Tom Hiddleston 6 (1000)

1 Name: Couch Potato : 2016-01-08 09:53 ID:Heaven

501 Name: Anon. : 2016-01-24 14:11 ID:oap8SbtM

>>486 I would imagine it was for the BBC, given that it's in the Observer. I do wonder however, since it is fairly ISTL heavy (several paragraphs and pics), if he/Luke/Sony/BBC (whoever else), are trying to kill two birds with one interview.

502 Name: Anon. : 2016-01-24 14:16 ID:oap8SbtM

>>492 >>495 >>496 I wonder if he took her there because it is a chain restaurant. That is, it's not a place he usually goes to, so if he meets a journalist there and she mentions it/people see him there, and the fans start to show up, they'll only ever see him there infrequently.

I wonder if another interviewer will mention his white t-shirt, i.d., from the other time he was spotted there.

We know he's a creature of habit: same clothes, same cafe for his FWB, same restaurant for his journalists!

503 Name: Anon. : 2016-01-24 14:27 ID:oap8SbtM

So, I can't tell, did he go to Eton and earn a double first?

In all seriousness (I know - on this board!), I have a journalist friend (I think Anon does as we, so maybe she can back me up on this point!).

Our conversation was about minor politicians, but the same may go for minor celebs like TH. I asked her why so much info is recycled in profiles of certain politicians. She said that journalists are meant to gauge the knowledge of the average reader and give background info for the article's subject based on that analysis.

Now, we all know the basics on TH, but the average Observer reader might not. I think she was just covering her bases.

However, it would have been nice to hear his thoughts about Plato! You can so tell he's a Plato guy and not an Aristotle guy - you can always spot the difference.

504 Name: Anon : 2016-01-24 14:32 ID:bgcXLLLp

>>502 That was kind of what I meant. It isn't the place you would go if you wanted a quiet lunch by yourself or with friends. It's usually heaving.

505 Name: Anon. : 2016-01-24 14:51 ID:oap8SbtM

>>488 I wonder when his family moved to Oxford, because I thought at one point he said they lived in the Cotswolds. Some one will remember if that's correct.

I know the Cotswolds are close to Oxford, but perhaps they were there when he started school and the commute was too off he went.

That having been said - you're right, 7 is too young to be away from parents. I'm sure that's how PMs are made, but it's just as likely to harm. I remember Winston Churchill writing about wanting hugs from his mother and having to get them from matron.

I think the little 7-year-old living inside TH needs a hug.

506 Name: Anon. : 2016-01-24 15:02 ID:oap8SbtM

>>488 I wonder if he was bristly (you're right, it did seem that way) because of the twitter comments. She said that after he followed her, she was deluged by fan messages. By the way, his response to his fans' behavior was hi-larry-us! Shaking his head politely (and probably bashfully!).

If the journalist was contacted by fans, perhaps he was worried that the fans mentioned - and then she would ask about - the subject that dare not speak its name: his private life (and a certain 'co-star'). Please don't ask about EO, please don't ask about EO.

I hope the next time someone asks about his relationship status, his answer is: Jane and I are very happy. Thank you.

507 Name: Anon : 2016-01-24 15:07 ID:DSzKRbid

>>505 If the commute is too far you send your kid to the local village school - and the Cotswolds are so moneyed the state primary schools will probably be more than fine (lots of involved parents). Or you home school.

Just a personal view. I know one person whose parents sent him to boarding school at 4 (jeez) and he is nuts. I think it does real harm before adolescence. I thought that was the one revealing part of the interview. Sniff. I know what you mean about the hug. I think it explains a lot about his friendly but distant demeanour and about what we see of his relationships.

508 Name: NewAnon : 2016-01-24 15:28 ID:SKuCBz5r

I must be really cynical then because I thought it was a nice touch mentioning the boarding school and neglected childhood bit as a way to get sympathy on the whole posh boy angle that the reporter kept prodding him with. It bothered him because he does say clearly that yes inequality exists but how about we not hold me alone as somehow the sole instigator of it.

Overall, it did sound like a recycled copy paste interview with more acidic emphasis on the "Tom the actor is a posh boy, just like the rest of em posh boy actors flooding the market." Maybe that's why he was bristly in the interview.

509 Name: Anon. : 2016-01-24 15:50 ID:oap8SbtM

>>508 Never feel bad for being cynical - we like them that way around here.

