CTRL+V THREAD! [part XV] (999)

782 Name: ( ´_ゝ`) : 1993-09-10000 07:38

He ran along the banks, looking for her, but the water outpaced him. He grabbed
at arms, legs, faces that he thought were hers, but none of them were. It was
frustrating how many of them he had to throw back in the water. How many looked
just like her, but for a lock of hair here, a ribbon she didn't wear there,
eyes bigger or smaller by degrees.

Wait, did she wear that ribbon? Were her eyes this shade of blue or that one?
What about turquoise?

"I won't forget you!" he yelled. "I won't forget you, Fumiko!"


It was close, but it wasn't her name.

Quick! Remember! It wasn't Fumiko, it was Ku -


The girls in the ground kept calling out their names, like she had asked of
them. He realised they had never actually stopped.



And he stared helplessly downstream and cried, as somewhere Kumiko
blinked out of existence.
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