Single Male Rant thread (643)

1 Name: Random Anonymous 2005-10-24 02:11 ID:YkyCf3Sr


601 Name: Anonymous : 2023-01-30 13:20 ID:Heaven

I’m 22 you moralizing asshole and last time I checked 19 is above the age of consent.

602 Name: Anonymous : 2023-01-30 15:40 ID:Heaven

>19 yo


603 Name: Anonymous : 2023-01-31 23:33 ID:mjzzxsxI


19 is grandma-tier wtf are you talking about

604 Name: Anonymous : 2023-02-01 07:22 ID:nZ4lcjWs


>I'm 22

So? Find a 32 year old woman to be your mommy gf. Trust me, she'll take better care of you and make you pancakes after draining your balls.

605 Name: Anonymous : 2023-02-03 07:43 ID:J/4NO5+W

Fuck Valentine’s Day soon. Fuck I hate that! It’s even shallower than Christmas! I hate girls. They’re all bitches and whores anyway.

606 Name: Anonymous : 2023-02-03 19:56 ID:sofi0anu

I love to make a card for my sweetie-pie every St. Valentine's Day

607 Name: Anonymous : 2023-02-06 11:26 ID:bQJq/011

Valentine's day sucks. literally the shallowest most emotionally exploitative day in the consumer holiday pantheon. A time where companies psychologically blackmail people into buying stuff and shame you if your single.

608 Name: Anonymous : 2023-02-07 08:39 ID:nZ4lcjWs

In reality, that's all holidays anymore which has been much more aggressive in more recent years compared to the past.

609 Name: Anonymous : 2023-02-09 06:54 ID:8m60Gkk/

True but valentines feel like knife in the heart. They literally shame you for being a loner or just being single. It’s like society is bullying you into it. I don’t give a shit about Christmas but I hate being reminded that I’ve never been in a relationship thanks to crippling social anxiety and now that I’m nearly 30 it’s pretty much over.

610 Name: Anonymous : 2023-02-09 09:07 ID:nZ4lcjWs

I just stopped giving a shit. I haven't got a gift from anyone including family since 2010.

611 Name: Anonymous : 2023-02-09 13:37 ID:y3eO5kM2

You all say you hate being single but the truth is, if you landed your perfect dream girl you'd be just as unhappy as you realize a relationship is not all that it's chalked up to be. Especially when your girl demands you divert rent money for her designer handbags, when she begins cutting you off from friends, when she starts shitting on your weeb hobbies etc. What you really want is:
A. Companionship
B. Someone to fuck
Well for A just make female friends and acquaintances you can share interests and feelings with. As for B buy a hooker or, if your cheap, ol' faithful right hand and an internet connection. Either way, don't go looking for both in the same person, don't shit where you eat basically.

612 Name: Anonymous : 2023-02-10 06:42 ID:nZ4lcjWs

Hard truths here. I've been in a relationship with the same woman for 17 years. It's soul sucking and miserable. Marriage isn't worth it. The only reason why I don't leave is because divorce would absolute wreck me. We barely even have sex and when we do it's a soulless chore that she doesn't even get into. I tried to do my part in being romantic until that was never going to work or be good enough for her. So I just bend her over and do a quick pump and dump. She passes out and I get on my computer which I end up usually fapping at some point throughout the night just to actually feel some damn pleasure in a dopamine sense. I've been wishing I was single for over a decade.

613 Name: Anonymous : 2023-02-10 09:34 ID:sofi0anu

>>611,612 Sounds like you both made some poor choices, rather than there being an inherent problem with marriage.

>your girl demands you divert rent money for her designer handbags, when she begins cutting you off from friends, when she starts shitting on your weeb hobbies etc.

Just don't marry someone like this, simple! Everyone else, try going on a few dates with someone before proposing to them, and look out for any red flags like that.
“But what if I'm colourblind and red flags look the same as green flags?” Hmmm I can't help you with that, sorry

614 Name: Anonymous : 2023-02-11 04:42 ID:9mrSBb5i

This is the single male rant thread not the married male rant thread.

615 Name: Anonymous : 2023-02-11 09:10 ID:nZ4lcjWs

But >>612 and >>613 both were on topic. Maybe you're just the retard in the thread.

616 Name: Anonymous : 2023-02-11 14:07 ID:vSg4YUWU

Sucks to be you all I'm gay and he's great for both

617 Name: Anonymous : 2023-02-12 21:23 ID:jZD94gpe

I've always been single, but I haven't had any true "single guy moments" that rocked in years, since I've been swamped with work since the start of the decade. Traveling and seeing live music were my favorite things to do as a single dude, but I can't do either now, since I'm too poor to travel, and there's no live music in my state anymore except in fucking boston, since the pandemic killed everything cool in my area

618 Name: Anonymous : 2023-02-13 00:17 ID:bRusKXRL

All those bastards at work are quietly mocking me for not having anyone for valentines fucking bastards

619 Name: Anonymous : 2023-02-13 07:14 ID:3Ims6Y0Y


620 Name: Anonymous : 2023-02-14 10:57 ID:iceMLSeC

I don't hate Valentine's day all it does is remind me that I'm an awkward as fuck loner and have been since I entered high school. Now I'm a kissless virgin who's never even had a conversation with a female that wasn't family nevermind a date. At nearly 30, I am now too developmentally retarded to have a functioning relationship with anyone and no matter what I try it doesn't work. Would it even matter anyway? When I was 8 year old being socially awkward was cute, when I was 18 it was a personal problem, by the time your 28 all people think is that your creepy and they avoid you like your a infected with AIDS. All Valentine's day does is remind you how lonely you are and shame you for it.

