Tom Hiddleston (1000)

580 Name: Sosorry : 2017-06-10 15:20 ID:tW8pBDat

>>579 Ouch. No one on this board is at all crazy IMO, just intrigued by Tom's career. We leave the craziness outside this realm. I would love some new filming project info, or news of a new appearance in a play. Someone guessed that maybe Tom was holding back career news b/c of the slew of TS articles, but he doesn't have the power to stop production companies from announcing projects. I've stopped trying to figure out Tom's personal life b/c it seems so odd to me. Susannah F was incorrectly rumored to be his wife, she popped up for some PR premiere pics, then she sent a harsh twitter post when they supposedly split. Weird. Then the casual JA banagins and shenanigans of Wimbledon, Sherlock, and Bora Bora gate. Then the EO PR games for ISTL, then the TS fauxmance for American PR boost for the Emmys and GG awards which were accompanied by fallacious James Bond rumours clearly from his camp. A lot of the alleged TS bfs have complicated love histories, and that's a whole other story. People always ship Tom with brainy/gorgeous artists like Hayley Atwell and Emma Watson, but he's known them forever and just he just seems to have a warm rapport with most people he meets.

Jessica Chastain is getting married this weekend in Italy, but Tom doesn't seem to be on the guest list with A. Hathaway and A Pacino. Pics of Tom and his other hero from Heat, Al Pacino, would have rocked!

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