This is my language teaching thread!! It's true! It's true! (721)

473 Name: 1 : 2007-09-05 02:14 ID:Heaven

Sorry to have kept you waiting. = Sorry that I have kept you waiting. = Sorry for having kept you waiting.

Hello, meimaggie! Nice to meet you!

>dare dedeshou = 誰でしょう = だれでしょう

This sentence does not include the subject(the Japanese subject. I'm not sure that this grammatical work can be apply to the English sentence). So this sentence can be read several ways. When I read this one sentence, I will interpret it as '私は誰でしょう(= Who am I)'.
After all, I cannot conclude accurately.

誰(だれ) = who
でしょう = deshou
'deshou' is a little complex. MORI Hiroshi(my favorite mystery writer) says that 'deshou' is a conjugation of 'desu'.
"~でしょう" means question and presumption. In this case, 'でしょう' is used as question.

Hello! I haven't seen you in about two weeks!
You are so positive! Please ask me anything! I'll reply within my range.

u r such a nerd!!!

>I guess they don't have any real-life experience?

Me too!

>how's your pronounciation?

Unfortunately, I seldom have chance to speak English. And I cannot speak English quickly.
When I was walking around Nippon-bashi, I was spoken to by a woman like you. She was looking for a bag with casters.(My sister had that bag. She writes manga. the genre is 'yaoi'!)
I could understand what she said, but I couldn't tell her where she could get it.

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