Thread to talk about actor Tom Hiddleston
Tom Hiddleston 1:
Tom Hiddleston 2:
Tom Hiddleston 3:
>>350 Three mugs on the table and someone's knee on the left side of the photo, so EO and Marc Abraham were there too... guess they weren't a "pleasure to meet" lol.
>>350 Dang! That's from the Fandango interview w/ Tom, Lizzie & the director. Kinda mean of the interviewer to crop Lizzie out of the pic & only compliment Tom.
Hey, nippers. Dropping in to say Hi and deliver this gift:
For those that don't want to wade through.
There have been a lot of links between you and Tom Hiddleston, about you two dating. I don’t know if that’s something you confirm, but how do you feel —
"I mean, we definitely are friends and we've known each other for about four years. And we happened to be at a restaurant at a wrong time having dinner. We all go out to dinner."
How do you react when you see that in the press?
"Well, apparently, I'm dating Chris Evans, and apparently, I've dated Jeremy Renner, so I guess that... I don’t react to it."
So you're not dating Tom?
"No. I mean people can think what they want to think."
Just about to post that from the Lipstick site.
Answer to the last question btw:
Missed you guys. I've been on holiday - up in the mountains without internet or even cell coverage! Back to work.
Seriously though ... his longest lasting public relationship after SF has to be with - Luke.
(I'm running away now as the flames reach my feet)...
Well, I was wrong - I thought they were just going to let the speculation ride.
>>358 Hahaha either Luke or that one sweater from the Live Below the Line and Loki'd videos.
God. I go out for dinner and come back to this?!!!!
Good for you Couch - you called it right!
This leaves me even more fascinated by the U.S. Weekly articles. Where from? I still find it hard to believe that was a total off the wall fabrication which she had nothing to do with.
>>359 I too am amazed that she admitted it. I wonder if she let the "no" out slightly by accident as in "no. Er, I mean, people can think what they like."
PS you can't keep the new favourite Letters Live jacket down!!全部微博#showPic
>>360 As she pointed out in that interview, someone (cough her PR cough) has a history of linking her to famous actors in the press, and then she denies the relationships a few months later. This is actually something that went on with her even before she was engaged to Boyd Holbrook, so I think it's part of her PR's strategy. Though I'm still not exactly sure what they're trying to do - make her look desirable? like a victim of the press? just to keep her name out there by suggesting she's romantic or hooking up with her costars? Of course there's a chance that maybe something was going on between her and Tom and it's not anymore, therefore denial, but I don't think so.
>>362 I wonder if there was something, fairly new or casual, that got killed by the publicity. Or that somebody (guess who, cough cough) wanted there to be something going on.
Anyway a lot of gossip journalists will be eating dirt tomorrow. Celebitchy suggested she was pregnant under that peplum!
Why do you find that hard to believe? It wouldn't be the first time a gossip site has made up a story!
'People can think what they like' is celeb-speak for 'I don't really care who random strangers think I'm dating'. That's exactly why the gossip sites get away with just making shit up - they know most celebs don't think it's worth getting upset about, as long as they're not actually accused of cheating, which would be libel. Hence all the gossip sites being so careful about saying there was no cheating going on.
So that's that, I guess. Weird that Lizzie just let the rumors grow & grow & grow for almost 9 months & then acts all indignant that she's actually asked to clarify. Whatever. But I gotta say, now that it's pretty clear Lizzie won't get any award nominations, I wonder if that's why she wanted to put the rumor to rest. This rumor no longer helps Lizzie, it only helps the film & possibly Tom.
>>364 Because she is known to use US Weekly as her PR organ of choice. As for example Clooney uses People. It was fairly extensively discussed on (I think) thread 3.
EO was at the High-Rise screening lol :
Steven Weintraub @colliderfrosty
HIGH RISE is the hot ticket tonight. Just talked to Elizabeth Olsen, Eddie Redmayne, and spotted many other big names
03:38 - 14 sept. 2015
https://twitter. com/colliderfrosty/status/643237309685436416
You can see EO behind him in this one
Apparently there is extensive nudity.
