General @ 4-ch

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Board look: Amber Blue Moon Buun Channel4 Futaba Headline Mercury Mittens Pseud0ch Tanasinn Toothpaste
1: Nigger thread #11 (2) 2: Is it me or is 4-ch dying? (6) 3: What the fuck is this? (4) 4: 4th Density Earth (7) 5: The headline was written funny lol (4) 6: text ? (7) 7: Is it me or are furrys becoming normalized? (7) 8: hi (26) 9: poop (14) 10: this is some gay ass shit (5) 11: Only you can help me, 4-ch (13) 12: what if 4-ch was a video game server? (31) 13: I am ssz. Do you have any questions? (14) 14: A psychiatrist prescribe me olanzapine 5mg and artane benzhexol on the first visit, is this right (8) 15: Hark (7) 16: HAPPY NEW YEAR ANONS (1) 17: Happy christmas (12) 18: First Annual 4-ch Revival Meeting! (43) 19: welcome to siichan (4) 20: I realized something. This must be a premonition. 100%!! (4) 21: STOP TELLING ME TO KILL MYSELF!!! (13) 22: Thread about useless knowledge (44) 23: Anyone know an active forum or site with actual people in it? (22) 24: Is there a way to make a telegram account without giving it my phone number? (10) 25: Crypto Shenanigans (3) 26: 2ch is down (8) 27: Happy Anniversary! (9) 28: It's Time (2) 29: The Stallman Report (17) 30: What if killsushi was a slasher movie villain? (7) 31: It's finally September again (as least here) (13) 32: Twenty Years... (22) 33: Worst thing you’ve seen online? (91) 34: What's the best way of ensuring maximum anonymity and security online? (11) 35: Erotic role play thread (29) 36: world2ch is back (16) 37: I'm making a Textboard with an obsolete base, please help me (3) 38: Yahoo! (14) 39: SMOLOKO IMAGES.pdf Download 572 MB (1) 40: LIST OF BBS TEXBOARDS (32)

Nigger thread #11 (2)

1 Name: Anonymous : 2025-01-20 21:19 ID:TKgysF1p

As of this writing, there are 10 nigger threads (8 if you don't count the archive) on 4-ch general, not including this one
7 of them are permasaged, not including this one

Happy MLK Day!

2 Name: Anonymous : 2025-01-21 02:08 ID:Heaven


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Is it me or is 4-ch dying? (6)

1 Name: Anonymous : 2025-01-20 04:55 ID:2S8x9YLV

Is it me or is 4-ch dying?

2 Name: Anonymous : 2025-01-20 06:04 ID:L4q0tGy2

I don't think so, it still gets new users. You can piss off with that attitude.

3 Name: Anonymous : 2025-01-20 07:16 ID:V29yToUM

I can piss in your mouth with that attitude ;)

4 Name: Anonymous : 2025-01-20 13:05 ID:Heaven

Send this thread to /hades/

5 Name: Anonymous : 2025-01-20 13:27 ID:Heaven

This thread sucks. What is your favorite Pokemon and why is it Gengar?

6 Name: Anonymous : 2025-01-20 17:39 ID:Bsrk0ZLj

My favorite pokemon is kuriboh

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What the fuck is this? (4)

1 Name: Anonymous : 2014-06-09 23:03 ID:GTMsB9U7

Someone please tell what this page is one 2ch?

2 Name: Anonymous : 2014-06-12 16:50 ID:7a3bknHd

haha!? All those buckets of blood take me back to my childhood...

3 Name: Anonymous : 2025-01-20 07:23 ID:4a0HVLq9

>Someone please tell what this page is one 2ch?


Post too long. Click to view the whole post or the thread page.

4 Name: Anonymous : 2025-01-20 07:55 ID:Heaven

Kill yourself.

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4th Density Earth (7)

1 Name: 4th Density : 2011-04-23 21:12 ID:AJFKyorP

Questioner: How does a third-density planet become a fourth density planet?
Ra: I am Ra. This will be the last full question.

The fourth density is, as we have said, as regularized in its approach as the striking of a clock upon the hour. The space/time of your solar system has enabled this planetary sphere to spiral into space/time of a different vibrational configuration. This causes the planetary sphere to be able to be molded by these new distortions. However, the thought-forms of your people during this transition period are such that the mind/body/spirit complexes of both individual and societies are scattered throughout the spectrum instead of becoming able to grasp the needle, shall we say, and point the compass in one direction.

Thus, the entry into the vibration of love, sometimes called by your people the vibration of understanding, is not effective with your present societal complex. Thus, the harvest shall be such that many will repeat the third-density cycle. The energies of your Wanderers, your teachers, and your adepts at this time are all bent upon increasing the harvest. However, there are few to harvest.

