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477 Name: (*゚ー゚) : 1993-09-9433 05:32

Interesting perspective.

Rather than saying grace doesn't mean what 好意 does in modern English, I should have said I think it refers to that only in Christian contexts, 99% of the time in the set phrase "God's grace." Thus, I still think the use of "grace" is interpreting Kaworu's weird-ass word choices there as an attempt to sound Biblical, which is not evident from the original Japanese. I checked some Japanese bible verses (from whatever translation it is that's freely available online on random Christian websites) and they seem to generally translate "gratia" as 恩 or 惠.

Otherwise, it's calling upon an archaic meaning that won't jump first to anyone's mind. If someone said "you're worthy of my grace" to me devoid of context I'd think they were asking me to watch their smooth dance moves. Admittedly, it's not supposed to be obvious what Kaworu means there and Shinji probably doesn't. I think the decision to make the line ambiguous isn't the awkward part.

"Worthy of my good graces" would have been OK. If I was the translator I might have gone with "worthy of favor" or something, so the meaning isn't unclear to watchers but Shinji's repetition can be interpreted as "why the fuck would you put it that way bro?"

As for the leftists thing, not sure how badly our wires got crossed there but I was referring to this. https://img.fireden.net/a/image/1561/68/1561683326861.jpg (Top is the new Netflix sub.)
The original line was "第2東京市で起きたセクトによるテロ事件から一ヶ月が過ぎた今日、新たなテロ行為に対し再発防止を第一に政府による…"

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