Review by William Bibbiani, Crave Online:
Well I got it right but I thought they would ask him since he is the homewrecker. I guess Luke made it clear to press that TH won't answer that sort of question:
I think as a strategy it goes along with what I said about her and her gibes at TH. I'm with Anon that she went a bit JA and tried to create a relationship and since it didn't work now she is the one talking. Again she says they have been friends for 4 years, so she didn't cheat on her fiancè.
This is why I thought it would be better for TH to squash the rumour first. Now since EO talked I wonder if he will too.
I take her presence at HR premiere in that fashion as work, mainly because given their behaviour these past 2 days, what else could it be?
this is from CB, a collection of twitter comments for HR fromthe audience I guess.
“HIGH-RISE isn’t SNOWPIERCER in a condo, it’s COSMOPOLIS.”
“HIGH-RISE is a wonderfully mad piece of cinema. Super faithful Ballard adaptation, both to its benefit and detriment. ”
“#HighRise: fear and loathing on the social ladder. above and beyond; unforgettable experience”
“Well that’s 2 hours I’ll never get back. Polite tepid applause for Ben Wheatley’s #HighRise, worst film I’ve seen at #TIFF15 so far”
“High Rise was kind of like Snowpiercer but awful”
“I would like to have my two hours back please, High-Rise.”
“High-Rise was… interesting. Not my cup of tea, but then it did have Tom Hiddleston dancing and in various states of undress.”
“HIGH RISE: like a nightmare you can’t wake up from; incoherent, irritating and something you’ll hope to forget.”
“#highrise is more interested in metaphors than story. Too bad I like my movies with less ironies than character developments.”
"I literally almost fainted - Tom is kinky as f***. Sexiness times 10000. The full throttle. And lots of thrusting. #TomHiddleston"
https://twitter. com/TomWHFandom/status/643282627638743040
"Tom Hiddleston and dancing stewardesses. Grinding. Pelvic movements. #TOMHIDDLESTON @TWHIDDLESTON #HIGHRISE"
https://twitter. com/TomWHFandom/status/643290151792320512
"HIGH RISE was a pretty crazy ride. Some are going to love it. Most will not. Need to see it again. #tiff15"
https://twitter. om/colliderfrosty/status/643276186383069185
"The one simple thing I can say about HIGH-RISE: Tom Hiddleston is totally naked within the first 10 minutes. #TIFF15"
"Clarifying this hurried tweet. The ~character~ is totally naked. The actor has a strategically draped newspaper."
https://twitter. com/adambvary/status/643287205612359680
if you read the book you know the scene
About EO and why she is talking now, together with saying that it's because she knows nothing will ever happen and she moved on, obviously it might also be that they were always just friends, though why just friends wouldn't hang out together at parties it's a mystery.
"I have never seen so many people walk out of a film. #HighRise"
https://twitter. com/Mark_O_Hammond/status/643279867920973824
Hi guys, I had a busy weekend and missed all the latest news :)
So, if anything was happening at all, it's apparently over.
>>363 I do wonder if there was something developing or if there were at least attempts to start something.
TBH, I have a hunch that maybe there were, only we don't know what exactly, and obviously not the "they are talking all the time and dream of family and babies" thing gossip rags were blabbing about.
>>343 The boots are back, yay! Lol
>>373 And now I'm eagerly waiting for HR!
"hollywoodreporterTom Hiddleston shares the screen with the always lovely Elizabeth Olsen in #ISawTheLight,"
apparently it has more to do with his behind.
"If you just want to see Tom Hiddleston's behind for ten minutes, #HighRise is the perfect movie for you. #TIFF15"
https://twitter. com/sleepyskunk/status/643284239807438848
colliderfrostyHIGH RISE cast on stage at #TIFF15 video
Tom Hiddleston - I Saw The Light - Relationships
"The two-hour film was shot in record time, 38 days to be exact, which left the 34-year-old actor almost no down time to debrief in between shoots. "We shot it very fast, we shot the film in 38 days, it's long yeah and it was longer. I was in everyday and in every scene and so I just, I didn't really have time to be myself."
full interview here:
little ET Canada video bit here
(one of the funniest thing of the EO saga is now watching the bycycle woman having to bite the dust.)
