Tom Hiddleston (1000)

828 Name: Heynon : 2017-08-11 01:33 ID:vcHuIQwy

>>827 It probably is partly numbers/assisted applications, and partly that the true devotees have been working their social networks/blog followers to find someone to take them as their +1. Even the human behind Lego-Loki managed to score a ticket. Sigh (and not in a swooning way).

On a side note, one of the many special TV programs about Princess Diana started last night. While watching the footage of her courtship and honeymoon with Prince Charles, I was struck by how similar their body language was to most of what we saw from Tayto last summer! Charles/TS looked mostly tolerant/amused, while Diana/TH looked mostly shell shocked. Business arrangement on one side, not knowing what the hell you got yourself into on the other....

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