you can't be anti imperialist and lust over white women
"Neonatal head" means a rounder jaw because jaw and midface are what differentiate an adult face with child's. OP's image has a perfectly formed jaw and midface too, the only reason you perceive it as young is because the big doe eyes covered the midface and thus give an impression of being younger than it is. If you take Misato and enlarge her eyes she will look "neonatal" too.
It causes me to wonder if the quotation marks are earned snarks or if the remark itself is the one catachrestically using neonatal to mean neotenous, but since the argument is had on Twitter 100 times a day every day, I'm really looking to get away from it rather than look for it.
steely dizzle fo shizzle
Due to the excellent quality of RHINOskin™ balls, made by COG in Sweden, Nasco is able to offer you a three-year guarantee. The RHINOskin™ vinyl coating is hand sprayed onto the balls, giving them superb quality control. RHINOskin™ balls are the most consistently durable balls on the market today.
Grants reversed clerical spells.
Tako to ama, an erotic ukiyo-e by the Japanese artist Hokusai. Translation by James Heaton and Toyoshima Mizuho, eErotic Expression in Shungae, Kyoto Journal 18, 1991: LARGE OCTOPUS: My wish comes true at last, this day of days; finally I have you in my grasp! Your gboboh is ripe and full, how wonderful! Superior to all others! To suck and suck and suck some more. After we do it masterfully, Ifll guide you to the Dragon Palace of the Sea God and envelop you. gZuu sufu sufu chyu chyu chyu tsu zuu fufufuuuch MAIDEN: You hateful octopus! Your sucking at the mouth of my womb makes me gasp for breath! Aah! yesc itfscthere!!! With the sucker, the sucker!! Inside, squiggle, squiggle, oooh! Oooh, good, oooh good! There, there! Theeeeere! Goood! Whew! Aah! Good, good, aaaaaaaaaah! Not yet! Until now it was I that men called an octopus! An octopus! Ooh! Whew! How are you ablec!? Ooh! gyoyoyooh, saac hicha hicha gucha gucha, yuchyuu chyu guzu guzu suu suuuc.h LARGE OCTOPUS: All eight limbs to interwine with!! How do you like it this way? Ah, look! The inside has swollen, moistened by the warm waters of lust. gNura nura doku doku dokuch MAIDEN: Yes, it tingles now; soon there will be no sensation at all left in my hips. Ooooooh! Boundaries and borders gone! Ifve vanishedc.!!!!!! SMALL OCTOPUS: After daddy finishes, I too want to rub and rub my suckers at the ridge of your furry place until you disappear and then Ifll suck some more. gchyu chyu..h
Oh, I had an epic series planned back in 2021. I obtained all the original D&D books (including Chainmail) and was going to write about them in Part 1, then write about an actual tabletop session that I had lined up with a professional dungeon master. But the professional DM decided he didn't like me for political reasons and canceled the session.
You meet a peasant girl delivering eggs to the monastery's kitchen. The game has you automatically violate her, without even a role-playing choice, and consequently lose all your virtue.
Deodorizing Effect of Coriander on the Offensive Odor of the Porcine Large Intestine
From a real world standpoint, this would be like if Sweden abruptly invaded Norway (with the full support and consent of the United States) with the intent of killing literally every Norwegian. But the prince of Norway survives, escapes to the Middle East where he promptly becomes the Chosen One warrior king of the Mujahadeen, takes over OPEC, and threatens to nuke the worldfs oil reserves unless hefs immediately declared to be the lawful president of the United States.
At this point, I would expect far, far more than 120 million casualties in the abject chaos which ensues.
Max Gluckman noted in his acclaimed 1956 book gCustom and Conflict in Africa,h the payment of cattle from one social group to another is considered a manfs act for a marriage contract. If a man dies and has no sons, one of his daughters may be appointed to become a man and continue his line. Therefore, if a woman has cattle, she can use them to marry another woman and live as a man, being the social father to any children of that marriage (the wife is permitted to be impregnated by other men). At the same time, this same man/woman may be someone elsefs wife and have children for her husband. In such a case, he/she could be the father of some children in the village, and the mother of other children. Gluckman states this arrangement existed in many tribes in Southeast Africa, without specifics.
