[HISTORY] cracky-chan [SERIOUS BUSINESS] (999)

1 Name: Not in Employment, Education or Training 1993-09-4298 08:04 [no]

I've been trying to put order into the whole drama history around cracky-chan, her pictures, livejournals and the related shenannigans going on in 4chan's /b/ and elsewhere. This is a first rough draft, so help me out with additional knowledge or correct me where I might have been wrong, please.

  • January 6th

The first cracky-chan pics appear on /b/. The very first one, posted on
02:17 shows the soon to be famous "'sup 4chan" phrase written on the
palm of her hand. During the next two weeks, more sets appear on /b/
and W.T. Snacks finds out that the poster's IP is from the UK.

  • February 5th

"cracky" becomes wordfiltered on /b/.

  • March 29th

www.livejournal.com/users/freakygirl/ becomes publically known.
No new pics appear, but the hints solidify and people assume they have
got into contact with the real cracky-chan. The owner of cracky-chan.com
will later denounce this journal as fake, though this might have been a move
to protect her identity, as he also later takes down all of her real pictures
from his website.
Also, later on, another journal, whether fake or real, becomes known:

  • April 3rd

cracky-chan's tripcode becomes publically known through shii:
It is "sweet" and makes the claim that the original cracky-chan pictures
weren't originally posted by her herself more believable.

  • April 6th, 7th

www.livejournal.com/users/scarecrowmaiden becomes publically known,
many new cracky-chan pics appear on /b/, some nude, some disturbing,
some both. The journal gets deleted by the owner very quickly.

  • June 6th

cracky-chan pics become bannable even on /b/.
Anonymous mods talk of emails from cracky requesting this.

Relevant links:


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10:08:43 PM necrolich666: it sucks
10:09:10 PM daisukexkun: I'm neutral towards The Doors
10:09:24 PM comradelunar: I used to spend a lot of time singing along to them.
10:09:33 PM necrolich666: I have all their vinyls, or a good chunk
10:09:52 PM q4tlqbvyhk: oh boy. in before doors circlejerk.
10:09:53 PM daisukexkun: Lunar, that's me with the older Dir en grey songs.
10:09:59 PM necrolich666: :(
10:10:02 PM mikosutoka: ._.
10:10:09 PM necrolich666: K enough about the doors
10:10:16 PM ldfkufjq: o_O
10:10:22 PM ldfkufjq: the doors are okay.
10:10:28 PM comradelunar: The end.
10:10:38 PM comradelunar: 12 minutes of droning.
10:10:47 PM thelastmerovin: A Perfect Circle > All
10:10:50 PM q4tlqbvyhk: what amuses me is the mob of people who think doors lyrics are deep
10:10:53 PM thelastmerovin: That is all
10:10:54 PM necrolich666: I cut my nails for the first time in a while
10:11:02 PM daisukexkun: Oh lord
10:11:05 PM necrolich666: about a week ago
10:11:05 PM comradelunar: A Quick One>all.
10:11:08 PM daisukexkun: A Perfect Circle
10:11:11 PM comradelunar: Nails? Mmm. Nails.
10:11:18 PM mikosutoka: im eating away my finger tips
10:11:24 PM necrolich666: I cut them again yesterday after dnd
10:11:26 PM thelastmerovin: lol
10:11:36 PM necrolich666: I'm trying to keep them short again
10:11:39 PM comradelunar: I put on my robe and wizard hat.
10:11:43 PM mikosutoka: lol XD
10:11:45 PM daisukexkun: lol
10:11:49 PM necrolich666: stfu :(
10:11:51 PM necrolich666: lol
10:12:11 PM comradelunar: Well this is a little odd.
10:12:16 PM daisukexkun: ?
10:12:21 PM thelastmerovin: I play the piano so I'm always cutting mine :(
10:12:38 PM necrolich666: I wanted to start playing "Piano" but meh
10:12:43 PM comradelunar: I play the bass so they get ripped off eventually.
10:12:48 PM necrolich666: I'm a lazy good for nothing
10:12:58 PM daisukexkun: I've been raised on Clarinet
10:13:04 PM daisukexkun: My father played
10:13:07 PM mikosutoka: lia do you like the violin
10:13:17 PM kilo1185: aw cheer up
10:13:17 PM comradelunar: I think she's gone. We may have killed her with this intense chat.
10:13:18 PM daisukexkun: And the day I was born, he bought a Clarinet and played for me.
10:13:28 PM ldfkufjq: i used to play the violin
10:13:31 PM mikosutoka: really??
10:13:32 PM mikosutoka: :O
10:13:34 PM ldfkufjq: yeah but
10:13:37 PM ldfkufjq: not because i wanted to
10:13:38 PM ldfkufjq: when i was a kid
10:13:42 PM ldfkufjq: my mom made me go to lessons
10:13:42 PM daisukexkun: I actually still have that clarinet
10:13:46 PM ldfkufjq: i hated it >_>
10:13:48 PM necrolich666: i don't think anyone wants to
10:13:49 PM daisukexkun: Ahh
10:13:55 PM mikosutoka: :( yeah i tried to play
10:13:56 PM mikosutoka: but I sucked
10:13:57 PM necrolich666: It's a childhood experience
10:13:58 PM mikosutoka: so I quit
10:14:07 PM comradelunar: Lord, most kids just get a recorder pressed on them.
10:14:17 PM necrolich666: we had to play that in school
10:14:18 PM daisukexkun: I grew up with music
10:14:20 PM necrolich666: it sucked
10:14:22 PM necrolich666: Lucky
10:14:26 PM daisukexkun: I enjoyed playing ever since
10:14:28 PM necrolich666: I'd give my arm for that
10:14:29 PM kilo1185: forced?
10:14:37 PM daisukexkun: Nope

