Tom Hiddleston 6 (1000)

163 Name: qaz : 2016-01-11 21:18 ID:wxE9Uiiq

Hm, I have a feeling that probably something more than a FWB situation or Bora Bora v.2 is (or at least was) happening. With Bora Bora, JA at least got to have a vacation on a beautiful tropical island, plus the company of course. Now, if EO was there only for a day or two, do you do something like that for a FBW? Waste your time, money, effort to go there for a couple of days to have a laser tag with their current film crew? I know I wouldn't, unless I considered it "worth it", like something you do for a BF (potential BF?) to stay in touch with them.

Unless she's THAT invested and THAT 'limpety'.

All speculation on my part, of course, since we don't even know for sure how long she was there.

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