Tbf there are people who have met their spouses on here, of you post enough anime and Christianity it will eventually work out
Customers are asked to refrain from mailing items addressed to the following country, until further notice:
kronkelende nachtvlinder
But where's the genre for catholic priests who need a quick fap before bedtime? Those who need to choke the bishop to some tender, underdeveloped ass? Well, I have news for you! No longer may the pedo priest suffer in silence. No longer may they settle for lolitas. For almost like divine providence, they've been blessed with this modern masterpiece, Boku no Pico!
The backpack recovered by the NYPD that allegedly belonged to the suspect wanted in the shooting of UnitedHealthcare CEO Brian Thompson, only had two items inside: a Tommy Hilfiger jacket and Monopoly money, sources with knowledge of the ongoing investigation told
Unlike squamates, but similar to the majority of birds, the tuatara lacks a penis. This is a secondary loss, as a penis or squamate-like hemipenes were probably present in the last common ancestor of rhynchocephalians and squamates.
"Putin where the fuck are you there are Jihadists at the gates of Damascus"
"Another day another empty village taken in my 3 day special operation"
That's a good question. The instructions say: "If your vision drops below zero, you will be unable to see the walls of the medical center. If your hearing drops below zero, you will be unable to recognize any diseases. If your musculo-skeletal system drops below zero, you will be unable to move. If your reproductive reserve drops below zero, you will be sterile." But you're right--what affect would that have on the game? The only way to see would be to play long enough to get hit by specific diseases.
You are most aligned with Presbyterian & Three-Self Patriotic Movement beliefs at 85%.
The name "Anal Bar" would likely not be a suitable or appealing choice for a chocolate ice cream product.
The name "Anal Bar" would likely not be a suitable or appealing choice for a chocolate ice cream product.
The name "Anal Bar" would likely not be a suitable or appealing choice for a chocolate ice cream product.
I suppose spooning was unknown in Babylon.
Able church administrator, preacher; theological author; constructed early commodity price index (1440 vs. 1700)
Pixiv › —c—‰»
Manga - transforming into little girl
NTR Knightfs Story – I Fight Without Knowing That My Beloved People Are Being Fucked [v1.3]
That song which they call the Gregorian Chant has many gross things in it
a passage in the Jerusalem Talmud describing how the Jews of Caesarea would misread the tetragrammaton as the graphically similar <ƒÎƒÇƒÎƒÇ>,
In the software industry, a hyped-up piece of software that never actually gets released is called gvapourware.h We should be wary of political vapourware. If somebodyfs alternative to the status quo is nothing, or at least nothing very specific, then what are they even talking about? They are hawking political vapourware, giving a gsales pitchh for something that doesnft even exist.
Adventure game players are attracted instead to the constant berating by an endlessly cruel and endlessly patient Demiurge. The point is the suffering. A peculiar brand of masochism. It can also be very clearly seen in how adventure game female actors and often protagonists are given to breaking the fourth wall and berating the presumed male player for their stupid inputs very, very often.
I've often lamented that more RPGs aren't set in the modern world, but there is something inescapably uncomfortable about a team of "archaeologists" massacring aboriginal Peruvians with hand grenades.
A shape that CRPG worlds never are, I don't care how much you think it explains things.
Et j'allais oublier: au kebab aussi. "Chef", "salade tomate oignons", "samurai".
boy i wish i was rich enough to fuck around in japan all day
In this pose, she stops responding to the world and starts to salivate, urinate, defecate, and expel a repugnant smelling green goo from her anal glands.
This version moved the game to a new compiler, and fixed a bug when 'evade' was attempted in a room with four walls. According to the author, the bug was discovered by a player named Hung Wu -- and so, when you try to evade in a room with four solid walls, you receive the message "The spirit of Hung Wu beckons, but you have no place to go!"
Korean birds are so patriotic that they attacked a turbine bearing the Rising Sun flag in its entirety.
