[MYSTERY] Murder Mystery Thread [MURDER] (117)

1 Name: ( ˃ ヮ˂) : 1993-09-7113 00:07

Oh no, >>0 has been murdered!

>>2, inspect the body and tell us what you find. I've phoned for a detective; he should be here some time around >>8. In the mean time, >>3-7, come up with some theories!

3 Name: ( ˃ ヮ˂) : 1993-09-7113 00:27

The body is missing its left buttock. However, the resulting wound was not fatal because all the blood had been already sucked off in an unknown way.

Judging by the presence of a penis and a beard, the deceased was a middle-aged white male.

4 Name: ( ˃ ヮ˂) : 1993-09-7113 00:32

I say, either >>2 or >>3 is a liar. I say, one of them is a murder.

5 Name: ( ˃ ヮ˂) : 1993-09-7113 01:04

There's a red "D" written on the wall. It smells like blood...

6 Name: ( ˃ ヮ˂) : 1993-09-7113 01:05

A D made of blood. Blood D. Bloody! The murderer must have been British!

7 Name: ( ˃ ヮ˂) : 1993-09-7113 01:37

It is not a "D", it is a rather hastily written "O". Blood-O! The murderer is clearly a clumsy American.

8 Name: DETECTIVE : 1993-09-7113 02:04

A bloodless body, a missing buttstock, a D made of blood...

I'll check his pockets. There's a keyring with a lambda-shaped key and a USB flash drive... A copy of SICP... A wallet with some money... That's all.

Now, while we wait for the rest of the police to arrive, I'd like to interrogate you, >>1-4,6-7. Tell me your whereabouts in the hotel before >>1 discovered the body.

9 Name: Minister of Environment : 1993-09-7113 03:31

Hello, I am the minister of the environment. You have to abandon this case now and work on reducing the carbon footprint of the British national train system.

10 Name: DETECTIVE : 1993-09-7113 03:59

Minister of environment,
I am the claws and teeth of the queen.
Why have you rolled me into this sorrow,
So that I have no abiding place?

Minister of environment,
I am the taloned soldier of the queen.
Why have you rolled me into this sorrow,
So that there is no end of my toils?

Minister of environment,
You have indeed acted without discrimination.
Why have you rolled me into this sorrow,
So that my lolis have to do all the labour of cooking?

11 Name: Minister if Interior : 1993-09-7113 04:45

Enough of this nonsense, it is clar that this matter must be handled in a timely manner as to protect the Tsar's authority. I will schedule the trial for >>23, arrest whomever you please and I shall se to it he gets the Hyuukah in true San Loreznian fashion.

12 Name: ( ˃ ヮ˂) : 1993-09-7113 06:42

I was eating a bowl at Yoshinoya at 1993-09-7112 from 16:23 - 04:47

13 Name: DETETIVE : 1993-09-7113 12:01

>>12 What did you order?

14 Name: ( ˃ ヮ˂) : 1993-09-7113 12:08

I'd just gotten home from an evening under the moon with my favourite loli. I opened the front door to the Elitist Superstructure and there was a corpse right there on the floor!

I paced back and forth muttering "Doushiou!" a few times, released the emergency mittens to calm my nerves, and eventually decided to phone for a detective. Then >>2-7 showed up.

15 Name: ( ˃ ヮ˂) : 1993-09-7113 15:15

>>13 Is an impostor! This horrible DETETIVE has hidden the real DETECTIVE from us somewhere! I bet he's the murderer!

16 Name: ( ˃ ヮ˂) : 1993-09-7113 15:50


17 Name: DETETIVE : 1993-09-7113 16:11

I'll see you suckers at >>21! Good luck arresting me without your precious DETECTIVE!

18 Name: ( ˃ ヮ˂) : 1993-09-7113 16:20

WHOOPS! Almost forgot to kill >>12!
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19 Name: ( ˃ ヮ˂) : 1993-09-7113 17:33

Look, he's using a syringe to drain all of >>12's blood! He must be the killer! Somebody, quick, check the first body for a needlestick!