2 Name: 4th Density : 2011-04-23 22:24 ID:AJFKyorP

Questioner: At what stage does a planet achieve social memory?
Ra: I am Ra. A mind/body/spirit social complex becomes a social memory complex when its entire group of entities are of one orientation or seeking. The group memory lost to the individuals in the roots of the tree of mind then becomes known to the social complex, thus creating a social memory complex. The advantages of this complex are the relative lack of distortion in understanding the social beingness and the relative lack of distortion in pursuing the direction of seeking, for all understanding/distortions are available to the entities of the society.

3 Name: yuki : 2011-04-25 02:07 ID:PG27HBlY

Recently I have been concerned with the mental processes required to manipulate thought entities. Humans usually manipulate other humans through demonstrations of power, but communications such as the above, purporting superior recognition of universal data, can sometimes change the understanding of entire populations. The terms used are arbitrary, but the general structure is cognizant of the Data Integrated Thought Entity. Such fortuitous accuracy may never achieve the coherence of the scientific approach, but perhaps an emotional understanding can be reached.

Whether humans can remain in control of their own power through such an unreliable system is another question entirely. Although I am genetically equivalent to a human female, my neural pathways were manipulated to allow me to operate as a data interface. Normally, a human infant learns to interpret only local data relevant to survival, as we would expect from any organic lifeform. Unique to human beings, the capacity to interpret data structures at a superlocal level is acquired at some point in early childhood. Unfortunately, because of the inertia of the human brain, development must move towards either rationality or total perception, to the extent that understanding the basis of a data entity in adulthood is mutually exclusive with the ability to manipulate that data entity. If an infant could be raised in an environment where superlocal data is emphasized, perhaps precise and logical data manipulation would become possible in adulthood.

I apologize for this tangential comment.

4 Name: Anonymous : 2011-04-25 02:36 ID:iXZoITRy

what is this i dont even

5 Name: Anonymous : 2011-04-26 17:20 ID:UNhk53iH


6 Name: Anonymous : 2014-09-28 12:51 ID:MNjfOh+Y

gooby plz

7 Name: Anonymous : 2025-01-20 05:00 ID:hW1vVMVS


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The headline was written funny lol (4)

1 Name: Anonymous : 2025-01-18 00:40 ID:aExqLLJZ

2 Name: Anonymous : 2025-01-18 10:30 ID:Heaven

It's like they're trying to provoke him from beyond the grave or something.

3 Name: Mr. 2 GET likes to 2 GET : 2025-01-18 10:39 ID:Heaven

They seem very keen to stress that nobody's to blame, it was nobody's fault...

4 Name: Anonymous : 2025-01-18 21:14 ID:xoQTU2MO

And very keen to call him a cheeky cunt

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text ? (7)

1 Name: Anonymous : 2025-01-03 20:04 ID:TvWwttUH

What happened to

2 Name: Anonymous : 2025-01-04 04:54 ID:z00ravGG

A slow and painful death. First the users didn't care anymore and the post quality dwindled, following that the admin stopped caring and the board slowly broke (first /mona/, then slowly /sol/ and /prog/) and now god knows what happened.

3 Name: Anonymous : 2025-01-04 07:35 ID:wnDkFvSh


4 Name: Anonymous : 2025-01-04 11:18 ID:XTVZnP08

The sad fate of all textboards

5 Name: Anonymous : 2025-01-04 17:45 ID:Heaven

The government paid me to hack it and shut it down. They were getting too close to the truth.

6 Name: Anonymous : 2025-01-05 05:58 ID:Heaven

it was ass anyways

7 Name: Anonymous : 2025-01-16 07:54 ID:ESY6/a5i

It was not ass, I liked it and it was active.

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Is it me or are furrys becoming normalized? (7)

1 Name: Anonymous : 2025-01-13 08:18 ID:dbEBym5p

Is it me or are furrys becoming normalized?

2 Name: Anonymous : 2025-01-13 11:12 ID:Dj8qeGM+


3 Name: Anonymous : 2025-01-13 11:46 ID:0yFj4s23

The 4chan furry hate hivemind was always weebs throwing stones from their glass houses.

4 Name: Anonymous : 2025-01-13 16:34 ID:Heaven

What the hell are you talking about? Making it sound like all this was confined to one site is stupid (and you're also

5 Name: Anonymous : 2025-01-14 23:51 ID:Heaven

It's just you. Ask any normie about the state of furry culture and they won't say what you say.

6 Name: Anonymous : 2025-01-15 18:10 ID:ulpxyoat

There are way fewer furry movies than there used to be. They used to be like half of Disney's output, but now there's basically just Zootopia and that's getting old too.

