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660 Name: (*゚ー゚) : 1993-09-8916 01:34

Ah, yeah. I've never had much trouble with homesickness personally, so I can't give you a lot of advice on that front, but I know it can be pretty rough. Keep your chin up.

Recruit training is just a game you have to play. Millions of people have played it, and by far most of them get through okay. You generally can only lose if you do something really stupid (they tell you all the rules, you just follow them) or have health problems. Think of it as a higher-intensity summer camp, except you come out of it slightly buffer and with money in the bank. I would recommend keeping a journal, even if all it is is a brief log of the things you did or how you felt each day. That was something that helped keep me grounded in reality and time. They play some mind games with you, they'll set you up to fail so they can watch your reaction...the best defense is to remember, again, that it's just a game. It sucks, and then it's over.

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