And, sure, boarding school at such a young age probably did affect him in a not-completely-healthy way, but he survived. We all survived the dodgy choices our parents made when trying to do right by us. My mother feathered my hair (but w/ a lovely, long mullet) when I was 6 - it was disastrous, several years of school photos were ruined, and it earned me the nickname (which stuck until senior year) Big Bird (because my hair actually looked like Big Bird's!). I know I was sent away to summer camp (under the pretense that 'it was good for me') for two months every year. I hated it, and hated my parents for doing it. Yet, I'm in a stable, loving relationship, I've never been arrested, I'm able to function in the world (though not when there's a new foot of snow outside).

All in all, the little tyke turned out just fine.

I do wonder, however, when he's going to snap re: the class question. He's been asked it so many times - and given his stock answer so many times. Some journalist may get the Freddie Page OMG treatment at some point.

510 Name: Anon : 2016-01-24 15:50 ID:bgcXLLLp

>>508 I didn't read it that way. The interviewer asked him about what kind of child he was and then if that changed when he went to boarding school. So he didn't bring it up in response to the questions about access to the arts.

I do have some sympathy with him on the issue though. He isn't the sole instigator of it. He has also used the opportunities he had to get into a very tough university, took a top degree, got into Rada (where the annual intake is minimal) and became a success when 99% of actors do not. At some point hat success has to be because he is good and not because it was handed to him on a plate. To me the unforgivable thing is having those opportunities and not taking advantage of them.

511 Name: Anon. : 2016-01-24 15:56 ID:oap8SbtM

>>507 I think for his parents - his father especially, given his background - the best education would trump most other factors. Moneyed and involved parents aside, they probably thought Dragon was a much better choice than the local primary.

512 Name: Anon : 2016-01-24 15:58 ID:bgcXLLLp

>>511 I am sure they did what they believed was right. The eternal conundrum of private education is that people who went to state schools and became financially successful want to put their kids in private school, even though they succeeded without it.

513 Name: Anon. : 2016-01-24 16:03 ID:oap8SbtM

>>510 And can we talk about inauthenticity!

What kind of child were you? Quiet and playful. LIES. He was probably a monster, a curly haired monster. Quick-minded children usually are - they're skilled at conjuring up naughtiness and getting away with it.

514 Name: NewAnon : 2016-01-24 16:14 ID:SKuCBz5r

It starts off with him a jab of "it's certainly working well for him" and follows up with how he started boarding school at seven and went to Eton followed by another jab of all the big Brit actors certainly seem to be Eton or Harrow and then you get the whole class inequality thing from Tom after which the reporter seems to get a bit soft hearted and ask if going to boarding school affected him as a child.

Honestly I don't feel much sympathy for him. He's doing well for himself. Sure he didn't have a perfectly happy childhood but lots of people come from either dysfunctional families or have divorced parents or some sort of neglected childhood that have been worse than his and they turn out fine. He went to a good school, got a good education and has a successful career of his choice, and he went through all of that with no lacking for basic needs like food or a place to live. His relationship with his parents seems fine too with how he talks about his mom and how his father wanted him to choose a more financially stable profession. Who hasn't here argued with their parent about their career choice at one point or another in life? I'm sure the divorce is still a sore spot for him like most of us with divorced parents do but I don't necessarily pity him and I really hope he doesn't pity himself either.

As far as his relationship status goes, no one can answer that except for himself. Maybe he's the unconventional type who's not big on monogamy or maybe he's so focused on making A list at the moment that he doesn't have the time to invest in a relationship and would rather work on himself. Or he's just a late bloomer. I've honestly never read or watched a Tom interview and thought he's so lonely and sad or some sort of sob story. He's always struck me as a driven ambitious guy who knows he's very lucky and he's availing that luck to the best of his abilities.

515 Name: NewAnon : 2016-01-24 16:17 ID:SKuCBz5r

>>513 we all know "quiet and playful" really means mischievous af! Just like how "quaint" in the real estate lingo really means tiny house LOL!

516 Name: Anon. : 2016-01-24 16:22 ID:oap8SbtM

So, the Irish Examiner - not a rag by any means - went with this headline from the Observer article: "Eton educated Tom Hiddleston says class debate in acting is 'socially divisive'"

The edit of the article is all boarding school and posh actors. Ugh.

517 Name: NewAnon : 2016-01-24 16:36 ID:SKuCBz5r

>>516 and now we know why Tom was bristly in his Observer interview. The way he went on the inequality and social class thing, I'm sure that reporter kept poking and prodding him about it and we just read Tom's polite way of snapping. I doubt she's going to put down what jab of hers finally provoked that response, of course. He's too British to Freddy Mercury snap but I believe we read him snapping at the class thing in The Observer.

518 Name: Anon : 2016-01-24 16:38 ID:bgcXLLLp

>>517 Freddie Mercury?!

