Tom Hiddleston 6 (1000)

855 Name: anonsy : 2016-02-12 22:15 ID:YO42PGlY

>>852 It'll be more of the same. My predictions for ISTL Premiere Week:

  1. Everyone on the internet asking "are they or aren't they" regardless of what either of them say or have said in the past
  2. Journalists referencing the "rumored" relationship in the intros of their interview write ups
  3. People on tumblr posting kpopstarz articles as though they were fact
  4. Over-analyzation of body language
  5. At least one photo caption that mistakenly labels them a couple
  6. At least two completely disprovable Twitter sightings
  7. Tom will bring up the quote about Hank being the "hillbilly Shakespeare"

I highly doubt this would happen, but the total long-shot that I'd love to see would be EO walking the red carpet with Marc Abraham as a couple. Wouldn't THAT be a riot?

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