Single Male Rant thread (643)

611 Name: Anonymous : 2023-02-09 13:37 ID:y3eO5kM2

You all say you hate being single but the truth is, if you landed your perfect dream girl you'd be just as unhappy as you realize a relationship is not all that it's chalked up to be. Especially when your girl demands you divert rent money for her designer handbags, when she begins cutting you off from friends, when she starts shitting on your weeb hobbies etc. What you really want is:
A. Companionship
B. Someone to fuck
Well for A just make female friends and acquaintances you can share interests and feelings with. As for B buy a hooker or, if your cheap, ol' faithful right hand and an internet connection. Either way, don't go looking for both in the same person, don't shit where you eat basically.

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