519 Name: NewAnon : 2016-01-24 16:39 ID:SKuCBz5r

Sorry Freddy Page* snap not Mercury. Well we can tell what I have on my mind.

520 Name: Anon : 2016-01-24 16:49 ID:bgcXLLLp

>>517 "Too British" ? Something of a stereotype. Unfortunately the British are as rude and aggressive as people of any other nationality. If TH is too polite to tell a reporter where to stick it that's down to him and not his nationality.

521 Name: NewAnon : 2016-01-24 17:08 ID:Wo9w1lsj

>>520 True. And he's always been the non confrontational type so I don't think he's ever going to tell any reporter to back off with the class and posh questions.

522 Name: Whatsinaname : 2016-01-25 07:02 ID:u1vu1eqv

All this time I thought he'd gone to Dragon school in daytime only - not boarding. I thought he lived close enough for it - it's in Oxford.

523 Name: Couch Potato : 2016-01-25 07:26 ID:Heaven

Thor: Ragnarok director Taika Waititi on how he’s changing things up

[...] “But that’s what I’m going to really concentrate on, really make an effort to change the entire thing,” he continued. “For me, I want to treat this as if it was the first Thor film, so we’re going to redo it. You just have to flip it and freshen it up, like anything. It’s also part of a very well-established universe right now, but that’s why they got me.”

He told us he’s not worrying too much about what comes before or after his movie either.

“This is the cool thing is that anything goes in these early stages, ideas-wise. We really are in the early stages,”

524 Name: Anon. : 2016-01-25 23:03 ID:ZpOwEI61

The recording studio is in LA. Don't know if he's there now, or this was when he was there pre-Christmas or post-New Year.

Anonsy is usually good at picture analysis.

525 Name: anonsy : 2016-01-25 23:43 ID:YO42PGlY

>>524 Well, based on the kid's Instagram, it seems like he usually posts his pictures right away. And Tom's hair looks like it looked in the holey shirt fan selfies a couple days ago... so I'm going to go with new. Second guess would be when he was in LA for the AMC event right before heading out to Oz.

526 Name: anonymous : 2016-01-26 06:33 ID:o9F1chVg


I think he is back in Oz today. JVR posted an insta-piccy of Australia Day (today) showing a tall, skinny dude wearing something that to be frank, only an Englishman would be seen wearing in a classy joint like the Gold Coast.

Having said that, long weekends are the norm this week (Monday off to bridge the Tuesday Aussie Day holiday) so perhaps Tom went over to LA over the weekend and is .. back.

527 Name: anonsy : 2016-01-26 06:36 ID:YO42PGlY

>>526 Which picture? I didn't see Tom in any of them.

528 Name: anonsy : 2016-01-26 06:58 ID:YO42PGlY

>>527 Just looked again... only tall person in the pics is John C. Reilly, unless JVR took pics down. If Tom is back in Oz already he's probably sleeping off the jet lag.

529 Name: Couch Potato : 2016-01-26 07:04 ID:Heaven

>>528 the photo is this I suppose but he doesn't seem Reilly to me, Reilly isn't so slim at the waist, but I don't think it's TH, it's Olyy's BFF.

530 Name: Couch Potato : 2016-01-26 07:08 ID:Heaven

This was also posted a few days ago but it's from the AMC

Someone asked the kid when the photo was taken, I doubt that he'll answer.

531 Name: Couch Potato : 2016-01-26 07:10 ID:Heaven

h the kid also posted on twitter
https://twitter. com/therealaidenlew/status/691700040193150976

533 Name: Couch Potato : 2016-01-26 07:15 ID:Heaven

534 Name: Anon : 2016-01-26 07:29 ID:bgcXLLLp

>>529 I think the hair is too long at the back for it to be TH.

>>524 >>525 Pic is a mystery. Why would he need to be at a recording studio anyway?

535 Name: anonsy : 2016-01-26 07:33 ID:YO42PGlY

>>529 Ah, I was looking at the one of the man in the hat from behind, which is Reilly - he's wearing the same hat in the group photo, plus you can see his hair. The photo you posted is definitely Olly and his buddy.

>>534 Someone on tumblr said the recording studio works with AMC, so he's likely doing commercial voiceovers for the Night Manager.

536 Name: Couch Potato : 2016-01-26 07:34 ID:Heaven

>>534 apparentely that studio is specialize din voice over work, so it could be commercials for TNM, but it would make more sense for this to have happened during the AMC's TCA week. Not matter how long the weekend, it's still a hell of a flight just for some studio recording.