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10:14:39 PM kilo1185: i was forced to play the pian when i was 6
10:14:43 PM kilo1185: sad stuff
10:14:52 PM daisukexkun: My father and I bonded because of it.
10:14:54 PM q4tlqbvyhk: Lia, how would you describe your religion
10:15:01 PM thelastmerovin: Same with me, I hated piano lessions with a fury, but I can appreciate it now now. When I'm feeling like shit I go along to an abandoned cathedral down the road and play my heart out.
10:15:03 PM comradelunar: I feel left out. I have no tales of childhood musical slavery.
10:15:22 PM daisukexkun: You mean us calling her a goddess and whatnot q?
10:15:27 PM kilo1185: 8 PM
10:15:32 PM kilo1185: i got all the time in teh world
10:15:34 PM loldamien: My mom tried to get me to do drum lessons. Ended quickly as I can't keep a steady beat, lol
10:15:40 PM q4tlqbvyhk: no i meant how would she, herself, describe her own belief structure
10:15:43 PM daisukexkun: Ah
10:15:44 PM ldfkufjq: neutral
10:15:44 PM q4tlqbvyhk: er whatever.
10:15:45 PM necrolich666: I want to be a drummer
10:15:53 PM necrolich666: I want do something other then draw
10:15:58 PM daisukexkun: OP here, disreguard that. I suck cocks
10:16:07 PM necrolich666: O.o
10:16:15 PM mikosutoka: Lia do you ever get cool dreams
10:16:16 PM kilo1185: only thing that i listen to is trance
10:16:18 PM comradelunar: lol, what.
10:16:20 PM mikosutoka: like do you still try to lucid dreams
10:16:54 PM necrolich666: cricket
10:16:56 PM ldfkufjq: no, i dont dream much these days
10:17:04 PM daisukexkun: Due to the insomia?
10:17:06 PM loldamien: that sucks
10:17:08 PM kilo1185: you dont want any
10:17:16 PM thelastmerovin: lucid dreaming... wow.
10:17:17 PM daisukexkun: Jeez, I can't type right today
10:17:21 PM daisukexkun: well*
10:17:31 PM necrolich666: I've only been dreaming when I sleep
10:17:34 PM ldfkufjq: i just suck at it
10:17:49 PM daisukexkun: At least you don't have cryptic ones
10:17:56 PM daisukexkun: Worst things ever
10:18:08 PM kilo1185: chickens are nice
10:18:16 PM ldfkufjq: i mainly have bad ones
10:18:21 PM necrolich666: ;_;
10:18:22 PM daisukexkun: =(
10:18:24 PM mikosutoka: :(
10:18:25 PM q4tlqbvyhk: i have fucking amazing lucid dreams where i fly around like superman and construct cities with my mind.
10:18:27 PM daisukexkun: I'm sorry to hear that.
10:18:34 PM ldfkufjq: eh
10:18:43 PM necrolich666: Lucid dreaming is over rated
10:18:44 PM thelastmerovin: lol
10:18:44 PM comradelunar: Ever read The Star Fraction? I used to dream about living in that book. Weird stuff.
10:18:45 PM loldamien: I have those too, q4 :D!
10:18:47 PM necrolich666: I need my book back
10:18:50 PM q4tlqbvyhk: bad dreams about random 4chan people obsessing over her
10:19:12 PM ldfkufjq: @ lunar no and @ q tends to be worse than that
10:19:12 PM q4tlqbvyhk: then you wake up to find that it's real ;_;
10:19:15 PM ldfkufjq: hahahaa
10:19:20 PM kilo1185: well im lagging so all my messages are 5 seconds late
10:19:22 PM daisukexkun: lol
10:19:31 PM thelastmerovin: fuckin 4chananoids
10:19:35 PM comradelunar: You're getting the CNN live feed, Kilo.
10:19:40 PM comradelunar: crap.
10:19:44 PM thelastmerovin: they are everywhere
10:19:54 PM mikosutoka: when you least expect them
10:19:55 PM thelastmerovin: I saw a 'longcat' grafitti yesterday
10:19:55 PM ldfkufjq: hm?
10:19:58 PM ldfkufjq: omg

