Single Male Rant thread (643)

612 Name: Anonymous : 2023-02-10 06:42 ID:nZ4lcjWs

Hard truths here. I've been in a relationship with the same woman for 17 years. It's soul sucking and miserable. Marriage isn't worth it. The only reason why I don't leave is because divorce would absolute wreck me. We barely even have sex and when we do it's a soulless chore that she doesn't even get into. I tried to do my part in being romantic until that was never going to work or be good enough for her. So I just bend her over and do a quick pump and dump. She passes out and I get on my computer which I end up usually fapping at some point throughout the night just to actually feel some damn pleasure in a dopamine sense. I've been wishing I was single for over a decade.

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