[BEYOND DQN] Someone else's comment from some site nobody knows [PASTE] [PART 6] (999)

829 Name: ( ´_ゝ`) : 1993-09-10118 08:21

this is exactly right and it infuriates me that I find games boring because the average person is such a fucking retard that games need to be made easy enough for them.

I'm not bragging, I have an IQ of 138. I took the MENSA test bc there was a big tiddy girl that took it and asked me to take it with her, and I passed. Whenever I say this to anyone on the internet they shit themselves and call me an asshole for bragging. I'm not bragging. I was born with it. I didn't earn it.

I don't even want to be high IQ. I've achieved nothing in my life. I make 30k/yr in a dead-end job and the only thing I'm doing with my life is jerking off to 2D girls and playing vidya, and I can't even enjoy vidya because the games are so fucking easy, because absolute retards demand them to be.

There used to be niche games for faggots like me, games that were really difficult, like UFO defense. Even civ 4 with Kmod was plenty difficult for me. But nu-civ is garbage. Fuck me, man.

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