If you spot something that needs moderator attention, post about it here.
Specify the exact thread and post number(s) if possible.
how convenient
>>672,676 Deleted.
>>668,673,675 Permasaged, don't seem worth deleting; same for >>674
>>669 Seems to be the case; didn't delete it in time and now it has some replies. If I can find a way, I'll remove only the link.
Happy new year.
Also >>678 (´・ω・`)
I don't know if this is subject to deletion, but I'm not a fan of new, prone-to-die imageboards being spammed on other websites.
this could, theoretically, be output from talktotransformer but I'm pretty sure it's spam
coomers as far as the eyes can see
The 4chan virus seems to be spreading and bringing its lingo together with it.
If I may offer my opinion: bad threads are not spam.
I admit the difference is subtle, but try to identify the distinction between an unfunny opening post that clearly attempts to participate in the time-honored "AA character" trend in DQN, and other posts commonly reported in this thread, such as (most recently): link to cartoon porn and other random websites, and over 10 threads consisting solely of the subject line and text "COOMER".
Speaking of coomers: http://4-ch.net/general/subback.html
http://4-ch.net/general/kareha.pl/1586462759/ pretty good question, imo
http://4-ch.net/dqn/kareha.pl/1586498124/ It's our old free college buddy again (probably)
Not a cleanup request, but I don't know where I'm supposed to post this.
This thread http://4-ch.net/dqn/kareha.pl/1247184946/ has had quite a few replies since 242, but when I open it I can only see up to 242. I don't know if it's just me or the thread is simply glitched.
Seems like weird spam.
Gotta admit I replied to some of these threads but a new one every day is gonna get old fast. If nothing else they belong on /politics/
Thank you whichever mod cleaned up /general/. It may be DQN Lite even at the best of times but that's better than being 4chan /pol/ lite.
Deleted and/or permasaged.
Seconded, this applies to >>683,685,709 as well. I guess I've made an exception for the stuff in /general/; I've left some of the threads permasaged for now, please let me know if I should un-permasage any of them (or any other threads for that matter).
You're welcome.
Can someone ban that one kid who is spamming emojis on here.
I don't care that he's spamming emojis but I do care that he just bumped the oldest thread on every board with one.
Get the fuck out you're too young to be here.
Imagine gatekeeping with age a website.
Uggh not the imagine meme again i hate when kids use this meme because it shows a attitude of smugness and not giving a fuck about lurking and learning about internet culture because they think 4chan is 4chan everywhere you go and that they belong everywhere newsflash kids you don't lurk more and read up on the history of text boards before posting.
You're the one causing trouble here GTFO.
I'm not defending anyone. I too think he/she should be banned.
I was referring to the part of being too young to be here. I don't understand why someone should be banned for being too young if he isn't causing trouble(not referring to the emoji spammer, I'm talking in general now). It's an attitude I saw other times in this site.
I've lurked enough and been on this site for enough time.
I don't even use 4chan. Maybe you should expand your horizons a bit instead of putting everyone in the same pot.
I'm just going to hand out a warning and clean it up, and leave it at that. No need to make a big deal out of this.
Because you're too young to remember the old internet and your generation ruins everything it touches.
Okay someone ban the soyjak poster on general and delete the thread i am kinda getting pissed that the quality of this site is going downhill because of these kids.
> your generation ruins everyrhing it touches.
Ironically it's the same accusation brought against every new gemeration every time. How ironic that millennials like you became the very thing they disliked so much. I guess it's just the proccess of growing up. Also, literally new generations are fed the contents older generations have created, so take it out to the people that created all the trash content that is threw in the face of today(or tomorrow) kids.
>it's the same accusation brought against every new gemeration every time
And every time they're right.
t. greek philosopher
>. How ironic that millennials like you became the very thing they disliked so much.
If you mean smartphone addicted trigger happy faggots well i am absolutely not one of them and those people are not the majority of millennials kid go outside and actually talk to someone but i guess you don't know how since your genration is socially withdrawn.
> since yout generation is socially withdrawn.
Keep living in you bubble. Also, isn't it yours generation that created all those addictive stuff in the first place? But sure, let's give fault to the victims.
>Keep living in you bubble. Also, isn't it yours generation that created all those addictive stuff in the first place?
I don't live in a bubble kid and no it was actually Steve Jobs and the boomer generation that created all of it.
are you telling me that facebook,instagram, snapchat, reddit and pretty much most of the social network(which are the addictive stuff used by kids nowadays), games with predatory tactics and slot machines mechanics, advertising that at this point you can even find in everyone's butt, abuse of the dopamine and attention system in the web, all of it was created by boomers?
Now THAT's a new to me, cause I remember that, while Steve Jobs and boomers created the devices and the technology, it was the millennials that developed and defended all the development of the predatory tactics I mentioned before. Hell, a lot of the youtubers( which unironically kids today watch more than anything else),"gameplay" youtubers keep posting and DEFENDING the gambling of the games they play, they basically reccomend and advertise gambling to kids. Are you telling me that even browser companies like google and mozzilla aren't designing browser to be more 'coinvolgent'( read "more difficult to stop the dopamine hit with the information flow")? Are telling me all of this is made by boomers and not by millennials????