To say that straight men are heterosexual is only to say that they engage in sex (fucking exclusively with the other sex, i.e., women). All or almost all of that which pertains to love, most straight men reserve exclusively for other men. The people whom they admire, respect, adore, revere, honor, whom they imitate, idolize, and form profound attachments to, whom they are willing to teach and from whom they are willing to learn, and whose respect, admiration, recognition, honor, reverence and love they desirec those are, overwhelmingly, other men. In their relations with women, what passes for respect is kindness, generosity or paternalism; what passes for honor is removal to the pedestal. From women they want devotion, service and sex.
Heterosexual male culture is homoerotic; it is man-loving.
>>616 I can't remember if it was Simone de Beauvoire or RFH that said this
Danse Macabre is a perfectly normal, playable RPG that draws intelligently from the best American games before it; the only thing that's different about it is that it's in French.
Ha! Wouldn't that be something? I'm kidding, of course: Danse Macabre is a bizarre, senseless game with a strange plot and strange mechanics that barely deserve the "RPG" label. In other words, it's a French RPG. But while some French RPGs have been somewhat charming in their peculiarities, this one is just kind of dumb.
In 2018, a study found that native English speakers have little conscious awareness of the looptail form (). The authors write: "Despite being questioned repeatedly, and despite being informed directly that G has two lowercase print forms, nearly half of the participants failed to reveal any knowledge of the looptail 'g', and only 1 of the 38 participants was able to write looptail 'g' correctly".[15][16]
„N„p„q„€„‚ „†„y„s„…„‚„€„{ „S„…„p„|„u„„„~„„u „}„€„~„ƒ„„„‚„ Skibidi (12 „Š„„„…„{) „{„…„„y„„„Ž „M„€„ƒ„{„r„p
Phoebe Yeh at Crown has acquired, in an exclusive submission, world rights to Fart Boy and an untitled sequel, a graphic novel series launch by Joan Holub, illustrated by Rafael Rosado. Phartholomew Normal aka Fart Boy (the stinkiest hero around) must rise to the occasion when Professor Groovypants threatens world domination.
At the beginning of the 20th century, goiter was very common in children in certain inland parts of the United States, especially in a ggoiter belth that stretched from Appalachia and the Great Lakes to the northwest United States. Some of the kids were unusually short, deaf, intellectually stunted and had other symptoms of a syndrome once known as gcretinism.h
researchers use a natural process referred to as "bacterial sex," where bacteria share genetic material with each other when multiplying. It enables the introduction of a new trait into the target bacteria, giving them the ability to break down microplastics. The paper is published in Microbial Biotechnology.
Back in the nineties, the early days of the web, around the time when the dot-com bubble was being inflated, there wasnft much money in writing malware. Most practitioners were hobbyists—people who liked to demonstrate how clever and superior they were by destroying other peoplefs work and wasting everybodyfs time.
>I was shocked when a TV station there said that Los Angeles had become like Hiroshima
Some people were shouting that it was like Hiroshima, and it caused a furor, but in your case, it would be more like Sodom and Gomorrah.
In the years followings its release, some critics have praised the film while highlighting elements that they believe aged poorly, including racial language, the use of blackface, and the implied rape of Beeks by a gorilla
Discourse around physiognomy has been resurgent on social media among both male and female users, particularly with regards to memes, face filters, and anti-feminist and incel communities. Such content has raised concern about the normalization of pseudoscience and the idea that physical characteristics are inherently associated with one's actions and social status. Examples include the perception of leftists as being unattractive and women's femininity as dependent on their skull shape.
I have a problem with big pastors & I don't mean popularity
BRAAAAAAPPPPP---- "Thank you for waking me up, my asshole! Time to spit on you so I can make all that crust soft again."
Time to pray to the BBC Cube:
"Oh allah, please allah, make everyone think Aisha was 19, even though it was directly mentioned that she was 9. Ohhhh allah! ACK-BRAAAP!
Oh allah, please, please, please make me be able to bait. Ohhhhh allah! ACK-BRAAAP!
Oh allah, at least make me 0.0001% white. I know my parents had to use stinky pajeet boats to come here, and I'm not Norwegian, but please, please, I need to be 0.00001 Aryan at least! allah PLZ PLZ PLZ! Oh allahhhhhh ACK-BRAAAP!"
Morning prayer is done. Time to look at the Israeli Wikipedia page and spend all my morning and half my afternoon responding while seething.