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10:20:02 PM thelastmerovin: I was like WOAH
10:20:04 PM thelastmerovin: I was like WOAH
10:20:04 PM ldfkufjq: longcat?
10:20:10 PM comradelunar: he's long.
10:20:14 PM mikosutoka: very looooong
10:20:15 PM thelastmerovin: yeah :p
10:20:16 PM ldfkufjq: in MY city?
10:20:27 PM comradelunar: more likely than you'd think.
10:20:38 PM daisukexkun: Took the words right out of my mouth Lunar
10:20:50 PM loldamien: did you get a picture :O?
10:20:55 PM comradelunar: Fastest memes in the west.
10:21:07 PM thelastmerovin: I'm out of film
10:21:11 PM q4tlqbvyhk: hi kilo
10:21:15 PM thelastmerovin: I don't use digital
10:21:21 PM thelastmerovin: 35mm ftw
10:21:23 PM kilo1185: hello
10:21:27 PM kilo1185: i lagged out
10:21:30 PM kilo1185: fucking internet
10:21:41 PM necrolich666: I wish I had a camera
10:21:49 PM necrolich666: I had a good picture idea the other day
10:21:50 PM daisukexkun: I have one, but it's crap.
10:21:56 PM daisukexkun: I need something better.
10:22:03 PM necrolich666: It would've had to of been a good res though
10:22:04 PM comradelunar: I have one, and it turned me into a myspace whore.
10:22:09 PM loldamien: Lol, one of my artmajorfriends swears by real cameras instead of digital. He's shown me comparisons... you two are right.
10:22:10 PM daisukexkun: Meh
10:22:14 PM kilo1185: lol
10:22:16 PM ldfkufjq: myspace sucks
10:22:20 PM necrolich666: ;_;
10:22:22 PM mikosutoka: im glad you think that :)
10:22:32 PM thelastmerovin: :)
10:22:36 PM comradelunar: Oh but I CRAVE APPROVAL. Ahem.
10:22:37 PM daisukexkun: I block people like wildfire on that site.
10:23:04 PM ldfkufjq: lunar, just put on some makeup and cat ears and go to 4chan for that....
10:23:05 PM comradelunar: Out of 7 freidns on that site, two are most likely sex offenders.
10:23:17 PM kilo1185: i dont use myspace at all, lol myspace
10:23:19 PM mikosutoka: i got lunar's cracky pics :3
10:23:20 PM necrolich666: lol @ lia
10:23:24 PM comradelunar: oh lawd
10:23:27 PM daisukexkun: I mainly have my friends from school on that site.
10:23:30 PM daisukexkun: That's it.
10:23:33 PM comradelunar: say no more or I'll use your POWERWORD: IRL NAME.
10:23:46 PM mikosutoka: ._. pssht
10:23:57 PM kilo1185: tom?
10:24:01 PM comradelunar: Most embarassing picture ever, taken when I QUITE THE INTERNETS FOREVER.
10:24:05 PM daisukexkun: I don't think anyone actually know my RL name
10:24:05 PM q4tlqbvyhk: starts with an E
10:24:08 PM comradelunar: eh, QUIT.
10:24:09 PM daisukexkun: What
10:24:18 PM q4tlqbvyhk: :P
10:24:20 PM daisukexkun: q, what do you know?
10:24:21 PM daisukexkun: >_>
10:24:37 PM necrolich666: starts with P
10:24:38 PM loldamien: Everyone knows my irl name ._.
10:24:40 PM ldfkufjq: blackmail off
10:24:45 PM necrolich666: its penis monger ok?
10:24:47 PM mikosutoka: /blackmail
10:24:47 PM thelastmerovin: Hahaha, stalking the stalkers.
10:24:54 PM ldfkufjq: i know where suede lives.
10:25:01 PM comradelunar: A fair industrial city.
10:25:03 PM mikosutoka: everyone knows that though D:
10:25:06 PM necrolich666: lol
10:25:10 PM daisukexkun: Yes
10:25:11 PM lastxkveqxztoc: They do?
10:25:11 PM necrolich666: I son't ;_;
10:25:16 PM necrolich666: *d
10:25:24 PM comradelunar: I'd give out my home adress just to see what'd happen.
10:25:27 PM kilo1185: i know suedes name :O
10:25:40 PM comradelunar: 'suede S. Suederson'.