20 Name: Minister of Health : 1993-09-7113 19:44

There are no needle marks on >>0, however there is a gaping bee sting and a note that reads "I'll bet that the unholy citadel had a hand in this".
No idea what it means.

21 Name: ( ˃ ヮ˂) : 1993-09-7113 19:48

>>11 Isn't the minister of interior either, he's the minister if interior, I'll bet he was inside >>0's body.

22 Name: ( ˃ ヮ˂) : 1993-09-7113 22:31

I bet police ain't gonna help us. We gotta solve this ourselves if we wanna have this murder solved. Let's lynch somebody!

23 Name: Minister if Interior : 1993-09-7113 23:20

Well? Who is the killer? The trial is supposed to be on now and you have no suspect. I'm going to have to say that the Tsar will be disappointed greatly. It's probably best that the DETECTIVE skip town until he forgets about it if he doesn't want his fingers fed to a snake.

24 Name: ( ˃ ヮ˂) : 1993-09-7113 23:41

Hmm. Who but the killer would want to discourage further investigation?

25 Name: Minister of Waterways Management : 1993-09-7114 00:15

I'll bet it was the minister of winter clothing, he's always hanging around unwanted.

26 Name: Minister of Kobithe : 1993-09-7114 11:06

the Minister of Waterways management seems oddly suspicious...

27 Name: Det. Sgt. Helpful : 1993-09-7114 15:07

From my painstaking research of other threads, I have established that the Minister of Kobithe either did or did not murder >>0 of either this or possibly some other thread.

28 Name: Minister of Ministry Organization : 1993-09-7114 17:56

We will have to appoint a new ministry and hold a special election to fill the post for this investigation.

29 Name: Minister of Ministers : 1993-09-7114 20:20

Anything I need to know about here gentleman?

30 Name: Minister of Winter Clothing : 1993-09-7114 21:31

Yes. >>25 is making unfounded accusations.

31 Name: Minister of Monsters : 1993-09-7114 22:04

Maybe the killer was a m-m-m-MONSTER!

32 Name: Minister of Creative Masturbation : 1993-09-7114 22:16

maybe >>0 masturbated himself to death...

33 Name: Det. Sgt. Helpful : 1993-09-7114 23:09

I realised something and ran back as fast as I could! I think >>0 was murdered!

34 Name: ( ˃ ヮ˂) : 1993-09-7114 23:28

Pah, blatant anti-monster propaganda! Not all of us monsters are murderers, you know; some of us choose only to frighten or cause inconvenience to humans. Show some respect!

35 Name: Minister of Monsters : 1993-09-7114 23:44

M-m-m-monster! Run for your lives!

36 Name: ANGRY POLICE CAPTAIN : 1993-09-7115 00:36

Meanwhile, in the police station


37 Name: Stiff Drink : 1993-09-7115 00:48

Leave me the FUCK alone.

38 Name: ( ˃ ヮ˂) : 1993-09-7115 01:01

@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@ ΘΘ
@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@ ƒ~߁Ν߁Gœc Wake up Detective, the angry police captain wants a word.
@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@ ƒά^R-A_QƒmRƒm |
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@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@ ƒ~߁Ν߁Gœc Detective?
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@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@ ƒ~߁Ν߁Gœc ...
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@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@ ƒ~ ߁Νί œc He's dead!
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39 Name: Minister of Titles : 1993-09-7115 04:29

The thread title is wrong, it should be Murder Ministry Thread.

40 Name: ANGRY POLICE CAPTAIN : 1993-09-7115 04:30

\( ί„Dº)\₯ζ. BANG
( ί„Dºˆ. Oh g-god...I've been shot...tell my wife...I can't make it to the play tonight...
( x„txˆ.
( x„txˆ.

41 Name: Stiff Drink : 1993-09-7115 04:38



42 Name: Minister of Tanasinn : 1993-09-7115 04:49

I will have to ask you all to stop thinking, feeling.