537 Name: Anon : 2016-01-26 07:40 ID:bgcXLLLp

>>536 We await a sighting of him with EO!

538 Name: Couch Potato : 2016-01-26 08:03 ID:Heaven

So going from this post (you need to be logged to tumblr to see it) which I don't get since there was no bashing just a heads up of a possible danger, I think this bbs got too known at this point, so as far as I'm concerned I'll go on posting news (unless I decide to stop entirely), but in general I suggest you guys be careful because, as I said before, any new poster can be a troll.

539 Name: anonymous : 2016-01-26 08:16 ID:cXaQDZhP


540 Name: Anon : 2016-01-26 08:24 ID:bgcXLLLp

Another article about T:R director:

"At the moment everyone's trying to figure it out, like "what's he [Loki] going to do?"" Witty says. "Everyone loves that character."

541 Name: anonsy : 2016-01-26 08:40 ID:4ODRAm/5

>>536 Maybe it was during the AMC weekend after all? A lot of people are still posting photos and videos from that weekend, could be the boy's pic was a couple weeks delayed.

>>538 Yeah, I saw an anon on another tumblr blog yesterday that referenced something we'd said here just a couple hours after we'd said it. I think it was sent by one of our regular trolls, but I could be wrong. In any case you're right, this isn't exactly a "safe space."

542 Name: Anon : 2016-01-26 08:43 ID:bgcXLLLp

>>538 A garbled version of what was actually posted. The irony is that we all admit we read the bicycle from time to time) nor have we dismissed all the material out of hand (eg the Kitchen Door of Doom tweets).

However I take your point about trolls and our visibility generally. I have thought for a while that we had the odd visit from trolls other than our one regular.

543 Name: Anon : 2016-01-26 08:45 ID:bgcXLLLp

>>541 Really? Which part of our ramblings was deemed worthy of a wider audience?

544 Name: Anon : 2016-01-26 08:49 ID:bgcXLLLp

I also imagine lurkers are to be expected because those who post links (rarely me, I can't take credit) sometimes get them first. For example Anon. posted the kid's IG several hours before Torrilla did.

545 Name: NewAnon : 2016-01-26 08:50 ID:SKuCBz5r

I found you guys through a Hiddleston tumblr so this board is more well known than you think. But I don't think most want to post on here since no one here feels too strongly about Tom's love life but still enjoys gossip without getting too serious or overly invested in it. Which is exactly what drew me here!

546 Name: anonsy : 2016-01-26 08:59 ID:4ODRAm/5

>>543 It was the joking about EO being labeled "ISTL co-star" in that photo caption. It's been brought up a few times, but this was the first one I saw:

>>545 I think we were linked to a month or two ago by someone debunking all the Shaitana/MissThing nonsense from back in the day. I like it here, it's less stressful than tumblr, even when we disagree with each other. Glad you found your way here, too. :)

547 Name: anonymous : 2016-01-26 09:00 ID:UI3uYNyL


548 Name: Anon : 2016-01-26 09:02 ID:bgcXLLLp

>>545 I found the board through a Google search; for what, I can't even remember. More recently I wondered how visible we were and searched for "TH messageboard" and a few other things and it didn't come up. I know we have maybe one person who posts here and on CB and I think a good few more lurkers from CB. There were some striking similarities between one or two of our comments on Sunday on the Observer article and CB's yesterday.

549 Name: anonsy : 2016-01-26 09:08 ID:4ODRAm/5

>>548 Did you Google search "The JArthy, FWB Queen of our Hearts" because I'm pretty sure that would lead you to this board and nowhere else. ;)

I've been here for a long time... I was one of the original DataLounge rejects. I'd found DL through a Google search for something Tom-related, it was so long ago I don't remember what. Then everything on DL went crazy, someone started a thread on this board and linked to it on DL, and now here we are.

550 Name: anonymous1 : 2016-01-26 09:09 ID:EHp/Uo80

I found this blog through google and I'm one of the lurkers tried to post here twice i hope this one goes.

>>534 I dont see any mystery. Perhaps it was possible to do it now and impossible to do it before or later, and we know that Tom is workaholic so that explains everything. BTW the cropped out person is another kid.

>>536 bingo, exactly. This studio works for AMC so Tom was there for TNM voice overs. And yes it is rather possible that the kid posted the photo just now and its back from TCA pannel days as well. The hair looks the same to me, it heavily depends on light.

>>535 no its Thomas Mann. If you click on that photo you will see tags that were made mt JVR. Simple as it is.

551 Name: anonsy : 2016-01-26 09:13 ID:4ODRAm/5

>>550 Ah thanks, Instagram is the one social network I'm hopeless at navigating - I didn't even see the tags. In any case, it's not Tom in the pics which is all that matters.

