[BEYOND DQN] Someone else's comment from some site nobody knows [PASTE] [PART 6] (999)

35 Name: (*゚ー゚) : 1993-09-9892 19:20

Everything about this mass hysteria these past few weeks is probably the most retarded thing I've ever seen, how everyone just swallows the shit the media feeds them whole. Everyone believing in some racial discrimination conspiracy about genocidal white cops because the media only focuses on white-on-black violence to rile blacks up, while not caring for any other more common match-ups, police brutality and violence in general. To solve this "racism" we'll have rioting and destruction not only in the US but all over the world, even in Sweden where immigrants are treated like kings and the cops are afraid of them. Antifa and all kinds of dreck join in for free stuff and violence and to egg the blacks on, as well as larping with their autonomous zones.

And then you have whites all around the world, as if what's happening in the US is of any relevance to us, falling into some sick mass psychosis. Anti-racist demonstrations all over the world, no one cares about corona any more. Taking knees left and right and worshiping blacks as gods, washing black feet and enacting black supremacy as a religion to combat the bogeyman of "white supremacy". Every single company and brand posting the same message about standing with BLM, every single e-celeb doing the same while encouraging their audience to donate to BLM. You have fucking video game youtubers who never mentions politics, social justice or IRL shit at all, something I used to appreciate, suddenly posting black squares and long tirades about poor black people because white people bad also trump orange. Can't even turn on a video game or watch a presentation about new video games without being told that Black Lives Matter™ and also gays are oppressed. Yes I know that the western games industry is compromised and this is what I expected.

All these "peaceful protests" are retarded as well since this is a non-issue. Had it been about police brutality in general, okay, but protesting non-existent "systemic racism", when you where supposed to stay inside the day before, is retarded. Especially in Europe where "our" immigrant blacks, who aren't related to or have the same history as American blacks, get away with a hell of a lot more than any native.

People act as if this is the worst thing that has ever happened and the most horrible thing they've seen, a cop "killing" a criminal thug resisting arrest by taking a knee and the drug addict having a heart attack. I've seen far worse both from cops and from immigrants.
Two cases that get brought up as comparisons, Tony Timpa, who couldn't breathe under the cops either, and David Dorn who was a black life lost to a black looter, were both worse than the kneeling cop.

And for domestic cases, another case of police brutality that was far worse than the knee was when a man with Down syndrome was shot and killed by four cops who thought he posed a threat with his toy gun. Three of them charged and later acquitted and the fourth cop woman who emptied her magazine to put him down not even charged.
No riots, no demonstrations, no talking about police brutality or rights and justice for the mentally handicapped.

And immigrant violence and murder against whites happen all the time, but is hardly reported on by the media and never gets any reaction from the public except from the nationalists and the conservatives. But when a drugged up criminal black dies in America, being touted as a martyr and a Jesus figure, every white woman and the antifa faggots suddenly wake up and starts worshiping him and defends chimping out and immigrant violence because "white privilege racism whiteness". Outraged women can go live in Africa or do mass sudoku to honour the blacks if their whiteness is so horrible, and wannabe revolutionaries can get sent off to a Chinese re-education camp.

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