Tom Hiddleston (1000)

166 Name: Couch Potato : 2017-03-09 13:42 ID:Heaven

I post this in fun, but it could be the next tricky issue for TH.

As we know TH is chummy with Ed Sheeran singing his praise to this guy's latest album on the radio, getting invited to his secret concert and bobbing his head along (https://twitter .com/sharontharp/status/838913057975853056).

The day after his secret concert ES paid visit to his dearest friend TS. No, I'm not going to insinuate that she summoned ES to scold him for inviting TH or alternatively to question if TH is still hooked up on her.

It's just that yesterday (or today) Rolling Stones published an interview with ES where he proves to be a complete idiot. And I laughed because this could only happen to TH, complimenting a guy and then it turns out he's a moron.

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