552 Name: Anon : 2016-01-26 09:13 ID:bgcXLLLp

>>549 I remember you saying that DL moaned about there being too many TH threads! I like it here because there are only a few of us and we know or get to know each other quickly - and because as NewAnon said it's not too serious. Combined of course with crazy flight of fancy speculation about the Jarthy etc!!

553 Name: anonymous1 : 2016-01-26 09:22 ID:EHp/Uo80

>>551 you're welcome.

But it doesnt mean Tom isnt in Oz by now or actually never left it since he arrived in January. I just compared the photo from that kid and TCA pannel Tom and it looks the same to me - just different t-shirt. Wasn't he in L.A for two or three days? Or we dismiss the fact that he changes his clothes X) And I will even go deeper, the kid posted photo on isntagram and only 11 hours later on twitter. Plus, two days ago Olly was in OZ - he posted a photo of lighting and there was storm where they were ( again, if we dismiss the fact that Olly isnt following him around all the time) .

Plus ( the most interesting detail to me) Tom is usually seen by fans, at least once on arrival/departure and often papped. Nothing like that this time. No tweet, no post, no photo. All specualtions, of course.

I wish the kid could say the time when it was taken.

554 Name: anonsy : 2016-01-26 09:53 ID:YO42PGlY

>>553 Yeah, come on, kid! Inquiring minds need to know.

555 Name: Anon : 2016-01-26 10:54 ID:bgcXLLLp

>>546 Just looked and that sounds like our most regular troll visitor.

556 Name: Couch Potato : 2016-01-26 11:24 ID:xRAw4HSY

>>540 Waikiki talking in another article about forgetting whatever happened in the previous Thor films, made me wonder if Marvel might be thinking about a reboot of this franchise with a different villain. This new article where Waikiki, who apparently has very clear ideas for Thor and Hulk and the new villain, says he doesn't how to use TH though everyone loves the character, makes me think I might be right.

557 Name: Couch Potato : 2016-01-26 11:43 ID:Heaven

>>545 I'm glad it comes across that we are not.

>>553 I bet he is in Oz! Australian Open guys, he is probably glued to the screen :)

558 Name: Couch Potato : 2016-01-26 11:44 ID:Heaven

>>556 this was me

Yes, my warning was really that things are not just being read or reported, that comes with the internet, but they are now used by fangirls personal agendas (see lex) or by trolls (see the post I linked). That is what makes this bbs not as safe as it once was.

559 Name: Anon. : 2016-01-26 11:53 ID:qW9jdMDU

>>544 This group can totally twitter, tumblr and IG with the best of them. I think it helps that Couch and others are 'ahead of the game' in terms of time zones.

Also, we're a smart group. Most of us are educated cookies who know how to find info AND analyze it. Couch should be working for Google with her links (maybe she is!). Anonsy should be looking at pictures for the CIA (maybe she is!).

I'd never been on twitter or IG before PurgeGate and joining this board, now I work those mothers like they're databases.

So, I'm not too surprised a few people are lurking here and reposting/submitting are finds/links, etc.

560 Name: Anon : 2016-01-26 12:01 ID:Na1L8DLE

>>558 I guess all we can do is keep on doing our thing. I care less about other reading the board and commenting on our comments (ever decreasing circles). I care more about trolls coming here with fake sightings and/or promising gossip on which they never deliver and/or having one of those ghastly internet arguments in which they cannot agree to disagree and insist on having the last word - usually about matters which are pure conjecture on all sides.

561 Name: Anon. : 2016-01-26 12:02 ID:qW9jdMDU

>>546 This actually sounds like our regular lurker (sometimes poster). If you noticed, the last time she posted, her language was much improved but still a little wobbly in certain areas.

The 'exuse me' and 'wtf.' The capitalization of 'IF.' Also, the tone is very her, isn't it. Plus, as others on here have noted, she takes her show all over the cyber-place, desperate for someone to see the light (pun!) and agree with her.

That seems like our girl - not our girl - but our girl.

562 Name: Anon : 2016-01-26 12:03 ID:Na1L8DLE

>>559 "Purgegate" I find delightfully Freudian ;)

How is snowpocalypse? Are you keeping safe and warm?

563 Name: Anon. : 2016-01-26 12:05 ID:qW9jdMDU

>>555 I'm making my way through the bumper crop and responding as I go along.

Just saw this (after writing a too long post on it!) and second Anon's opinion. A HARD second.

Now to work...booooo. See you guys on the flip side.