>>383 Oh I know, I went on there for about 30 seconds today to see what she was saying and couldn't take it. She's super angry, probably because her inbox was filled with "I told you so" messages from the people she's been calling delusional nanny fangirls for the last six months.
""Hank Williams said the sunset in the evening was the loneliest time in the day, and I think that came from something deep within. I hope there are moments in the film where you can see that," Tom Hiddleston of his character in #ISawTheLight. #THRatTIFF"
(I'm losing track of what I posted alreayd and what not)
always hollywood reporter
Red Carpet Diary: HIGH-RISE stars Tom Hiddleston and Jeremy Irons at TIFF 2015
Wilder's pregnant wife?
What did they do to this book!
he wore a double breast for HR Q&A. That photoshoot really did a number on him. Blue would have been better though.
Screendaily article about HR
Btw, EO arrived holding hands with....ISTL's director Abrahams
with knitted blue tie
>>391 And TH, a kind soul that he is, was acting as a decoy to help her hide the relationship with the director, and not with Chris E.! Lol
>>391 who is HE?
>>396 no anonsy, MY bad, i've been skimming and posting so many things while also working that my brain clearly can handle it anymore. You were perfectly clear :)
>>397 Haha I understand, I spent so much time on Twitter the day of the ISTL premiere and saw so many hashtags that when the reviews came out I could barely read real sentences anymore.
From the Screendaily review, do not read that review if you want to avoid spoiler.
"In Tom Hiddleston, the director has found an actor who can deliver the central character’s essential distance with the right mix of sympathy, intelligence and raw carnality. The film sings, and, frequently, dances; it feels alive."
See, watching the variety studio fandango video you can totally say "they were only just friends". EO says that she met with TH 4 years ago and they kept in touch all these years. So to me it makes no sense that they'd wait so much to crazy fall in love with each other. And when watching the hollywood reporter video even my own speculations about EO throwing gibes at TH make little sense.
But I'm so happy we are done with this, I swear this is the last time I join the speculation game about his love life.
>>401 Oh what a load of absolute bollocks Kaiser is spouting. She is covering her back because yesterday she ran a "pregnancy?" story. And if she believes the "photographed together multiple times in London" story then she is out of her mind. There were 2 occasions: creepy stalker fan shot and pursegategate.
By contrast this sounds plausible (also from CB):
"Old and cynical party of one here to propose a theory:
Someone’s PR team leaked the dating stories ahead of the film festivals to garner some press. The same PR person likely tipped off the paps re: the posh dinner “date”, and probably planted the stories on the gossip sites that they’ve been an item since filming.
Jump ahead to the film festival, where the only good things being said about ISTL are the reviews of Hiddleston’s performance.
So, this film isn’t going to be a contender, neither actor is likely to be nominated for a major award. (Or a leg lamp, for that matter.) Therefore, no more reason to play the “are they or aren’t they” game, hence the flat out denials about dating. If the film were getting better reviews, I have no doubt that this would’ve played out differently."
Makes some sense of the U.S. Weekly article.
>>402 I don't know what's worse, her writing that bs, or people reacting to it. If they were a couple she would have said nothing, to avoid looking like idiots in the future. Now that she talked others will maybe ask her.
>>403 yes, I think we even covered it in thread3, but I don't see TH playing this game, since he probably already knew the film was so-so. So it'd be her PR.
I know we said as a joke, about EO and ISTL's director, but isn't it strange to hold hands with the director of your film and another film's première?
>>404 It is fun to speculate when it is ambiguous pics or gossipy articles (even if seeming to be planted). But when it comes from the horse's mouth in clear terms I tend to say "ok game over". I know celebs do lie - Clooney denied dating Amal and then got engaged but the interesting thing was that he had never commented before (save I think to confirm known relationships were over). But EO has commented on rumours before and was keen seemingly to get the accurate story out about her breakup with Boyd. She was asked and she was pretty direct about TH.