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10:25:40 PM q4tlqbvyhk: I KNOW MY OWN NAME
10:25:43 PM necrolich666: I know my name :D
10:25:47 PM ldfkufjq: well aren't you special
10:25:47 PM necrolich666: damnit
10:25:51 PM q4tlqbvyhk: hey
10:25:54 PM q4tlqbvyhk: damnit.
10:25:58 PM necrolich666: beat me to it
10:26:02 PM q4tlqbvyhk: bea
10:26:06 PM q4tlqbvyhk: fuck
10:26:06 PM necrolich666: tch?
10:26:07 PM thelastmerovin: ...
10:26:08 PM thelastmerovin: Everyone knows that too...
10:26:12 PM necrolich666: me?
10:26:22 PM comradelunar: And lo, the conversation fell into confusion.
10:26:26 PM thelastmerovin: holy fuck lagg. aimexpress ftl
10:26:27 PM daisukexkun: Oh yes
10:26:34 PM mikosutoka: sigh ._.
10:26:35 PM q4tlqbvyhk: everything lags
10:27:02 PM mikosutoka: i was almost half expecting the world to end now
10:27:06 PM mikosutoka: like a metor comes down
10:27:12 PM necrolich666: Lia where did you get the name Scarecrowmaiden?
10:27:13 PM comradelunar: Send me my embarassing pictures plz M.
10:27:26 PM daisukexkun: I'm actually expecting to wake up.
10:27:28 PM ldfkufjq: from a game
10:27:30 PM daisukexkun: To be honest
10:27:38 PM necrolich666: I lost the game :(
10:27:43 PM daisukexkun: Shit
10:27:46 PM lastxkveqxztoc: Damn you, necro.
10:27:47 PM daisukexkun: I lost
10:27:47 PM q4tlqbvyhk: ijltg
10:27:51 PM ldfkufjq: heh
10:27:57 PM kilo1185: well i won the game
10:28:05 PM mikosutoka: who are you ._.
10:28:07 PM comradelunar: oh goddamn you.
10:28:12 PM necrolich666: stfu
10:28:13 PM lastxkveqxztoc: You can't win the game. it's in the rules.
10:28:17 PM necrolich666: kilo
10:28:26 PM daisukexkun: Yes
10:28:29 PM q4tlqbvyhk: winning is whenever you're nto thinking of it
10:28:40 PM lastxkveqxztoc: That's not losing.
10:28:44 PM daisukexkun: Technically, that's playing the game
10:28:47 PM daisukexkun: Shit
10:28:48 PM daisukexkun: I lost
10:28:51 PM q4tlqbvyhk: oktru
10:28:52 PM comradelunar: YYou win if you die not thinking of it.
10:28:53 PM ldfkufjq: Game plays you.
10:28:56 PM necrolich666: Who here keeps a diary?
10:29:02 PM comradelunar: Me, kinda.
10:29:08 PM daisukexkun: Ahhhhhhhhhhh Motherland
10:29:17 PM q4tlqbvyhk: my diary is the fact that i log every chat i ever have online.
10:29:20 PM q4tlqbvyhk: so it's all searchable.
10:29:22 PM q4tlqbvyhk: it is my diary
10:29:24 PM thelastmerovin: I keep a private journal
10:29:25 PM kilo1185: oh shit son
10:29:28 PM kilo1185: fuck
10:29:31 PM kilo1185: i lost on lvl 2
10:29:33 PM loldamien: D: Now I lost the game, thanks guys~
10:29:36 PM thelastmerovin: Note; in a BOOK, not online.
10:29:43 PM daisukexkun: Enought about the game.
10:29:48 PM mikosutoka: if i could write on paper i would merovin
10:29:56 PM comradelunar: I downloaded an enigma machine sim for the lulz, and now write stuff down with that.
10:29:58 PM daisukexkun: I used to
10:30:00 PM kilo1185: same here
10:30:13 PM kilo1185: i only log my xfire convos though
10:30:36 PM daisukexkun: Whoa
10:30:38 PM daisukexkun: I'm crashing
10:30:40 PM necrolich666: Lol I keep a diary of all the girls I sued to like...
10:30:47 PM necrolich666: *used
10:30:55 PM daisukexkun: Ahh, my head hurts
10:30:57 PM comradelunar: I only log chats I could use for blackmail purposes. Maybe.
10:31:03 PM daisukexkun: /b/, does this rule?
10:31:13 PM necrolich666: I log chats that I win an arguement over
10:31:24 PM kilo1185: ???

