CTRL+V THREAD! [part XV] (999)

823 Name: ( ´_ゝ`) : 1993-09-10013 11:21

what could be more socialist than a game where units in need are provided with refit/resupply, that supplies are shared across the entire team? wargames are the only games where the socialism is built into the soul of the game!

i vote/canvass for the socialists in canada (we just won in my province!) but i don't think of myself as left-wing

i think earth should convert to some sort of authoritarian socialism with a mission of colonizing the entire solar system and maybe try for alpha centauri then can have whatever governments people desire (heinleinian libertarians on a asteroid, snakes on a plane etc)

can u imagine how good the wargames will be in a thousand years? pew pew space war

ad astra!!!!

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