[BEYOND DQN] Someone else's comment from some site nobody knows [PASTE] [PART 6] (999)

806 Name: ( ´_ゝ`) : 1993-09-10111 05:48

My theory on Furries being a good example of white culture, if not the peak of the white hyperculture as a whole, goes even deeper. I believe that in general the idea of being a furry entails a total rejection of evolution and logic, meaning that generally furries are a wider proccess of stagnation of the evolutionary process. Not only is being a furry a rejection of linear, ever progressing evolution, but also a complete overhaul of it, with furries generally completely avoiding the whole concept that many darwinists have of what is "fit". Not only are furries the vanguard of white hyperculture, but also the vanguard of a post-human society as a whole. Regardless, whiteness entails wealth and so entails a relative comfort and happiness, meaning one can look towards new identities for expressing their innermost needs. One could go so far as saying that, indeed, other cultures are unable to express this vanguard (being a furry) because they are intellectually and spiritually inferior, stuck to murdering eachother in the millions for ethnic conflicts and petty things instead of looking forward to "enwhiten" themselves. Notice how the whitest countries in Africa (Algeria, Namibia) are doing the best economically. If Africa was solely made out of white people, it would be richer than Europe.

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