43 Name: ( ˃ ヮ˂) : 1993-09-7115 16:50

Why are you so happy, >>38? Huh?

44 Name: Murderer : 1993-09-7115 17:18


45 Name: Determined Police Officer : 1993-09-7115 17:53

>>44 There he is! Get him!

46 Name: Minister of Crime Support : 1993-09-7115 18:01

no don't

47 Name: Minister of Second Guessing : 1993-09-7115 18:26

Now wait, this may not be our murderer. This could be the standard run-of-the-mill murderer. He may have even served his time already!

48 Name: Minister of Ritualistic Murders : 1993-09-7115 18:40

He's certainly not one of my employees, he isn't even wearing a robe or carrying a ceremonial knife.

49 Name: Minister of Loli Watching : 1993-09-7115 19:28

I think we should check the USB flash drive found in >>0's pocket.


The files are encrypted; it asks for a password.


50 Name: Password : 1993-09-7115 19:30

Pssst. I'm "sordid."

51 Name: Det. Sgt. Helpful : 1993-09-7115 20:38

I think the password is sordid!

52 Name: Minister of Password Entering and File Opening : 1993-09-7115 20:56

Hmm... There are a number of directories... one is labelled "porn," another is labelled "cool links," and another is labelled "vacation".

Since I'm not involved in the Ministry of Directory Opening, this is out of my power to investigate... However, there are two files.


I'll open the pdf:
The system cannot find the file specified.

hmm... I guess I'll open the txt then.

Oh my, it seems to be in code. Can I get the Ministry of Decoding on the line?

Here's the file:


(out of character: Yes this is a real code! It shouldn't be too difficult if you are familiar with computer codes. Don't give up if it doesn't look right at first... just give it a second and all should be clear!)

53 Name: Minister of Decoding : 1993-09-7115 21:21

Quickly, let's get some bagels! And call the Ministry of Straight Priorities!

54 Name: Dramaqueen of DQN : 1993-09-7115 22:38

Disbanded! The entire government is disbanded! Go away, silly ministers!

Now, solve the crime or face fifteen years in dungeon!

55 Name: Minister of Antidisistablishmentarianism : 1993-09-7116 00:23

I'm afraid you don't have the power to do that. No one will be usurping this administration anytime soon.

56 Name: Dramaqueen of DQN : 1993-09-7116 01:11

To the dungeon with you! Guard, seize him!

Now, all ex-ministers, go and solve the crime. No administrative positions until the crime is solved!

57 Name: King Potsy 45 45 90 : 1993-09-7116 01:21

Knock that shit off. Don't listen to this lunatic. Continue the ministering.

58 Name: Ministers Smoopy minister : 1993-09-7116 01:44

Okay, let's review what we know about the murderer:

  • He murdered >>0, filled >>0's corpse with rubbish, drained his blood and removed one of his buttocks.
  • On killing >>0, he left a D or possibly an O on the wall, and may or may not have left something encrypted on a USB drive in >>0's pocket.
  • He probably also murdered >>12, the Detective, and the Angry Police Captain.
  • Each victim was killed in a different way; >>12 by poison, the Detective in his sleep, and the Angry Police Captain with a gun.
  • From the one image we have of him (>>18) we can see that he looks sort of like Squeeks without his poop hat.
  • >>44 and DETETIVE are likely either the murderer or decoys deployed by the murderer.

I propose that we perform autopsies of the other corpses and then start rounding up witnesses and suspects.

>>59, if you'd be so kind, inspect >>12's body; >>60, inspect the Detective, and >>61, the Angry Police Captain.

59 Name: Minister of Autopsy : 1993-09-7116 02:06

From the examination of >>12's body I have found 3 bone knives, 2 bone masks, a poorly written letter professing his love for his little sister, a number of Russian text only encrypted traffic terminals, 142 rivets, 0 liters of blood, 1 meter of syringe sticking out his back, and a sticky note on his head that reads "No real than you are, the murder is " but the bottom is ripped off and a small phone in his pocket that has nothing but a tanasinn symbol on it.