564 Name: Couch Potato : 2016-01-26 14:28 ID:Heaven

credits to Torrilla

It's TH offering a walking tour of CP's house.
Is this old? I can't remember.

565 Name: Anon : 2016-01-26 16:41 ID:DSzKRbid

>>564 I think it's new. I don't remember the "I'm feeling your boobs" hand gestures from previous clips!!

566 Name: Anon : 2016-01-26 16:44 ID:DSzKRbid

And I so miss his hair being like this. I wish someone would tell him not to straighten his hair or cut it so short. He looks on that Observer cover like it has receded a lot which I would think is unlikely in only 2 years. Better when it is longer and all fluffy!

567 Name: Couch Potato : 2016-01-26 17:02 ID:Heaven

568 Name: Anon. : 2016-01-26 18:50 ID:8oveYLGy

>>538 Oh, Anon, stop using your work computer to try to find TH porn!

The submit to TBC misinterpreted Anon's message (are we surprised). Anon didn't say TBC gave her a virus, she said that she only goes on tumblr to view TBC and picked up a virus.

I viewed it more as a warning against tumblr in general.

Why would Anon - our intelligent, reasonable, professional Anon - try to discredit TBC with a virus warning? Ain't nobody got time for that.

569 Name: Anon. : 2016-01-26 18:58 ID:8oveYLGy

>>548 I found this place through a google search and a lot of floating/links around cyberspace. And I have NOT looked back. I used to lurk at LSA - no more; there was a little too much drama there. I don't do CB (veranda hate) or the Tea blog (too many serious social issues going on there - I like my internet time light).

I like that we are all reasonable, but we all pitch in too - everybody does their part with links and theories and gossip, and it makes for a nice board. And as someone said, we don't take it too seriously.

Pat on the back, Board, pat on the back!

570 Name: Anon. : 2016-01-26 19:02 ID:8oveYLGy

>>549 That will bring it up!

Additional search terms that will lead to this board:

  1. Ave JArthy, Full of Thirst
  2. Our Mother of FWBs
  3. Queen of Blessed Bora Bora

I could go on, but you get the picture.

The term 'stupid blonde slut' will lead you to a certain twitter page - not here.

571 Name: Anon : 2016-01-26 19:12 ID:DSzKRbid

>>568 I didn't even say that! I am an avid tumblr viewer, though a lurker not a poster. It's a good place to snaffle up the odd bit of stuff that this board or torrilla didn't get. But 99.99% of the time I use the app on my phone, mostly because I find the website and everybody's themes too busy. Heaven knows why I accessed the bicycle from my computer. I don't even remember doing it - possibly following a link from here? I was quite surprised to see it was the only potential culprit but having found that out I wasn't about to keep the information from everyone else on here. Who knows how it got on her page. I doubt she is responsible for it.

572 Name: Anon. : 2016-01-26 19:24 ID:5qEt5bUn

>>562 I survived - that's all that counts! The boy was working pediatrics in the ER over the whole weekend (A&E) and he said it wasn't too bad, mostly people slipping on ice, hurting themselves while shoveling/snow blowing, fender benders (even though there was a travel ban).

I live near Astor Place and bit the ground (ice) as I was passing the cube statue Monday afternoon. I now have an ass cheek that's entirely purple, but it's probably karma as I was jaywalking at the time.

573 Name: Anon : 2016-01-26 19:37 ID:DSzKRbid

>>572 Jaywalking isn't a crime!!!! In London, as you will doubtless recall, we regard our entitlement to throw ourselves into the road wherever we damn well please in much the same way as some Americans regard their constitutional right to bear arms.

574 Name: Anon. : 2016-01-26 19:46 ID:INWm/Vrc

>>556 I hope you're right, Couch. I've said it, I'll say it again, I'm happy to have him parachute out of Marvel with only a few more scenes. Time to say bye-bye to Loki and move on.

575 Name: Anon. : 2016-01-26 19:56 ID:INWm/Vrc

>>573 I know what you mean, but, technically, it is. Jesus saw me breaking the law, and he asked his friend black ice to learn me a lesson! And I done learned it!

When I arrived in the UK, I got a welcome pack that included a pamphlet with The Green Code Man - is that right? It was all about crossing the street, using zebra crossing points. I'd just come from living in Boston where jaywalking is enshrined in the Constitution, so I threw the pamphlet away thinking, I am an Ameri-CAN and I CAN cross wherever I damn well please. You don't own these 13 colonies anymore, Blightly. And then I nearly became a hood (bonnet) ornament on Shaftesbury Ave. I quickly became a zebra crossing devotee.

