Tom Hiddleston (1000)

494 Name: Anon. : 2017-04-27 21:52 ID:hvNceZVM

>>484,486 Ruh roh. Has anyone informed the veranda? The rose tinted glasses had to fog up at some point. Of course Fuckery '16 was going to affect his career. The Pollyannas were mad to think that it wouldn't. We sensible lot never suggested that he would never work in Hollywood again. All we said was there would be repercussions - maybe small, maybe large but something.

>>491 That 1 is odd. Remember they gave the article about TS paying for everything a 1 because she paid for the jet fuel but TH picked up the tab for the swan pastries or his medicinal t-shirt? Maybe a 1 because TH doesn't blame her directly but the relationship in general. Of course the only one to blame is....

>>493 This actually makes me worry. I wouldn't class this as career news strictly. It's not scraping the barrel's bottom, the line-up is wonderful. But this seems like a networking thing, an attempt to meet people as a career move. Surely what he'd want to be doing is filming something, not talking about how creative he is. Do we think this is a paid gig? Is the Cambridge union paid? My gut tells me 'yes' to both.

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