[Contentless] ITT you post right now [ASAP] your current thought [Brains][Thinking][Personal][#35] (999)

691 Name: (*゚ー゚) : 1993-09-9843 11:36

That's a good observation.

  • BBSes are often topical that makes them "wash out" over time, since the actual on-topic discussion/information sharing is limited before repeating itself. Because of this and usual heavy moderation, it turns into an echo-chamber of sorts. Hence, the off-topic subforums are usually the most lively ones.
  • SA is a general BBS, inheriting most of its flaws. As such, paying tenbux to suck up to the mods isn't worth it.
  • Reddit and oh-so-many "karma"-based forums are just jerking it to another counter.
  • AIBs like 4chan (and - RIP - textboards) is a mixture of people who understand the purpose of anonymity and those who think it's about acting like a retarded ape. Good boards become popular but then rapidly degrade in quality when this mixture gets too lean.
  • Twitter is just stupid by design: take a simple thought and make it fit the line. They even ended up implementing "threads" so the user can share series of deep over-simplified thoughts.
  • Group chats like IRC are "in the now", so searching for useful information in the past is like looking for a needle in a haystack.
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