about to crack out the old GDI++ just to see what happens, but I wouldn’t put it past any developer to make bad assumptions about Unicode; it’s just too damn complex for everyone to get it perfect.
Dammit Gail, I like trees!
INFP is the way of tanasinn...
I'm going to add more full stops if I start the next chapter of this thread,
I am going to start the next chapter of this thread if you add or remove full stops from it.
I'll post in CHAPTER TEN regardless of how many full stops are in the title!
There we have it, folks: vicarious masochism.
x2x is neat. I'm typing from over there!
Do you ever wonder about the use of the word "mature" to describe the not-for-kids elements in video games, when a lot of them are actually pretty darn puerile?
Sweet Jesus, I am so fucking tired.
1969 in the sunshine
An artist? No, I'm a painter.
Wear your hatred on your sleeves; there's plenty of room for it.
Oh my fuck I am so thirsty. All I want is some water and there's none.
===== (^ w^)===
I can't imagine no access to water. It always seems to be somewhere. I hope it rains where you are.
I'm scared of the future.
Already, the sapling dreams of its final bloom.
I'm quite sure I've enough time today both to dress up like a little girl and to finish my essay on complexometric titrations. Hell, I could even do them at the same time...
Will I miss out on a great deal if I jump right into Phantasy Star IV, having not played the first 3?
I have the Kamichu! ED stuck in my head again.
Space Harrier is great! The first level is called MOOT haha
My bumhole's itchy.