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735 Name: (*゚ー゚) : 1993-09-9849 10:35

Without that beauty, there is no call to higher being, you know? This is also why--why I've mentioned to people that they should clean up their rooms--that's become quite the Internet meme--but I'm really serious about it, because it's really hard to do that. And I've been cleaning up my room, by the way, for about four months now, because my life was thrown into such a catastrophe and--and also we were renovating, and so--but it isn't just that you clean it up. You also make it beautiful. And beaut--it's really hard to make something beautiful.

I think there's more tourists in France than there are people most of the time. And part of the reason for that is it's just so damned beautiful; you just can't stand it. And you think, what's the economic value of that? It's absolutely incalculable. And what's interesting, too, is that you build that beauty in, and then the farther away you get from it in time, the more valuable it becomes, right? Instead of decaying, it has exactly the opposite effect. Its value magnifies.

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