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532 Name: (*゚ー゚) : 1993-09-9820 10:31

>>524 welcome to the entire point, which is that the Japanese largely aren't orthographic bigots who think ƒgƒ‰ƒ“ƒv is a different word from trump because their writing system hinges on different representations of the same word yielding slight nuances
if you have to redefine "letter" differently from what references have listed for centuries that just so happens to match general English usage in the present day just to call someone a pedant when that person is providing a demonstration that "literally" has a broader definition than just "how something is composed of letters" in the first place, you should literally take your hands away from all electronic devices for one goddamned minute and consider that maybe there's a line of reasoning to follow and you're just reacting to the last thing that got said because you've spent the last ten years conditioning yourself to not pay attention for more than one and a half seconds

in short, your mom's fat

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