Single Male Rant thread (643)

206 Name: MSN Otoko 2005-11-16 05:16 ID:UrDtQCHY

Hmm.. more details.. well like I said before she's slender, she's got a cute, round face with beautiful eyes and a small nose.

Her legs? hmm.. how do you describe legs?

I feel like I can't describe much more without being vulgar... I think I summed it up best in >>201 with "unbelievably beautiful." There's nothing about her I don't like. Let your imagination do the rest (^_^;)

Winnie-san's more of the outgoing type... but at the same time she can be very sweet. She seems very confident in herself. She's funny, and she's got a great smile and laugh. For a while, we would talk everynight, sometimes for hours just laughing at random stuff. I love her sense of humor.

aaah.... thiking about those times has made me realize how much it's changed... I miss her.. orz

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