I guess there's the Kung Fu Panda series but I don't see people wanking to the characters (ignorance is bliss)

7 Name: Anonymous : 2025-01-16 10:26 ID:Heaven

I have seen a shift in attitudes online at least, I rememeber furries being the butt of everyone's jokes and fair game to ridicule, but in the last 10 years I've seen more people claim that furry hate is the same bigotry as transphobia and white supremacy. Lol

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hi (26)

1 Name: Anonymous : 2024-12-26 22:53 ID:9CTvjbJl

this is cool :P

17 Name: Anonymous : 2025-01-07 09:08 ID:mTxKjXnI

Obvious double post is obvious.

18 Name: >>14 : 2025-01-07 11:58 ID:Heaven

>>17 Wrong!!! I have never and would never say the “N” word or “gentleman” or describe anything as “in heat”. Don't make silly assumptions on an anonymous board! “Obvious” doyyy!

19 Name: Anonymous : 2025-01-07 17:02 ID:Heaven

We're not the same person. I would never ask a rhetorical question. I also don't call people nigger, but I figured I'd point out his hypocrisy by calling people niggers while advocating blind violence.

20 Name: Anonymous : 2025-01-08 03:17 ID:mTxKjXnI

Same person. Keep saging while I keep winning with this 20GET.

21 Name: Anonymous : 2025-01-08 03:21 ID:M7J7hiAm

i farted

vc: pox

22 Name: Anonymous : 2025-01-08 22:13 ID:Heaven

You're embarassing.

23 Name: Anonymous : 2025-01-12 12:26 ID:Heaven



This guy pronounces it like the herb!

24 Name: Anonymous : 2025-01-13 03:04 ID:M7J7hiAm

I understand sage and age, but sometimes I see boards where people are using "rage" as well. Can some kind person please explain for me, what does rage mean?

25 Name: Anonymous : 2025-01-13 07:26 ID:Heaven

I haven't seen that myself. I conjecture that people are expressing their rage to something. It could be rage at somebody's post, it could be rage at the sageru and ageru system, or it could be rage for any other thing.

26 Name: Anonymous : 2025-01-13 19:24 ID:Heaven

>>24 I think it's a melodic framework for improvisation in Indian classical music?

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poop (14)

1 Name: squeeks : 2014-05-12 15:46 ID:m+JEhhMG

I'm chillin' and maxin' and taking a shit, and then I flush the toilet, and then it happens. The water level begins rising, and I can see my shit wiggling vigorously down there. The toilet is clogged. The poop is happily approaching my buttcheeks and I can do nothing about it. I only look down between my legs into the brown doom as it nears me. It's almost there. Oh god, it's going to smear me. Finally, moments before the shitty armada would touch my butt, the water stops rising. The flushing is done and my anus is safe from intruders. Thanks god.

5 Name: Anonymous : 2014-05-23 10:50 ID:KSJ31Fvy

Very nice video japanese old boy.

6 Name: japanese old boy : 2014-05-24 23:18 ID:Gcx9Xtp3

Thank you for watching this video.
It is very nice American boy you (* ^ _ ^ *)

7 Name: Anonymous : 2014-05-31 14:32 ID:8mQ1Db1O

this board is awful

8 Name: Anonymous : 2014-05-31 16:20 ID:2tKce8Dx

You're just sour that your penis isn't as big as Peter North's.

9 Name: Anonymous : 2015-05-11 23:05 ID:bsU8ENJs

I don't even know who that is

10 Name: Anonymous : 2015-05-14 15:10 ID:sBupZpU/

Peter North, more like Retep Htron

11 Name: Anonymous : 2015-05-28 20:14 ID:VJ4FI9jM

Ted Rea [Shattuck, OK] wants your ENTIRE ASS and he wants it NOW!
Call 1-800-TED for more details.

12 Name: Anonymous : 2015-05-29 20:55 ID:n54xKxpA

Retep Htron sounds like an Egyptian pharaoh crossed with a battle robot.

In other words, awesome.

13 Name: Anonymous : 2025-01-10 03:03 ID:eWbF5/Vs


14 Name: Retep Htron : 2025-01-10 13:15 ID:R++yXOQS


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this is some gay ass shit (5)

1 Name: Anonymous : 2015-10-30 23:43 ID:u/121NCX


2 Name: Anonymous : 2015-10-31 15:40 ID:Heaven

3 Name: Anonymous : 2025-01-10 03:04 ID:vSWAYq01

Take back 4-ch

4 Name: Anonymous : 2025-01-10 03:57 ID:AjqLiYdA


5 Name: Anonymous : 2025-01-10 06:31 ID:G/umDY3f

You could at least wait until this thread's 10-year anniversary to bump it.

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New thread

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