576 Name: Anon : 2016-01-26 20:02 ID:DSzKRbid

>>575 The Green Cross Code man - familiar from public service announcements in my very early youth. You are very compliant. Most pedestrians in London act surprised that if they walk under your wheels you might actually hit them!

577 Name: Anon : 2016-01-26 20:05 ID:DSzKRbid

>>575 PS I am more worried about Jesus knowing that I looked at a picture of TH nekkid on a sun lounger while I was in the same bed as my beloved husband!!

578 Name: NewAnon : 2016-01-26 20:22 ID:SKuCBz5r

Frankly, I'll be glad to see Tom finally done with Loki. Its time for people to see just how much hotter the blond Tom is than the greasy inky haired Loki. Also I am so sick of Tom saying Loki is misunderstood and of Loki fans making excuses about Loki murdering people on earth. Goodbye Loki. It's been real. It's been fun. Just hasn't been real fun.

579 Name: Whatsinaname : 2016-01-26 20:53 ID:p8PmsEuY

>>548 I found this board via a random Google search for a picture of TH's parents (as in, what do the parents of such an odd creature look like?) I lurked here for a few weeks before posting.

I don't visit CB or LSA; I have a tumblr to lurk there too for pictures. I find the wide range of ages in the fandom make for weird collisions of thread content.

580 Name: Anon. : 2016-01-26 22:03 ID:INWm/Vrc

>>566 I think The Observer and its photographers hate TH. They were responsible for this previous in-depth profile of his forehead.

This was from 2011. Sure, there's been some retreat (he's a man of a certain age - it's going to happen), but not all the follicles are in flight. Some sweet curls to fill in the bare space would be a good thing.

581 Name: Anon : 2016-01-26 22:24 ID:DSzKRbid

>>580 That Observer photo from Sunday was not good! Compared with the pretty curls and not apparent receding hairline in that white shirt photoshoot we all loved (the one where he is up to his ankles in leaves). They make him look like he has receded half an inch in four months!

582 Name: Anon. : 2016-01-26 22:37 ID:INWm/Vrc

From twitter:

Small and short, but some nice TH moments. His vocabulary is a little ridiculous - all the 3 dollar words!

This is where that Vine of TH saying 'Oh, hey, hey' came from.

583 Name: Whatsinaname : 2016-01-27 04:33 ID:u1vu1eqv

>>582 I know I've seen it half a dozen times, but that picture from CP of him standing at the top of the stairs in a tophat is striking - breathtaking, really. fans self

Anyway, re: Thor 3 and Waikititi, I'm glad to say the slow goodbye to Loki, if only to not hear him go on about it in interviews over the next, what, 3-4years until this phase of the MCU is over in 2019 with the Infinity Wars.

584 Name: anonymous1 : 2016-01-27 07:12 ID:nSOsZgOX

>>554 No response from that kid X) But my gut says it's new photo, taken recently. Though I am suprised that there were no sightings of Tom in LA, LAX or anywhere around. The practice tells me if 99 out of 100 dont care if they saw him, there is always this 1 who will tweet and make everybody know they saw him. Unless it was a very short visit and he slipped in and slipped out unnoticed.

585 Name: Couch Potato : 2016-01-27 07:40 ID:Heaven

Radio Times today about TNM
https://twitter. com/ajsaladine/status/692042459862425600

586 Name: Couch Potato : 2016-01-27 07:49 ID:Heaven

>>584 yeah, I wasn't expecting one :)
I can't really say just by hair and clothes, but like someone said (you?) it is/was National holiday in Oz, that he might have gone to LA for business it's fairly possible and that kid seems to post as soon as things happen, so let's go with the easiest explanation: very short business trip.

587 Name: anonymous1 : 2016-01-27 07:57 ID:nSOsZgOX

>>586 I agree. That's exacty what I think.

588 Name: anonymous1 : 2016-01-27 12:54 ID:vGyhc7qs

Ok nothing special but it might be interesting since we know that Tom's twitter is work-related for 99%.

I just noticed he followed Tobias Menzies https://twitter. com/TobiasMenzies . Couple of days ago he wasnt following him for sure. I dont know who he is but looks like a theatre actor. In Almeida. ( isn't Tom's ex Susannah actress in that theatre btw?) Can that mean that we have to expect more theatre work since its getting obvious Loki will have a smaller part in Thor?

And a side question: what do we know about this Richard II project? I was sure the director of that project said at TIFF its in progress.

589 Name: Anon : 2016-01-27 13:10 ID:bgcXLLLp

>>588 Tobias Menzies is in TNM which may explain the follow. IMDB says all 6 episodes so TH presumably did come across him in filming.

