This is my language teaching thread!! It's true! It's true! (721)

170 Name: Anonymous : 2007-05-01 00:50 ID:rwqfBmsi

> By the way, I couldn't get tickets for returning to my family home.

Aww, that's really sad :(

Would you like to hear how to ask out female otaku?

You write on a slip of paper, "Would you like to go out with me? []Yes []No" (the []s are checkboxes)

Then you slip it into her mailbox. Even if you're too nervous to say anything, she will at least get the message. Then she will get angry with you and slap you, saying, "Pathetic otaku, if you want to ask me out do it in person!"

Then you can stare, but when she turns around and leaves, you say "Stupid girl, you're an otaku too. Don't expect so much."

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