Honestly, all of this is to say that the generation is not the problem, but it's the victim of what the previous generations create and do in the world. Same went for the millennials and boomers that ended up watching too much TV ( which is addictive stuff too) and having their worldview fucked up.
I also add generation X somewhere there.
Blows marijuana smoke on the screen. I'm smoking a blunt and reading this retarded thread on the toilet. True millennial here.
Where are all these kids coming from? please just ban them already they are ruining they quality of this site with the emoji spam and lack of lurking and being that they are too young to remember old internet culture they shouldn't even be here.
>Muh gatekeeping
This site is dead anyway, do expect anything else? It's been shit forever, I don't get it. People like you think that text boards will ever come back and the "early days" of the internet you faggots LOVE to have wet dreams about is EVER going to come back. Face it, in 20 years sites like this will be gone and all the gen-z fags will be gawking about the "old days" of discord, tiktok, and fortnite.
Go ahead, tell be i'm a "newfag", or a "normalfag", cause let me tell you, you better hold on tight to what you still have and gatekeep harder cause websites like these will be fucking extinct. I mean they already are to be honest look at all the emojis spammed across every board.
Oh wait, I forgot to ask you to tell me to "Lurk more". Ahahahahahah your fucking funny as hell.
Awww does babby need a diaper change again?
Get the fuck out you obnoxious gen Z faggots there is nothing wrong with gatekeeping and if you think there is you need to go back to reddit get banned and stop ruining the quality of this site. You kids will never experience the magic and fun the internet once had in the 90s and 2000s and i honestly feel so bad for your generation growing up with shitty corporate SJW internet now piss off and get the fuck out.
> You kids will never experience the magic and fun the internet once had in the 90s and 2000s
Looks like someone can't fit in society and keeps having wet dreams about his "closed ever friendly group that never existed".
Grow up man, it's time to stop being a teenager.
We should make this guy mod
Finally someone that isn't a fucking shit head that gatekeeps a fucking text board because "The Gen Z's!!!1!1 ZOMG!!1" and "Have you seen Fortnite and Tiktok!! WOW what I had back then was a fucking stick, my dogs shit and an old windows xp browser!"
Like what the fuck is wrong with you old man, this site is dead, stop sticking with your outdated 2000's slang like "Lurk more" and new fag. Jesus Christ YOUR talking about how Gen Z sucks? Your still talking like a 2005 teenager that hates his mom! OH and don't get me fucking started with Your generations internet culture. You know what it was? FUCKING SHIT! All YOU did back in the "Good ol' days" was shit post on text boards too! HAHAHAA WHAT A FUCKING FAGGOT! Your just "nostalgic" for an age where you could get away with anything because the internet was still young! Shit post nazi stuff on myspace? DONE! you could have done that, got away with it, and no one would care! (maybe you could have got a 13 year old girl on facebook to kill herself because you sent death threats lol) Oh... what about... hmmm I don't know plan mass shootings, buy guns online with ease, lie about your age! Like WHAT THE FUCK! The ONLY reason your nostalgic is cause the internet was "Young", you where an edgy 2000's teenager, watched MTV, you hated your parents, and you've NEVER GROWN OUT OF IT MOTHERFUCKER!
> this site is dead
Mind explaining why you think so?
Ignoring the quality, I still see plenty of posts. And no, just because there aren't hundreds of post a day or a month or a year doesn't mean that the site is dead. To me, it looks like it is pretty alive. I mean, you wouldn't be replying to some rando on the internet if this site was dead, would you?
By that I meant the "Old internet culture" and quality of this site is dead, not that the quantity of posts are low.
( ´ω`) Back in my day, we used to "gatekeep" actual gates, you kids don't know shit
Did it say "Arbeit macht frei"?
Nice pasta now get out kid kids like you have no right to kill the last few good places on the internet go back to social media.
What is gatekeeping anyway
>Nice pasta
>kill the last few good places on the internet
A single zoomer? not likely. I've posted here on other threads and you fags never seethed like this before. I don't have the exact intention to destroy this place anyway, go after the emoji spammer for that.
>go back to social media.
No. Every gatekeeping faggot thinks I was born yesterday and flock to social media. Hey news flash dumbass! Why am I on here? to shitpost? Please, if I was here to shitpost I would've left to another shitchan/shit-ch the second you hive mind fuckers told me the same line of "go back to social media" or "muh internet culture is so precious! don't touch!"
>Normalfag zoomers spotted get the fuck out.
Again, i've posted here before and been here for months and you couldn't spot a zoomer if your moms next paycheck depended on it.
> Why am I on here?
You're here because you desperately want to fit in with a bunch of 20 and 30 somethings who grew up with a completely different internet culture than you. Like that other anon said it is like a little kid hanging out in a retirement home for elderly people instead of hanging out with his own peers his own age lol.