>>406 yes, me too. But if you read CB posters they are writing the most absurd plots and things that can't be proved just to go on talking about it. Oh well, it took how many months for people to stop with JA? It's going to be the same here.
>>407 And I say this all as someone who thought they were. I still think they may have been, and she didn't exactly say they never had. But as to what is going on now - all the evidence points one way. Also, as others have commented in a not so mad way, I'd they are dating why not just say MYOB? There is no downside to that response either way - don't engage and let people in, and keep the rumour mill going.
I notice that in the opposite "believe EO" camp, US Weekly, previously supposed to be founded on verified "sightings" between Jan - May, is now considered to be vicious and inherently unbelievable rumour. How did we ever fall for that? I think the truth may lie somewhere in between. Not that we will ever know.
High Rise press conference live stream
in over 2 hours.
Last day, pheew!
"Look who's back! This time for High-Rise. #varietystudio #tiff"
https://twitter. com/jenelleriley/status/643447938572677120
new sweater isn't it? Or is the one from the tongue twister video?
No new I think. That one was a turtle and had a button detail. He has gone maaaad! Glad to see the dreaded boots back though - nice to have something reliable in this crazy few days...!!
>>411 oh true, it was a turtle neck. New clothes old boots. Too much new can kill you.
High Rise Telegraph review
again do not read if you don't want spoilers
>>401 Ugh. Has the reporting on CB always been this bad? I know they're a gossip website, but it seems like they've gotten more ridiculous over the last few months.
>>415 TH's always were a little more on the news then trying to clickbait people into posting. Not anymore. I guess they need more money.
>>416 I'm not even going to bother with them anymore. I used to check celebitchy for Tom and a couple other celebrities, but it's completely pointless if the articles are going to be so terrible and the comments are going to be about Colin Firth being locked in someone's trunk or making pancakes on the veranda or whatever.
In the meantime there a parade of blues to admire
more at Torrilla's
>>419 very much, and it's pleasant to talk about it.
>>415 >>417 They were always more or less sensible and skeptic over there, IDK WTH happened.
Don't even get me started about husbands and verandas, it was maybe somewhat funny two years ago when the old posters (who had better imagination and sense of humour and who do not visit anymore) started that "imaginary life". Now it's just so tired and boring.
I don't really know this site, it seems another gossip one but she had an interview with TH and EO
Oh, that still makes me laugh, mainly because I think it's a sly way of commenting on the general nonsense and conspiracy theories some people over there spout.
There's no more imagination involved in the picnics on the veranda than there is is the convoluted conspiracy theories about pap walks and PR set-ups and co-stars being FWBs, etc.
>>421 >>424 I seem to remember it all starting with the Tom Hiddleston Jaguar commercial, where he puts a mysterious bag into the trunk of his car. People joked that it was Mark Strong in the bag, since he was the other "villain" in the first commercial. Then Strong was hiding in the trunk, somehow Colin Firth ended up in there, and now two years later we have a whole harem of male actors serving brunch and mimosas. Which, yes, is probably more realistic than a lot of what gets posted in the actual articles on CB lately. ;)
It's refreshing to see people with a sense of humour, because some of the over-invested fans over there scare me a bit!
As it happens I think they would have made a cute couple together, but if they say they're just friends then I'll take their word for it over the speculations of people who have never met them based on a few seconds' worth of photographs.
OK, is it my imagination, or does their comments in this really make it sound like they've been reading celebitchy comments and going 'whaaaat?'
>>427 Now CB are debating EO's relationship with her director.. poor girl.
For whatever it's worth though, it sounds like both parties are denying anything other than dinner on that pap night.
More fire on the flames - isn't JA turning up to the HR premiere in London in support of Clint Mansell?
Looking forward to seeing all three films, in any case.
Don't get me started (again) on Celebitchy. Seems like for every individual covered there is nowsome queen bitch telling everybody what the party line is. What has happened to the TH threads? When I first discovered TH I read back some of the more commented upon articles and they were hilarious: very affectionate but they also saw the funny side of his foibles. Nowadays if someone expresses any view no matter how anodyne some loon will leap on it disagreeing and flog it to death. I personally think all this crap about verandas is no more than a way to police views expressed on the board (if you're not in my gang etc). It's not so much mimosas for everyone as disagree with me and I will chuck you into my crocodile infested bayou.
