[HISTORY] cracky-chan [SERIOUS BUSINESS] (999)

644 Name: ( ´_ゝ`) : 1993-09-10072 20:34

I think I've finally figured out who could haet Cracky. It took some work, but I recently had a conversation with my sister (a /b/tard herself) who confirmed what 2 failed camwhores told me about their feelings on the matter.

Cracky haeters are:

A. Catty camwhores or camwhore aspirants who think that they are physically cuter than Cracky but know that they will never get nearly as much attention as they "deserve" by comparison.

B. Fags

C. Guys with no taste for nuance who would be better off just buying a Hustler.

The "A" group are by far the most vocal.

"I can't understand why that ugly cunt gets more stalkers, but I end up being the only one responding to my own thread when I'm SOOOOOOO CUTE!" they say.

I can understand this. It must be crushing to realise that no one cares as much about you on /b/ as they do, say, at a bar.

Do you know what the problem is, group "A"? You get boringly nekkid and then stare into the camera with bovine, needy eyes. We could get that (as I suggested to the nuance-challanged men) from Hustler or a medical textbook.

I've seen lots of tits. I've kneeded lots of tits. Tits are great... but only when they are attached to someone interesting.

Cracky understood that. Cracky was unique. Even if it was just an act, she managed to give the impression that we needed her much more than she needed any of us.

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