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„Ÿ„Ÿ„Ÿ„Ÿ„Ÿ„Ÿ„Ÿ„Ÿ„Ÿ \ -@-- @@cracky will never love you ya creepy dork!
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10:31:27 PM mikosutoka: http://cracky.bounceme.net/cracky/kareha.pl/1186366218/
10:31:28 PM daisukexkun: This site logs everything except chats
10:31:47 PM necrolich666: That's cruel XD
10:31:49 PM comradelunar: lollolol
10:31:52 PM mikosutoka: lol XDD
10:31:53 PM daisukexkun: Yep
10:32:03 PM ldfkufjq: omg wut
10:32:10 PM comradelunar: in that thread the final humiliation of Lunarsandwich.
10:32:13 PM comradelunar: :-D
10:32:18 PM mikosutoka: i didnt post tempura
10:32:18 PM mikosutoka: though
10:32:20 PM mikosutoka: :3
10:32:21 PM ldfkufjq: he's cute
10:32:59 PM thelastmerovin: Ahaha
10:33:03 PM kilo1185: wow
10:33:09 PM comradelunar: I'm hardcore. lolz
10:33:13 PM daisukexkun: lol
10:33:16 PM necrolich666: I've been wearing my warlock shirt for 3 days
10:33:17 PM kilo1185: someone made a counter strike source map with cracky picutres
10:33:19 PM thelastmerovin: Lunar won the game
10:33:20 PM necrolich666: I'm hardcore XD
10:33:22 PM kilo1185: looks gay
10:33:29 PM mikosutoka: a gay is fine too
10:33:35 PM daisukexkun: a lunar is fine too
10:33:44 PM ldfkufjq: my boyfriend plays cs, it would be pretty funny if he say cracky tags online.
10:33:47 PM ldfkufjq: saw*
10:33:56 PM mikosutoka: boom headshot
10:34:03 PM necrolich666: owch
10:34:05 PM mikosutoka: x_x
10:34:09 PM daisukexkun: Y'know, I actually know that guy
10:34:17 PM necrolich666: what guy?
10:34:35 PM daisukexkun: See: Miko's reply
10:34:50 PM necrolich666: k
10:35:02 PM daisukexkun: He was a regular on a clan forum my brother's friend is a mod at.
10:35:04 PM q4tlqbvyhk: do you play video games, lia?
10:35:10 PM comradelunar: Faux is wanting to get into the chat, btw.
10:35:11 PM daisukexkun: After the video was made public, he stopped.
10:35:15 PM necrolich666: she plays runescape
10:35:18 PM daisukexkun: He comes to the server from time to time.
10:35:20 PM necrolich666: it's obvious
10:35:29 PM ldfkufjq: i do q
10:35:31 PM kilo1185: that guy
10:35:38 PM comradelunar: how do i invited people.
10:35:56 PM thelastmerovin: give me her s/n and I will
10:35:58 PM daisukexkun: Actually, post her SN and I'll invite
10:36:00 PM daisukexkun: damn
10:36:02 PM daisukexkun: beat me to it.
10:36:17 PM mikosutoka: ._. growl
10:36:22 PM daisukexkun: ?
10:36:27 PM comradelunar: lol, seconded.
10:36:32 PM daisukexkun: Not a fan of faux?
10:36:43 PM kilo1185: i have a ss of me knifing someone with the name Cracky-chan...
10:36:51 PM daisukexkun: Oh lord
10:36:57 PM kilo1185: cant find it in a folder with 241 files
10:37:09 PM necrolich666: :(
10:37:13 PM mikosutoka: use search function
10:37:22 PM ldfkufjq: knifing? me? @_@
10:37:28 PM necrolich666: nuuuuuuu
10:37:34 PM comradelunar: enjoy ur stabbing.
10:37:38 PM thelastmerovin: >_<
10:37:45 PM mikosutoka: -10 hp
10:37:54 PM necrolich666: psh he crited
10:37:58 PM necrolich666: *crit'd
10:38:09 PM comradelunar: I think I already did the robe and wizard hat thing.
10:38:11 PM daisukexkun: In the back using right click
10:38:14 PM necrolich666: daggers are x2
10:38:16 PM daisukexkun: Yes you did actually.
10:38:24 PM necrolich666: yeah
10:38:29 PM daisukexkun: cast Mark
10:38:32 PM comradelunar: A second time would be too much.
10:38:40 PM daisukexkun: Why did I just tyype that?
10:38:45 PM necrolich666: i cast magik missle at the darkness
10:38:46 PM daisukexkun: I'm not playing Morrowin

