Single Male Rant thread (643)

620 Name: Anonymous : 2023-02-14 10:57 ID:iceMLSeC

I don't hate Valentine's day all it does is remind me that I'm an awkward as fuck loner and have been since I entered high school. Now I'm a kissless virgin who's never even had a conversation with a female that wasn't family nevermind a date. At nearly 30, I am now too developmentally retarded to have a functioning relationship with anyone and no matter what I try it doesn't work. Would it even matter anyway? When I was 8 year old being socially awkward was cute, when I was 18 it was a personal problem, by the time your 28 all people think is that your creepy and they avoid you like your a infected with AIDS. All Valentine's day does is remind you how lonely you are and shame you for it.

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