CTRL+V THREAD! [part XV] (999)

302 Name: (*゚ー゚) : 1993-09-9827 04:32

"Korera Taiji" (Defeating Cholera,) an 1886 woodblock painting by artist Kimura Takejiro. Cholera is depicted as a tiger-like creature with massive testicles significantly larger than its head, which appear to be about to crush several hapless people.

Wiki article about giant sponges in the game Dwarf Fortress. The article notes that they are invulnerable and can cripple and kill dwarves with ease using their push attack.

In real life, sponges are mindless and incapable of deliberately attacking anything, harmless to humans (some can sting and cause mild skin irritation,) and relatively easy to kill with a dwarven weapon such as a sword or warhammer. It seems improbable that these facts would change dramatically even if sponges were increased to a volume of 560 cubic meters (about 50 times their average size in real life.)

Game statistics for the "owlbear" monster in Dungeons & Dragons 5th edition.

An illustration of a fish on a plank in rope bondage and a ballgag. Appears to be based on the "Big Mouth Billy Bass" singing prop infamous around the turn of the millenium.

Episode of the "James May: Our Man In Japan" titled "Train Jingle Composer Minoru Mukaiya."

Web page for free browser-based software named "Dungeon Scrawl" to create maps for Dungeons & Dragons and similar games.

News article. URL is self-descriptive. The film in question is "Earthlings," a 2005 documentary about cruelty to animals farmed for food and fur.
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