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10:38:46 PM ldfkufjq: i cast magic missile?
10:38:49 PM ldfkufjq: beat me
10:38:52 PM daisukexkun: lol
10:38:55 PM necrolich666: lol
10:39:02 PM comradelunar: You are eaten by a grue.
10:39:06 PM necrolich666: :(
10:39:08 PM thelastmerovin: Lunar, does faux want in the chat or not?
10:39:11 PM necrolich666: I is not grue
10:39:15 PM necrolich666: I is a boy
10:39:17 PM comradelunar: Yes, she does.
10:39:20 PM daisukexkun: Stand up. You were dreaming
10:39:21 PM q4tlqbvyhk: you type /invite Faux
10:39:24 PM q4tlqbvyhk: then she's in
10:39:24 PM daisukexkun: What's your name?
10:39:25 PM mikosutoka: im doing it
10:39:36 PM thelastmerovin: IM me her screen name
10:39:43 PM comradelunar: She probably posted a throwaway on bounceme.
10:39:52 PM mikosutoka: invited.
10:40:08 PM daisukexkun: Wait fot it.
10:40:09 PM daisukexkun: for*
10:40:13 PM necrolich666: fot
10:40:19 PM comradelunar: zoq-fot-piq
10:40:20 PM thelastmerovin: fail
10:40:22 PM daisukexkun: I'm not typing well today
10:40:23 PM daisukexkun: lol
10:40:30 PM necrolich666: I think I did that to you earlier
10:40:36 PM comradelunar: pirat
10:40:42 PM daisukexkun: Morrowin
10:41:02 PM mikosutoka: there she goes
10:41:02 PM necrolich666: aw didn't catch morrowin
10:41:03 PM ldfkufjq: oblivion is cool
10:41:08 PM ldfkufjq: hi 2 u
10:41:13 PM comradelunar: Oh, god. Oblivion.
10:41:13 PM necrolich666: my friend plays it too much
10:41:16 PM daisukexkun: Hello there
10:41:19 PM necrolich666: hai
10:41:19 PM redskiesofyou: hi
10:41:26 PM comradelunar: I would play it but apparently you need a computer that can run things properly.
10:41:33 PM daisukexkun: I wish I had a rig good enough for Oblivion
10:41:37 PM ldfkufjq: yeah, my computer crashes whenever i alt tab oblivion
10:41:38 PM daisukexkun: Or a 360
10:41:41 PM ldfkufjq: or just when it feels like it -_-
10:41:45 PM daisukexkun: a 360 is fine too
10:41:46 PM necrolich666: he has a 360
10:41:48 PM necrolich666: ew
10:41:52 PM comradelunar: I got the collector's edition, got all revved up... And it ran like treacle.
10:42:01 PM comradelunar: At least I got that stupid coin.
10:42:02 PM necrolich666: loli haet 360
10:42:02 PM q4tlqbvyhk: i played morrowind
10:42:05 PM q4tlqbvyhk: a lot.
10:42:11 PM daisukexkun: You and me both q
10:42:15 PM comradelunar: I lost half my life to that.
10:42:20 PM necrolich666: Morrowind lagged to hell
10:42:21 PM q4tlqbvyhk: same.
10:42:22 PM comradelunar: Well, mnaybe less. Still, awesome game.
10:42:27 PM daisukexkun: I raised enough money to make one spell
10:42:29 PM necrolich666: Now.. DIABLO
10:42:31 PM daisukexkun: That ate up all my mp
10:42:36 PM necrolich666: That's where teh stuff is
10:42:45 PM ldfkufjq: i never played diablo >_<
10:42:45 PM daisukexkun: it was a combo of paralyze and fireball
10:42:48 PM daisukexkun: All maxed our
10:42:50 PM daisukexkun: out*
10:42:55 PM ldfkufjq: expensive daisuke
10:42:56 PM q4tlqbvyhk: hmm. maybe there was some secret code in morrowind that programmed all of us, leading us all up to this conversation.
10:42:58 PM comradelunar: Sixth House Mod. Epic mod. Better than the default ending.
10:42:59 PM daisukexkun: Oh yes
10:43:16 PM daisukexkun: I still need to download that.
10:43:23 PM q4tlqbvyhk: i think we could convince icarus of this
10:43:32 PM comradelunar: I love being one of those elephant guys.

