You see, the most amazing thing is that this isn't even the first time that my home has been invaded by break dancing ocelots.
A casual sex? I have never had even a regular one!
What if I'm the mental one?
I can wait.
I'll go down to the meadow at 3AM and scream until my throat hurts. But why? In frustration? To deny the very existence of the unpleasantries that have driven me to this point? No, for I love these as I love every facet of my life. Thus I shall scream for no reason at all.
If I sit here long enough, they'll stop knocking.
So why don't I give up, anyway?
Inb4 all unprotected wi-fi routers get wiped out in the US.
My darling little brick-fish-cat-baby.
I hate my Shrekonomics class. It's driving me ogre the edge!
That sounds nice.
There are so many times when I see something on textboards that look like it would be in a black textbox of a manga which it is the main characters inner monologue.
Woah, I never noticed that advertisement on the front page before.
Fixing a stupid error took the solving time down from 14 seconds to 2 seconds! And it's probably more correct too, which is always nice! haha this is great! Come and play DQN?
I just turned 24!
That's it! No food until you've finished that essay!
How do I unlearn dumbed-down silly American English and learn British instead?
I'll substitute your face with a bloodied pulp!
Join British forums (if there are any any more)! Change your computer's default language! Move to England!
Change your browser's language to English UK. If it has a spellchecker, it will help you Anglicise yourself.
Take in heavy loads of Arab dick until you feel sufficiently British
Chip Cheezum is adorable
What if everyone was a Snatcher?
Funnily enough, the Oxford English Dictionary recommends -ize (e.g. Anglicize). -ize goes back over 500 years and isn't an Americanism like most people believe.
Poor Youmu! I didn't want to make her cry.
>>175 I don't know if I'll ever be able to bring myself to use -ize
I haven't been to the Superstructure for months. I must have missed two or three of these threads. I'm not sure whether to feel good or bad about this.
I rather dislike the words “coding” and “gamer”.
Calling yourself a ‘gamer’ is like proclaiming you're a ‘fan of music’, and if you're ‘gaming’ rather than ‘playing computer games’ you're probably giving a little too much merit to a not-uncommon hobby. Contrast with pro gamer, where ‘gaming’ actually produces an income and provides entertainment for observers.
Also, the act of ‘coding’ as opposed to programming makes it sound like you're bashing away at your keyboard and coincidentally producing text that resembles a computer program, rather than thinking about what you are doing and then programming the computer to solve a problem. It kind of implies you're not actually planning on running the program at the end, you're just producing code. In a professional setting, the distinction becomes that a code monkey codes and a software developer programs - one is a distinctly more cerebral and respectable career; the other is a job right at the bottom of the chain.
I agree but I can never express this without sounding bitter.
After all, game players (awkward) do have their own subculture, even if it's an annoying one they don't deserve.
The eternal Sunday sale [DFS]
How many supersecret text boards are out there?
I'm going to the store to buy short pants and melatonin. I am so happy about that.
I wonder if they're talking about that new Firefox OS developer phone....
>>187 how do I get one from them? Do I have to pretend that I am a developer who is going to develop... stuff?
D'oh, just realized that's the point.
Lack of links in thoughts can be confusing sometimes...
I don't feel I think
I think >>191 meant "Something that I do not feel is the fact that I think" so everyone is okay here.
I don't like pringles.
Is there a broken <div> tag on this page?
I dunno man but I want one. I'll be installing FFOS on my phone once it's done though.
This is simply what I pay for my transgressions. Don't worry about me.
I want to tell everyone I know about this website but I can't. It's not like they'd really care anyway.
Why? It's going to be yet another platform that looks like everything else, but without any decent. To make things worse, HTML5, whilst making app developing easier and being native on FFOS, just screams SLOOOOOOOOOW.
Just get yourself a decent UI or theme for Android and get over it.
I really want Xiaomi Mi2 which has incredible hardware for its price and great-looking customizable MIUI, but I'm so unsure because you have to buy it from Chinese resellers.
Please stop abbreviating Firefox as FF. The preferred term is Fx or fx. Thank you.
So what will make Firefox OS any better than any other software that runs on a phone? Is it just to desaturate the market a little?
It's a fox and it's on fire, so it's FF.
Fx means forex or effects.
I miss the old "ITT you post right now [ASAP] your current thought" thread...
>>203 Actually it would be best to call it "The Mozilla stand alone browser package" since it is just the inferior version of Seamonkey/the Mozilla browser bundle and the old netscape browser bundle on which both are based.
> 8. How do I spell Firefox? How do I abbreviate it?
> Firefox is spelled F-i-r-e-f-o-x - only the first letter capitalized (i.e. not FireFox, not Foxfire, FoxFire or whatever else a number of folk seem to think it to be called.) The preferred abbreviation is "Fx" or "fx".
What this all really means, though, is that you, >>1, should just stick with Mosaic.
There's nothing like waking up really early, like at 4 AM, and having a beer. I think I might set my alarm for 4 AM, wake up and have a beer.
>The preferred abbreviation is "Fx" or "fx"
Preferred by the devs, not the general FF using public.
I thereby change the browser's acronym from "FF" to "MSA Bro-Pa".
Okay, great, now you've proven your superiority, can we get on with the thread?
I wish the Earth had more than one moon.
I probably consume WAY too much sugar, but fuck off cutting down any time soon!
There are few things as satisfying as decieving someone without telling them any lies.
I wish I was addicted to something.
I keep thinking about all the things I'll never experience in my lifetime and it makes me sad.
Is it true that "cunt" is the most offensive word in British English and "nigger" is the most offensive in American English?
Dammit, I had that twelve minute window as well.
"Silence is screaming", you say? Couldn't've put it better myself.
returns the first n number of posts
returns n number of random posts
returns the last n posts
returns post n and all posts quoting it
Are there more?
So why the sapphire, anyway?
Don't forget the possibility of combining numbers with commas and dashes, which even have the ability to count backwards.,56-53,r4
By the time Pricilla put the Al Green on, the bottle was gone.
Emesis, screaming and crying are not my domain.
I could totally make amazing things on a tablet.
Don't kid yourself darling; that was not a lifestyle choice, that was what we call "running away".
Relieving myself, I found my new Internet moniker.
I forgot how much I love Oldboy! it's been long enough since I last saw it that I only remembered it vaguely so it was an almost-new experience again. I don't like to watch films too much.
Actually, I noticed my urine was distinctly darker than it is usually. Probably because I've been concentrating so much recently.
If you take a Vitamin B supplement, your pee will be bright yellow, especially if you don't hydrate yourself properly.
I'm just a little boy in a vast universe.
Librarian mode activated.
I wonder if paedosexuality is fine yet.
You can't be a human and a necrophiliac.
Pricilla's in the kitchen, she's mixing drinks. She's mixing one for me I think. And one for Mary Ellen and one for Jane. Pricilla knows how to use a shaker.