The Almeida isn't a repertory theatre where actors join the company and appear in a range of productions. The Royal Shakespeare Company does run like that but most London theatres don't. They just gather a group of actors for one production. SF may have appeared in a particular production at the Almeida and so may Toby Menzies but whether together or not I don't know.

The R2 rumour has been around for ages. It is James Ivory directing (of Merchant Ivory fame). He has been going on about this project for ages (for example here, dated Feb 15 - says TH but never as far as I am aware confirmed by TH I slightly get the impression Ivory thinks that if he says it often enough TH will magically be cast!

590 Name: Anon : 2016-01-27 13:15 ID:bgcXLLLp

And here is JI claiming that Richard II would be filming after TH's three movies after Coriolanus. We are now some way beyond that juncture, and it hasn't happened. I guess one of two things: there was no actual commitment, or there was an agreement to do it but some problem with funding meaning it has been kicked into the long grass:

591 Name: anonymous1 : 2016-01-27 13:18 ID:Oy8bc0nP

>>589 thank you. I just looked at his twitter and seems like he is in some kind of production now. It is strange that Tom followed this guy right now but not when they started filming or at some stage.

I get it now about Richard II. It's sad, I always thought Tom is a classiccaly trained actor and his place is in theatre and in movies like High Rise, not some Hollywood crap like Marvel or I Saw The Light or Skull Island.

Thank for information X)

592 Name: anonymous1 : 2016-01-27 13:22 ID:Oy8bc0nP

>>590 Three movies: CP, ISTL, TNM. But did he know back then about SI? Perpahs the Skull Island appeared suddenly and wasnt expected by Tom or James Ivory? I rely on the latest interview that surfaced during TIFF where he still was positive about that project.

593 Name: Anon : 2016-01-27 13:34 ID:bgcXLLLp

>>592 I think that TH confirmed he was doing SI some time second half of 2014 when according to JI he had already agreed to do R2. I doubt he would have accepted SI if he had already committed to R2 - unless R2 had some issue that meant it was put back, hence my speculation about funding issues.

It's not on his public IMDb - someone said fairly recently they could check his professional one and I have a feeling that it was not on that either.

594 Name: Anon : 2016-01-27 13:41 ID:bgcXLLLp

>>591 PS he is a bit weird with his Twitter. He followed some New Orleans goth girl in about March 2015 who I think I worked out was a makeup artiste on ISTL - it is odd to follow someone like that after the production at a time when you will probably never see them again.

He also posted a farewell Bowie pic and didn't say a word about the death of Alan Rickman a few days later, despite all the imitations he did of him (!!). He seems to be a creature of mood when it comes to Twitter.

595 Name: anon1 : 2016-01-27 14:11 ID:s/pIh3Nv

I was surprised to see that EO did not fly to Paris to attend the Dior fashion show on January 25. TH being in LA at the same time might be the explanation.

596 Name: anonymous1 : 2016-01-27 14:16 ID:Oy8bc0nP

>>595 actually there can be a lot of explanations. We dont know if he stayed in L.A and we even don't know if the photo is recent. But as Couch and I think - it was a very short visit and he is in Oz by now.

As for EO - she is getting ready for her upcoming movie - that can be the most logical explanation.

I was expecting something like >>595 to appear, I hope it won't awake the dark forces X)

597 Name: Anon. : 2016-01-27 14:20 ID:M0umnEXT

>>586 Couch, I won't have this reasonable explanation, I just won't.

Here's the real truth of why he went to LA...from one of my sources.

EO is late...late late. TH flew to LA to be with her when she peed on the stick. Yep, it's twins! Congratulations! But he needed to get back to Oz because the crew were planning another trip to the mall and he didn't want to miss it. So, he stopped off at a recording studio to record a song - especially written by himself - as a Valentine's Day gift to EO and his unborn twins.

This is from my sources. So, it is totes true.

(The first person to respond with 'sonogram or it didn't happen' gets a virtual high-five.)

598 Name: anon1 : 2016-01-27 14:21 ID:s/pIh3Nv

>>596 "might" is the keyword here. How do you know he is back in Oz?

599 Name: Couch Potato : 2016-01-27 14:24 ID:Heaven

>>597 I thought we decided to keep that one a secret!

600 Name: anonymous1 : 2016-01-27 14:26 ID:Oy8bc0nP

>>597 I'm here to back up your sources and say that he also visited several shops to buy new clothes - to celebrate the twins. And he also ordered a big cake for EO. The cake is pink with black chocolate gates carved on it and it has scarves and purses on its sides. There is a writing under the gates " To my beloved co-star and friend " .

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