[BEYOND DQN] Someone else's comment from some site nobody knows [PASTE] [PART 6] (999)

652 Name: ( ´_ゝ`) : 1993-09-10064 17:28

Look, I'm not saying I'm proud of a lot of the harsh putdowns I deal out on social media. I'm harsh. I'm never intentionally hurtful, and I don't say mean things for no reason. If someone stirs the pot, I decide to spice things up in there. Again, I'm not proud of this.

The other day, I was on a heretofore unnamed social media site, when I saw that someone I followed liked a post from what appeared to be a Scooby-Doo stan account. I found this very funny, so I checked it out. It turns out this stan account has sort of not so subtly been bullying a certain voice actor who voiced Scrappy-Doo. Not just teasing or name calling either, like, they really were very awful to this person.

For those not in the know, Scrappy-Doo was introduced into the Scooby-Doo canon as a way to freshen up the formulaic monotony that had taken over the show. Scrappy is Scooby's nephew, who wanted to hang out with his uncle and solve mysteries. A lot of fans found Scrappy an intrusive annoyance, and vehemently advocated for his removal. He was never removed. He still shows up in Scooby-Doo related content to this day.

I started posting at this Scooby-Doo stan account, mentioning how much I loved the show. We started talking back and forth about the history of Scooby-Doo, and eventually I asked them who their favorite character was. Shocker, it was Scooby. They asked me the same question, to which I replied "oh, definitely Scrappy-Doo. I love him."

I was very quickly admonished and told to fuck off. I wasn't finished, though. I said that Scrappy was the only character I really enjoyed, and he was the only reason I started watching and enjoying Scooby-Doo shows. This made them even more angry. I got cussed out again. I spent an embarrassing amount of time extolling the virtues of Scrappy-Doo, while ignoring the rude replies from the stan account. Then, all of a sudden, I started gaining new followers. Very quickly. People I had never heard of and who I didn't have mutuals with. And then, a deluge of messages started pouring in, telling me how wrong I was, and how stupid I was for liking Scrappy. (Now, it is very important to know that not only do I not give a single fuck about Scrappy-Doo, but in general, I wouldn't even consider myself a fan of the Scooby-Doo franchise.) I messaged them all back, saying that Scrappy-Doo fucked their mom. Each and every one of them. AGAIN, I'm not proud of this, I was just sorta' looking to get the whole thing over with, and was a bit overwhelmed with the volume of messages I had gotten. I will readily admit this was not a chill thing to say!

So uh yeah. I now have a running total of 18 death threats made against me from people on the social media site who organized themselves in an effort to shut down my pro Scrsppy-Doo propaganda? Who knows how many more people will decide this is the thing to do. Obviously this is their coordinated revenge for me telling all of them that Scrappy fucked their moms. I'm aware that the chances of them all independently thinking to send me a death threat are very low. I'm sure they all talked amongst themselves and decided this was the play. I'm fine with it, it's just uh... well.

Thanks and have a great day. Scrappy4Lyfe

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