Much more importantly, why has a film featuring both Luke Evans and TH cavorting naked, with bonus Jeremy Irons and James Purefoy, not acquired a UK distributor?
>>427 thank you.
"“We went out to dinner in London, and everybody [assumed],” says Hiddleston with a laugh.
“Apparently you don’t go out to dinner at that restaurant,” Olsen chimes in. (The restaurant was London’s elegant The Wolseley on Picadilly.)
“Mustn’t do that,” adds Hiddleston.
“We happened to be at the wrong place at the wrong time having dinner, and people have dinner, and then it becomes a lot of things,” says Olsen, clearly amused. “I mean, I’m apparently in lots of relationships right now.”"
TH addressed it! Now I got it right! haha
But I think both parts decided to do this and that they are friendly but not friends anymore, because like that Lainey reported:
"But for what it’s worth, I can tell you that at the I Saw The Light after-party, aside from posing for photos together, they barely had any interaction."
TheWrap Interview Studio at Toronto 2015: Tom Hiddleston and Elizabeth Olsen on ‘I Saw the Light'
Tom Hiddleston Talks 'Kong: Skull Island' and 'Thor 3' (Thor: Ragnarok)
High Rise Press Conference
Such long legs
Come on Horowitz where's the video?
"Tom Hiddleston has revealed juicy details about his exciting new projects Kong: Skull Island and Thor: Ragnarok."
"Tom Hiddleston makes a quick study of anatomy for his movie High-Rise"
"To hear about the making of @HighRise_movie and others, come to Jeremy Thomas In Conversation, 11am Sept 15 #TIFF15 "
https://twitter. com/recordedpicture/status/643635181442625537
<b>TIFF: ISTL Sept 11. HR Sept. 13</b>
<b>San Sebastian Festival: HR Sept 21</b>
Calgary Festival: ISTL gala (Sept 23)
Atlantic Film Festival Halifax, Nova Scotia: ISTL (Sept 17-24)
Zurich Festival: HR Sept 25
Austin Fantastic Fest: HR (Sept 24-Oct 1)
Vancouver Film Festival: ISTL+HR(Oct. 9)
<b>BFI London Film Festival: HR Oct. 9</b>
Sitges Festival Spain: HR Oct. 16-17
Middleburg Film Festival: ISTL (Oct. 22-25)
Austin Film Festival: ISTL (Oct 29 - Nov 5)
>>430 violence and sex?
>>436 Other films with violence and sex got licensed. Still, we are a nation of dog lovers ;)
Tom went back singing in his usual off-key mode in thewrap video :)
"Tom Hiddleston Says 'Kong: Skull Island' Makes Him 'Vibrate With Excitement' | MTV News "
>>428 As I wrote, I admit being a bit puzzled by the holding hands - especially when I remember that EO is 26 years old, 1 year older than Emma Watson - I found it odd in that occasion, and it's true that Abraham was married when ISTL filming started and he isn't anymore, and by what he said during ISTL press conference it was a costly divorce. And look at thewrap video, EO and Abraham have some interesting body language.
However, unless we'll have a future article claiming those 2 are a couple and their love started on ISTL set, I'm ok with not caring about it :)
>>438 "New life sized Tom Hiddleston shaped toy! Guaranteed to vibrate with excitement! Multi purpose."
>>441 lol
High Rise reviews both good - spoiler alert for both, but the first is funny.
High Rise review: The Guardian
From what I read of HR's script so far, from what I read of the Q&A and what they said at the press conference, I think the Guardian's review is the most accurate.
THR and Variety reviews of High Rise, bad ones, worse than the Guardian's. Variety doesn't even have praise for TH.
Interview with Tom about High-Rise:
(One minor spoiler)
Tom is now in New York hanging out with Rodney Crowell.
https://twitter. com/RodneyJCrowell/status/644004828583084032
>>449 and EO was leaving Toronto yesterday