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643 Name: (*゚ー゚) : 1993-09-9836 21:17

While looking through my old imageboard bookmarks, I stumbled upon a now dead board called depreschan. It seems that I made this bookmark years ago, maybe in 2017 when the board was young and freshly spammed everywhere else.
Now, this on it's own would be unsurprising, until I looked in my "temporary bookmarks" folder, where I store sites that I am uncertain about, as a sort of reminder to read them later and assess them for value as a permanent bookmark. Naturally, this temporary bookmarks folder is anything but temporary as I haven't cleaned it in many, many years. What I found in that deep, dark abyss of bookmark hell, was two groups of a handful of depreschan threads, saved for later reading. And these two groups, both saved intervals of around a year between them. What does this mean? Why would I save these "test threads," meant for assessing a board for bookmarkability, when I had already properly bookmarked the site much earlier? It's simple, I had forgotten. Depreschan was such an unnotable site that each time I ran across the spam advertising it, I mistook it for a new board and bookmarked it anew.
Three times. Three times I saw it spammed. Three times I thought it was new. Thus, twice I failed to recognize it.

The verdict: Depreschan wasn't a very good board.

also my bookmarks need cleaning ;__;
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