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10:43:32 PM necrolich666: theres no necromancy in morrowind or Oblvion how lame
10:43:34 PM daisukexkun: After buying that spell, I was left with 2 drakes
10:43:44 PM comradelunar: Oblivion has that staff.
10:43:51 PM necrolich666: woopty doo..
10:43:52 PM ldfkufjq: oblivion has summoning undead and crap
10:44:12 PM necrolich666: I hate that staff... It doesn't suffice
10:44:16 PM comradelunar: It's a shame oblivion generic'd everything up.
10:44:17 PM necrolich666: and is hard to get :(
10:44:24 PM comradelunar: Zombies instead of bonewalkers? Pffft.
10:44:25 PM kilo1185: hey, who here is running windows vista?
10:44:32 PM daisukexkun: I wish
10:44:35 PM necrolich666: ditto
10:44:35 PM ldfkufjq: hahahaha
10:44:36 PM redskiesofyou: +back with milk+
10:44:39 PM ldfkufjq: vista.
10:44:40 PM necrolich666: who want's shadowrun?
10:44:40 PM redskiesofyou: vista blows
10:44:41 PM ldfkufjq: no.
10:44:42 PM daisukexkun: Because then I could actually run Source well
10:44:47 PM q4tlqbvyhk: i run mac osx, ubuntu feisty fawn, and xp
10:44:49 PM redskiesofyou: i have to run it at work, its awful
10:45:00 PM ldfkufjq: where do you work faux?
10:45:03 PM daisukexkun: Sadly, I'm stuck with a Dell that has no AGP slot
10:45:12 PM ldfkufjq: also, you're not dating the mudkip guy are you?
10:45:22 PM redskiesofyou: hahaha i wish
10:45:24 PM necrolich666: my friend is a total dumbass and got Suse and now he can't access the internet
10:45:27 PM redskiesofyou: i work at a venue
10:45:34 PM ldfkufjq: ah
10:45:36 PM redskiesofyou: so i help put on local rock shows and run an interwebs
10:45:38 PM q4tlqbvyhk: the store in the mall?
10:45:41 PM daisukexkun: Nice
10:45:41 PM q4tlqbvyhk: oh ok
10:46:00 PM thelastmerovin: lol @ the mudkip guy
10:46:06 PM daisukexkun: Oh man
10:46:12 PM redskiesofyou: basicly i keep their site running, music video database, and take photos at concerts
10:46:19 PM necrolich666: what happened to miko?
10:46:25 PM comradelunar: ?
10:46:26 PM daisukexkun: I saw a pic of him and I immediatly went O_o
10:46:26 PM ldfkufjq: maybe he fell asleep.
10:46:35 PM redskiesofyou: ?
10:46:36 PM kilo1185: none of you should be running vista
10:46:36 PM thelastmerovin: she..
10:46:40 PM ldfkufjq: ah
10:46:48 PM mikosutoka: ?
10:46:49 PM comradelunar: Off grinding her teeth, I think.
10:46:49 PM kilo1185: and source = best game engine
10:46:51 PM mikosutoka: ._.;
10:47:03 PM daisukexkun: Ah, I love source but I hate my rig
10:47:08 PM necrolich666: I grind my teeth when I sleep
10:47:09 PM redskiesofyou: im distracted between here and #/m/
10:47:30 PM thelastmerovin: fuck I'd love to see all you people in a room together
10:47:30 PM kilo1185: you run the interwebs?
10:47:42 PM thelastmerovin: That would be the source of some epic lulz
10:47:42 PM mikosutoka: in a ROOM together, this is a room
10:47:44 PM daisukexkun: Mero, I'd be the shortest one
10:47:45 PM comradelunar: Liar. Faux is not AL Gore.
10:47:47 PM ldfkufjq: that would be pretty entertaining mero
10:47:49 PM daisukexkun: Telling you now.
10:47:54 PM kilo1185: do you not know that the interwebz are a series of tubes and that its not a big truck?
10:47:59 PM redskiesofyou: i told my boss that
10:48:00 PM necrolich666: IRL?
10:48:02 PM daisukexkun: And more than likely the youngest
10:48:03 PM redskiesofyou: when our net shut off

