[BEYOND DQN] Someone else's comment from some site nobody knows [PASTE] [PART 6] (999)

896 Name: ( ´_ゝ`) : 1993-09-10151 02:41

Dude. Itfs time to snap out of the psy-op. If Trump was really fighting the gdeep stateh, he wouldfve met the same fate as JFK. No, in fact, Trump is a Rothschild puppet. Trump tower has 666 on itfs side. His son in law owns the building where rfid chips are made. The address is: 666 fith avenue, Manhattan NY. Trump fast tracked the death juice vax. And he brags about it constantly. Trumpfs place in his tower is loaded with Apollo shrines and art work. Apollo=Apollyon=satan. Trump is a 33 degree (Zionist puppet) freemason. He is SO pro America that he pardoned Israeli spies. The only statue that Trump demanded be put back up after the riots was of Albert Pike, the 33 degree freemason who said, gWhen the people need a hero, we shall provide one for themh. MAGA is the 5th degree of satanism. Trump loves 5g. Trump knew what Fauci was up to, let him do it, and that's alright? The "white hats" "have it all", but couldn't arrest anyone, and still can't yet? Israel did 9/11, but they are cool now? Epstein killed himself? The capital protesters are terrorists? 5G is cool with you? You are pro-vax? How do you feel about Palestinian children? Didn't Trump let the governors lock down the states in violation of the Constitution? Do you know what LARP and ARG are? Do you know the definition of propaganda? Do you support the 7 Noahide laws? Because Trump does. Do you support Albert Pike (33 degree freemason)? Because Trump does.

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