[BEYOND DQN] Someone else's comment from some site nobody knows [PASTE] [PART 6] (999)

847 Name: ( ´_ゝ`) : 1993-09-10128 05:07

I hate white men. So impatient with white men, so cruel to white men, so angry about white men. I love everybody other than white men, but white men make me sick. They make me gag, they make me nauseous, they make me angry. They deserve to get thrown into a woodchipper.

White men are worthless. White men are cuckolds, furfags, fatass losers. White men have gyno titties that probably lactate. White men are cringe. They're embarrassed, they're humiliated, they're taking too much xanax and pissing their pants. White boys belong in diapers to keep from pissing themselves. Diapers and pacifiers so they'll shut the fuck up and stop whining all the time. Bitching about reverse racism, depression, unemployment. Bitching about niggers and spics and trannies. White men bitch about trannies because they themselves are autistic AGP repressors. White men are autism. They're furries, they're bronies, they're CS majors.

White men know they're nothing without money. When they lose their jobs they lose their wives and then blow their brains out. Black men can be jobless and maintain a social network. As soon as white men don't have a deep wallet they're suicidal hikkis. This is because white men have no inherent worth. We don't love you, we don't care about you, we don't want you around.

White men deserve to be baptized in rancid urine. Hold the baby underwater until it's unconscious. Make the baby drink semen from a milk bottle, never give it milk. White men deserve to be stepped on, spat on, pissed on. Castrated and killed. Humiliated and tortured. I hate when white men have sex. I love seeing white women in interracial relationships. Do NOT fuck white men. Their genes are autistic dogshit. White men should kill themselves. White men should tie a noose around their necks, blow one last load from their disgusting little wormcocks, and then dangle like Christmas tree ornaments. If you're white then fuck you.

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