[Contentless] ITT you post right now [ASAP] your current thought[Brains] [Thinking] [Personal] [#10] (999)

699 Name: ( ˃ ヮ˂) : 1993-09-7160 00:51

First world problems, >>696. Apparently you got the attention of some politically correct brainwashed idiots who've never had to work a day in their lives, who've never missed a meal in their lives, who've never had to go without medical treatment, who've never seen violence or threats of violence except on TV and in the movies, believe they're being oppressed. You hit all the right notes to push the buttons of thousands of angry unattractive fat Womyn's Studies majors with daddy issues (but I repeat myself) and get donations from them.

As an aside, at this point I should think that anyone with the faintest grasp of historical perspective would know whether he's being oppressed or not. To anyone reading this who might still be unclear on the question: are you in a gulag, with guard towers and barbed wire and guards with orders to shoot to kill should you fail to obey commands or attempt escape? No? Then you're not being oppressed, and you can shut your fucking piehole and stop being a whiny goddamned attentionwhore, thanks. You can go back to whining about the "patriarchy" now, but it's not going to make Daddy love you.

Speaking of oppression and First World problems, while we've been having this conversation four or five people with IQs higher than mine or yours died of starvation in a gutter somewhere in India.

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