Tom Hiddleston (1000)

358 Name: Sosorry : 2017-03-22 19:13 ID:BhrzIqQY

>>339>>348 Jake hated the Brooklyn Thanksgiving Weekend pap walk with his niece, TS, and his sister Maggie. And Jake thought that anyone on his team who encouraged such fakery, games with the press, and blatant PR machinations with his family, didn't have his best interests at heart. Now he seen only with a pretty girl once a year (having lunch or coming from Soul cycle) or vacations with an actual female friend. Jake hates fake.
>>351 I think that the guests at the Empire awards were Victoria from Prosper PR, UNICEF blonde Louise O'Shea from G&W TS lookalike breakfast pics, maybe UNICEF worker Joe English, a dark haired woman who was at the London premiere of Kong who no one has yet identified, and actors John Macmillan (Tom's cast of Cymbeline and the U.K tv series Chewing Gum) and Laurence Spellman (Cymbeline) both of whom Tom was rumored to have dated, ha.
>>353 No idea what happened with TH and EO on set of ISTL. But all of Tom's pics at G&W are set up in some way since he is always papped there, with his coffee and scripts. I think that TH and EO did a planned catch up breakfast in prep for the pap walk after the Elephant Man play at the Wolseley, later that night. They set up the press at G&W themselves, or emailed the photo to a fan website themselves. EO went on vacation with her friends to Hawaii during the Kong filming, b/c her girlfriends instagrammed the vacation pics, and she caught up wi Tom for a Brie-end. Since TH was filming TNM for five months abroad and EO was in LA most of that time, at most they publicized a quick hookup for ISTL press, and then ran for the hills and denied all romance when the film got uneven reviews at the festivals.

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