60 Name: ( ˃ ヮ˂) : 1993-09-7116 18:17

He... he's still alive, barely! He seems to have suffered some blunt trauma to the back of his head, and has been bleeding fairly badly. In my professional opinion as a doctor or some such, I'd say he'll probably regain consciousness somewhere around >>64.

61 Name: Impatient Man : 1993-09-7120 17:23

>>64 is taking a while... and you guys still haven't solved this case?

62 Name: Minister of World Domination Planning : 1993-09-7120 20:50

I'll inspect the Angry Police Captain's body... There's a Police Captain Special revolver, the keys of the police station, and a drawing of the police station. It seems that there's a tunnel network that passes underneath it...

63 Name: Pansi : 1993-09-7120 21:17

I want to do something!

64 Name: DETECTIVE : 1993-09-7120 21:32

...the.... unholy....

.....6ch!- coughs up blood

65 Name: Minister of Beekeeping : 1993-09-7121 04:10

He obviously is talking about /VIP/ on 4chan. The murder must be there and not in some sort of citadel.

66 Name: Minister of Relevance (Current mood: Antsy) : 1993-09-7121 04:23

What the hell do you know about crime solving! Get the hell out of here!

67 Name: Minister of Moods : 1993-09-7121 08:00

Hold on >>66, you forgot to change your mood this morning! Here, take this dose of "flirty."

68 Name: Minister of Relevance (Current mood: Flirty) : 1993-09-7121 09:27

Who are you to tell me how I'm feeling? How 'bout you show me your credentials. ;)

69 Name: Dramaqueen of DQN : 1993-09-7121 10:26


70 Name: Minister of Quiet : 1993-09-7121 15:28


71 Name: Minister of Loud Noises : 1993-09-7121 18:57


72 Name: Det. Sgt. Helpful : 1993-09-7121 19:09

The Angry Police Captain has been shot!

73 Name: ( ˃ ヮ˂) : 1993-09-7121 22:04

Seriously though, >>22 had the right idea. Everybody grab your pitchforks and let's go invade the Unholy Citadel!

Disclaimer: any proposed invasion should take the form seen in our previous attempted invasion of another website. In particular, see here.

74 Name: Video Gainer : 1993-09-7122 00:55

No, let's make weird Portal 2 co-op maps!

75 Name: Minister of Bees : 1993-09-7122 00:59

Why? This is clearly a conspiracy to attack the unholy citadel, they have not really done anything to us. Also since they are not Elitists and instead simply have eternity on our side time does not pass there so we would never be able to return.

76 Name: Minister of Peace : 1993-09-7122 01:45

Oh, we will just slaughter them all and build DQN anew. It would be even more Elitist.

77 Name: Minister of The River Styx : 1993-09-7122 04:07

But the unholy citadel is nearly the same as DQN, but dead. It's where dead DQN go.

78 Name: Minister of Chickens : 1993-09-7122 04:40

BawbAWWWK! Brawk bawk bok bok bok baBRARARKKRAUCK!

79 Name: Irritated Private Eye : 1993-09-7122 05:48

*The Ministers were clowning around as if we were in a three ring murder circus. A minister for every animal, mineral, and vegetable. Something about that Minister of Murder struck me the wrong way. He was as shady as a palm tree on a tropical island. He seemed like the only one able to keep quiet in this madhouse.

What's my stake in this case? A personal connection with the victim? A sense of moral obligation? A penchant for solving crimes? No. Self interest. If I didn't solve this case my career would be as dead as the Grandpa.*

It looks like there's a note in >>0's coat pocket. It seems to be a romantic letter.

80 Name: Minister of Conspiracy Theories : 1993-09-7122 06:00

It's a lie! >>0 never existed in the first place! It's all a big government cover up!

81 Name: Minister of Decoding : 1993-09-7122 06:14

What are you fools doing? Did anybody ever get those bagels? Has anybody called the Minister of Ministries in here to sort out the other demands?