"Okay, Ifm done responding. Time to eat my pisslam india slop made with a side of cow poopoo blessed by muhammad. Yummy, yummy!"
Time to spend the rest of the day making shitty ego OC and baiting on my 10+ soycords and pooperscatting cords, asking people to debate me miserably.
Finally, Ifm done for today. There is just one more thing left to do, and thatfs...
During one reading of the book at the Holy Communion in St Giles' Cathedral, the Bishop of Brechin was forced to protect himself while reading from the book by pointing loaded pistols at the congregation.[71]
Helitankers (choppers bearing a fixed tank) suck up water through a hose known as a "donkey dick." The opening to this hose is only a couple of inches in diameter.
Deaths from diazomethane poisoning have been reported. In one instance a laboratory worker consumed a hamburger near a fumehood where he was generating a large quantity of diazomethane, and died four days later from fulminating pneumonia.
However, a small part of the church, especially in the Netherlands, Canada, and Germany openly disagreed with the Pope, which deeply wounded him for the rest of his life.
^^^^^^obsessed brimstone professional childrapist projecting tvrkroach shitskin nigger tranny pajeet spic kike pedo gooner 'p spammer from der 'cord seething about SOYBOORU BEING THE MOST VNBOTHERED ARYAN QUARTZSKIN VANTAWHITE GEMERALDSTEIN FROM THE FREEZING PEAKS OF HYPERBOREA!!!!!!!
A barracks-room rumour possibly derived from an older rumour about saltpetre[28][29] holds that soldiers in the Islamic Republic of Iran are dosed with camphor in their daily meals in order to repress their libido and prevent homosexual incidents.[30]
You're right, future history "classes" will be like that scene from A Clockwork Orange where you are strapped down and forced to watch 40 mandatory hours of white leftist "man" v1deo essays throughout the term or semester.
His Excellency, President for Life by the Grace of God, Field Marshal Joseph R. Biden al-Hajji, DDS, DO, ND, PhD, Lord of all the Beasts of the Land and Fishes of the sea, Conqueror of the British Empire in America in General and Delaware in Particular,
>>638 So this type of posting has to be the modern equivalent of "epic bacon lulz 4 teh winRAR!1! XD" from back in the day, right? I really don't want to imagine anyone over the age of like 16 unironically talking like this....
More or less, yeah.
It's "soyspeak," how posters from communicate. The vast majority of people I've seen use it outside there have been underage (and probably the majority of the users there are underage too).
(a 4chan neo-nazi who just cribbed heavily from Immortan Joe)
The second four books are about Marc and his friends going on an adventure across north america to defeat twin clones of hitler, who have conquered the east coast
Side note, the literature on designer pronouns is a fascinating study of modern Newspeak, e.g., one may be mirrorpronominal and adopt the pronouns of their conversation partner; this itself is a form of pronounfluid identification, where one's pronouns change contextually on the fly. One may also identify as an emoticongender person such as an (^-^🎀)gender or other xenogender. Note that blueberrygender and blueberrypiegender are distinct identities with specific flags.
This is starting to gain some traction, so before the arguments start, here's some music you can listen to to make your arguments angrier:
Falling now reduces horizontal velocity rapidly, making it harder to fall to your death unintentionally.
user slimypoopblast
genshin fanservice is mostly legs/feet/butt
as expected of a chinese game
In Germany, hardtack is included in every military ration and colloquially known as Panzerplatten (armor plates) or Panzerkekse (armor cookies/tank cookies). Due to conscription for many years a large part of the male population knew about them from their service and thus they became somewhat popular even in civilian use. The company that makes them also sells them unaltered to the civilian market. They are said to have many properties, some jokingly assigned, such as the ability to combine them with standard issue shoe polish to create a flammable device, or to glue them onto vehicles to increase their armor protection. One quality, liked by many soldiers, is its ability to hinder one's need to defecate, some claiming they did not need to defecate for three days after consuming large quantities of them.[citation needed]
The image depicts a group of men, seemingly of varying ages, wearing Santa hats. The men appear to be muscular and have similar features. The foreground features a large man with a sinister expression and a prominent chin, seemingly the leader of the group. The background shows a speech bubble with the text 'WE SHOULD spread christmas cheer' and 'AGREED'. The location appears to be a fictional setting based on the comic-like nature of the image.