621 Post deleted.

622 Name: Anonymous : 2023-02-24 14:22 ID:Heaven


623 Name: Anonymous : 2023-02-26 00:29 ID:uBWSnNbi

not nice.

624 Name: Anonymous : 2023-02-27 01:15 ID:DiooPvR1

You sound like a fag. Either man up or off yourself already. You talk like 28 is the end you not a 70 something year old with your skin falling off. Stop being such a pussy. Because if you put off off having a relationship now at 28 you’ll end up in a situation where it really is too late and even a hooker won’t jump on your scaly old man shrivelled cucumber dick.

625 Name: Anonymous : 2023-02-27 01:42 ID:AeMoy/ez

Speaking from experience?

626 Name: Anonymous : 2023-02-27 07:56 ID:DiooPvR1

Having sex is a good way to get AIDS no thanks

627 Name: Anonymous : 2023-02-28 12:21 ID:nZ4lcjWs

Having sex and cumming inside of a hairy vagina is a good way to feel good.

628 Name: Anonymous : 2023-03-02 01:17 ID:ogeRxwmr

I hate being single but if I had a woman I know she’d only drag me out to do stupid normie activities with her and force me to get a job. No thank you.

629 Name: Anonymous : 2023-03-05 15:07 ID:Heaven

>>628 You know that you can find humans into all sorts of things, and being female doesn't mean they automatically only like normie things? You can find someone who would want to do activities you'd like with you, but I think you need to grow a bit first

630 Name: Anonymous : 2023-03-06 05:29 ID:Heaven

Where can I find weeaboo girls?

631 Name: Anonymous : 2023-03-08 06:39 ID:eDtxhIJ0

In sealed plastic bags in the trash behind abortion clinics

632 Name: Anonymous : 2023-03-08 08:09 ID:nZ4lcjWs

You used to be able to find them playing DDR at arcades in the 2000s.

633 Name: Anonymous : 2023-03-11 06:32 ID:H/sI8Sos

Why do male loners really want girl friends when they hate being around other humans?

634 Name: Anonymous : 2023-03-11 07:41 ID:7f1X8hxN

Regardless of how much people hate being around others. Sex is pleasurable and losers like us still want to stick our dicks inside of hot wet pussy and cum like the beasts we are.

635 Name: Anonymous : 2023-03-11 09:47 ID:qJ2P696V

Turn your hand into a muppet and use that.

636 Name: Anonymous : 2023-03-11 11:59 ID:SDcax0yh

Exactly! If people can scratch that itch with porn, toys and hookers, why are they still obsessed with a girlfriend? And when a lot of people talk about having a girlfriend, a lot of the time they’re not talking about sex but this desire to be loved. But why do people who hate other humans suddenly want one specific kind of human to love them? Is this just hardwired into us and unavoidable?

637 Name: Anonymous : 2023-03-12 08:15 ID:FlVVP8qJ

Sex and masturbating aren't even close. Having a sexual partner that you fuck on a regular basis is a much more meaningful experience as well. I got to experience it first hand myself in the late 2000s. I was in a relationship with a girl and we had sex everyday for close to two years until I was devastated by finding out that she had been cheating on me. Literally had some guy sneaking in and out of her bedroom window right before I was coming over. I got pissed, had a psychotic episode, ended our relationship, and went to go get checked for STDs a few times for the next year. The worst part is that was back in the 2000s. I can only imagine how bad trust is with women now days with how rampant social media has taken hold in their lives. Having an endless supply of people they could choose from to have sex with. It's no wonder that so many people from Generation Z can't find relationships or even a sexual partner in the opposite sex. The dating pool has become so clouded and dirty nobody even wants to bother to swim. I think the only true remedy to this pain is robo waifus.

638 Name: Anonymous : 2023-03-13 07:29 ID:Heaven

Some people like wishing for things, but never actually trying to realize them. They'll act really conflicted about their emotions, but really they've resigned themselves to an life of mediocrity, content to just imagine what a better life would be like.
I've noticed that a lot more of these people tend to be online, likely because it's a lot easier to just be passive and voyeuristic without a physical presence.

639 Name: Anonymous : 2023-03-13 14:46 ID:Heaven

"Other humans" come in many shapes and sizes, and I guess I still haven't given up hope that I'll be able to find somebody I can be alone together with...

640 Name: Anonymous : 2023-03-18 11:26 ID:qJ2P696V

I wonder if OP ever got married.

641 Name: Anonymous : 2023-03-20 00:48 ID:Ak0aaHKW

I’ve basically given up hope. I don’t even have irl friends and have never made any never mind a gf. I don’t think genuine human contact is even possible nowadays. Everything is mediated by social media apps and their culture of fakery.

The internet feeds people’s fantasies without giving them the tools to act on them. We see images of people with happy families, friends, relationships etc. and it’s easier to just down yourself in that because actually going out there is becoming more and more difficult. It’s easier to just lock yourself up in a bubble and consume anime and VNs than go out there and get your heart broken.

I hope so but probably not.

642 Name: Anonymous : 2023-04-02 07:46 ID:65KXmMJA

Honestly, I can't afford an S.O., Male or Female the food and housing costs are too damn high.

643 Name: vc: lice : 2023-04-02 09:58 ID:gY/v71zR

If your SO isn't willing to work and pay their share of those they're a shitty person anyway
Which can be ok if the sex is great and you have a good paying job, but if you don't, just keep on looking for a non-parasite

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