Tom Hiddleston (1000)

666 Name: Anon. : 2017-06-28 23:15 ID:A5GLQs/D

Yes to all above. I'd wager the cancellation of Cannes and the Camb. gig were all about avoidance. Not only to avoid questions about Unicef and future plans (or a lack thereof) but also just to stay out of the limelight as TS's new 'relationship' was blossoming into full contract. And he'd be wise to keep his head down waaaaay past July 4. I don't know if the new boyfriend will be at her party (she's playing a more subtle game) but even if he isn't, there will be comparisons to last year. As a reminder, last year TH made the common first-aid mistake of asking for a shirt instead of a band-aid to cover a scratch. We've all done it! The other day I wrapped an entire 'I heart Hubby' sweater around a paper cut.

>>660 Mental health: The good doctor always tells me not to diagnose over the internet, but it's safe to say that TH is Defcon 3 fucked up. Faking his way through three months and on three continents while losing fans, his dignity and golden boy status did nothing to shore up his fragile psyche (as Anon astutely called it). It's like he's in shock. He planned on Tayto bringing him more success. Instead, the opposite happened. I don't think he's doing a very good job processing that unfavorable turnout.

>>658 Lying: Them pants is on FIRE. I've always wanted to make a movie about a journey to an uncharted island. Of course you have. And he breaks my father's cardinal rule regarding lying: he does it in support of himself. If you have to lie, do it to protect someone else and their feelings. His seem to be mostly self-serving lies - big (Tayto) or small (taking a break).

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