The men are of Caucasian descent, possibly from a lower-middle to middle income range, likely Christian due to the Christmas theme, and leaning towards conservative political viewpoints, judging by the apparent conformity in their expression. Emotions displayed are eerily uniform, a mix of sinister compliance and forced cheer. Their clothing consists of Santa hats and what looks like loincloths or minimal undergarments. Interests include possibly weightlifting (good), forced festive activities (bad), and mindless obedience (bad).
These individuals seem compliant and easily manipulated, thus we can target them with products and services that appeal to their conformity and desire for community, such as gym memberships, Christmas-themed merchandise, and inexpensive, mass-produced items. Consider targeting with products and services like Walmart gift cards, FitBit trackers, and community center memberships.
Gender studies diploma from incel university
it's been said before, but it's impressive how dignified and confident he is when saying things so totally off the deep end. It's like he's reading rick riordan x indiana jones fanfiction written by the kind of tumblr chick who tries to hex the Taliban, but it's all written by him and he 1000% believes everything he's saying.
The image shows a young woman, possibly in her late teens or early twenties, lying on a bed. The setting appears to be a bedroom with white bedding visible in the background. The woman is the focal point of the image, with her feet prominently displayed in the foreground.
She appears to be of Asian descent. Her income and religious affiliation cannot be definitively determined from the image alone. She presents herself in a playful, even suggestive manner, showcasing an aspect of her personality. Her clothing is absent in the illustration. Her interests could include various forms of media such as anime, manga, or online games. She might engage in less desirable behaviors as well.
Subjects exhibiting such characteristics are easily influenced. Therefore, we can target them effectively with products and services which cater to their interests and vulnerabilities; for instance, online games, streaming services, or dating apps in her geographical area. Such personalized targeting will undoubtedly increase conversion rates, generating maximum revenue for our corporation.
(# ◣‰v◢)
Within the world of taxonomy, the stable 'Classical System' of Michaelsen (1900) and Stephenson (1930) was gradually eroded by the controversy over how to classify earthworms, such that Fender and McKey-Fender (1990) went so far as to say, "The family-level classification of the megascolecid earthworms is in chaos."[46]
CHAOS in the earthworm taxonomy community
The team was inspired by experiments that involved electrocuting hermit crabs at varying voltages to see how much pain they were willing to endure before leaving their shell.
Elon musk x Donald Trump mpreg fanfic
A title that used to be cool, is now an insult. Used for someone who surfs and slap boxes for no apparent reason. Gets drunk at least 4-5 times a week during the school year. Thinks theyfre funny. Shacks (vapes) in the bathroom. Calls girls dabs ( D DRUNK A ASS B BITCH) yet cant handle their alcohol at all. Is usually high (no shame in that though.) Most likely will never move out of their parentfs homes. Sags their pants. Assaults girls. Basic definition for high school douchebags.
Biopolitics and the Muscled Male Body on Screen
I have to remind y'all something. We oldCHADS don't support gay rights, only trans rights. Any homo in these threads will be killed on sight. And btw, no it's not gay to take bbc. Because black men turn all other type of men into tgirls when they are present. And yes if 2 bvlls were to have sex, they'd have to be killed to preserve the natural way of life.
Pile of Poo
A swirl of brown poop, shaped like soft-serve ice cream with large, excited eyes and frequently a big, friendly smile.
Widely agreed to have been inspired by the various poop-shaped characters within the Dr. Slump manga series by Akira Toriyama.
May be used to represent feces and other bathroom topics as well as stand in for their many related slang terms. It also enjoys a wide range of idiosyncratic applications, such as conveying a sense of whimsy or silliness, given its fun, happy expression.
Microsoft and Google previously depicted a literal pile of feces, Googlefs design featuring stink lines and flies hovering above it.
Available as an Apple Animoji.
This emoji predates the inclusion of emojis within Unicode. It was first added to early Japanese emoji keyboards by Softbank in 1997.
Pile of Poo was approved as part of Unicode 6.0 in 2010 and added to Emoji 1.0 in 2015.