Since the answer to all those questions is 'no' I'm guessing our ministry forgot to release the decoded message in >>52 to the public. Well, here it is:

"Nice job decoding, it seems that at least one ministry can do their job correctly.

Anyway, yes I killed >>0. And I will kill again. >>89. I will kill >>89, and there is nothing you can do to stop it.

However if:

You have not decoded this by >>75, I WILL kill more. I MAY even decide to kill more if you HAVE decoded it by >>75! That's how much of a psycho I am!

Anyway, if you want to stop me from killing altogether (Except >>89. >>89 is good as dead already), I have a few demands that need to be met. Deliver these demands to the Minster of Ministries.

  1. Dissolve the Ministry of Keeping the People Down
  2. Dissolve the Ministry of Destroying the Environment
  3. Create the Ministry of Helping Others
  4. Give me four bagels, with cream cheese, at >>78

You have been warned,
Murderer of >>0"

82 Name: Ministry of Poultry Communications : 1993-09-7122 06:19

Hello, >>81, there's no need to stress out. All is not quite lost. For the ministry of decoding it seems you're completely helpless when it comes to decoding chicken, or else you would have known that >>78 said,

"Hello sirs and madams, I brought the bagels and cream cheese you asked for. I hope that the murderer finds it quite to her or his satisfcation."

83 Name: Ministry of Doubt : 1993-09-7122 07:14

How do I know you're not just making all this up!

84 Name: Minister of Assassination : 1993-09-7122 14:05

I have received a report from the assassins that I send after >>0's murderer. They inform me that they followed their trail to the tunnel network that connects the Superstructure with the Unholy Citadel. It seems that the murderer may have entered the Citadel...

I don't know about the authenticity of the message that >>81 decoded, but I'm sure that >>89's death has been avoided, for now.

85 Name: The Rat : 1993-09-7122 17:38

I don't know who murdered >>0, but >>87 killed JFK. I thought you might be interested.

86 Name: Minister of Ignorance : 1993-09-7123 04:35

JF who?

87 Name: Central Intelligence Agency : 1993-09-7123 05:23

Just dropping in.

88 Name: Minister of Confidence : 1993-09-7123 11:00

Don't worry, I'm sure he's telling the truth.

89 Name: Minister of Bagels : 1993-09-7123 11:04

The murderer needs to be stopped at all costs!
gets shot

90 Name: Enda O'Ryan : 1993-09-7123 23:37

I'm not the murderer, I was just passing by.

91 Name: Minister of Cream Cheese : 1993-09-7125 03:48

Well, this is going to be bad for business.

92 Name: Minister of Death : 1993-09-7133 03:23

I'll bet he fled to the [CYOA] threads >>37, we will catch him there!

93 Name: ( ˃ ヮ˂) : 1993-09-7134 10:27

You son of a witch! I'm going to tuck you up!

94 Name: Minister of Time : 1993-09-7148 11:40

Have you still not caught him?

95 Name: Manister of Canister : 1993-09-7148 15:53


96 Name: ( ˃ ヮ˂) : 1993-09-7148 18:11

( EƒΦE) Ooh! Ooh! I know who the murderer is! Pick me, pick me!

97 Name: Minister of Picking : 1993-09-7148 23:03

>>96 Who is it?

98 Name: Minister of Abbreviations : 1993-09-7149 08:26

You are... Oh, OMG, this is so amusing! You are a MOP!

99 Name: ( ˃ ヮ˂) : 1993-09-7149 10:30

( EƒΦE) It was >>1!

100 Name: Minister of Conspiracy : 1993-09-7149 12:21

It was actually a seditious minister trying to goad war with the unholy citadel so he could use his ties with an arms company to profit from the war.

101 Name: Minister of Sedition : 1993-09-7149 12:40

I would never do such a thing, and I can't stand the thought of living under a government that would accuse me of such! Let's burn down the capital and throw out those bums in charge!

102 Name: Minister of Packing Something : 1993-09-7149 16:05

I'll pack the powder!

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