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10:48:05 PM redskiesofyou: yep
10:48:06 PM mikosutoka: party in the TRUCK
10:48:06 PM thelastmerovin: No, it's a yellow van
10:48:12 PM daisukexkun: oh lord
10:48:13 PM comradelunar: BOOM
10:48:20 PM redskiesofyou: he was like "whu? sorry i got distracted thinking about big titties"
10:48:24 PM redskiesofyou: hes realllly weird
10:48:28 PM daisukexkun: Wow
10:48:29 PM ldfkufjq: natural reaction
10:48:29 PM comradelunar: Inevitable collapse into a meme singularity.
10:48:32 PM lastxkveqxztoc: in b4 hackers on steroids
10:48:33 PM necrolich666: Ew
10:48:43 PM ldfkufjq: internet hate machine
10:48:44 PM necrolich666: Wow
10:48:44 PM mikosutoka: http://youtube.com/watch?v=KP09qcVW4dI
10:48:47 PM thelastmerovin: Yes Necro, there is something out there otherwise known as the 'real world'
10:48:51 PM comradelunar: Liar.
10:48:51 PM q4tlqbvyhk: i propose crackycon
10:48:54 PM necrolich666: :(
10:48:57 PM daisukexkun: Oh lord no
10:48:58 PM daisukexkun: lol
10:49:01 PM mikosutoka: Oh dear god NO
10:49:03 PM redskiesofyou: where i love is nothing but /b/tards and camwhores, you can understand the explosion that caused here
10:49:04 PM ldfkufjq: x_X
10:49:06 PM redskiesofyou: live*
10:49:07 PM redskiesofyou: hah
10:49:07 PM kilo1185: party van?
10:49:09 PM q4tlqbvyhk: hahahahaha
10:49:11 PM necrolich666: I propose we all pitch in for money for a plane ticket for cracky at otakon next year
10:49:15 PM necrolich666: :D
10:49:16 PM q4tlqbvyhk: no
10:49:18 PM q4tlqbvyhk: she would need
10:49:20 PM q4tlqbvyhk: bodyguards.
10:49:22 PM daisukexkun: Ohhh lord no
10:49:22 PM thelastmerovin: NO
10:49:24 PM redskiesofyou: one of my friends is under house arrest cuz he got partyvanned due to 4chan
10:49:24 PM necrolich666: Just kidding..
10:49:25 PM q4tlqbvyhk: and none of us are fit.
10:49:25 PM necrolich666: :(
10:49:26 PM mikosutoka: no a SHARK TANK PROTECTOR
10:49:26 PM ldfkufjq: hahahahaa
10:49:29 PM kilo1185: fuck fox11
10:49:34 PM necrolich666: lol
10:49:35 PM q4tlqbvyhk: yeah.
10:49:36 PM redskiesofyou: pope-mobile
10:49:36 PM ldfkufjq: tazer.
10:49:38 PM q4tlqbvyhk: shark tank protector
10:49:39 PM daisukexkun: Sharks with lazer beams
10:49:45 PM mikosutoka: Lol
10:49:45 PM comradelunar: Curtains and a dog.
10:49:49 PM thelastmerovin: Optimus Prime
10:49:51 PM daisukexkun: Oh yes
10:49:54 PM daisukexkun: That solves everything
10:49:57 PM q4tlqbvyhk: do you have a ds, lia?
10:50:02 PM comradelunar: +phone tracker system.
10:50:05 PM daisukexkun: Pogeymanz
10:50:05 PM mikosutoka: lets play some mario kart
10:50:05 PM kilo1185: she will get shot
10:50:07 PM redskiesofyou: like... padme & her mass of handmaidens. we need more cracky-likes
10:50:12 PM ldfkufjq: no i don't q
10:50:17 PM daisukexkun: Ah, I wish I still had Mario Kart
10:50:17 PM q4tlqbvyhk: T_T
10:50:26 PM q4tlqbvyhk: no mario kart with cracky-chan
10:50:26 PM ldfkufjq: lunar can be my first handmaiden
10:50:28 PM q4tlqbvyhk: love is over.
10:50:29 PM necrolich666: I wish I had moneh
10:50:31 PM comradelunar: I've done my MANLY MAN part for the cause. Ahem.
10:50:33 PM kilo1185: do you know 4 FBI agents are assigned to montitor 4chan?
10:50:40 PM daisukexkun: lol
10:50:41 PM mikosutoka: 4 for 4chan
10:50:43 PM ldfkufjq: seriously kilo?
10:50:50 PM daisukexkun: To investigate the epic lulz
10:50:51 PM redskiesofyou: hahah
10:50:52 PM kilo1185: she will need curtains and a dog

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10:50:54 PM kilo1185: FUCK YOU
10:50:56 PM comradelunar: So that's who posts all those damn chris hansen threads.
10:50:57 PM kilo1185: DAMMIT
10:50:58 PM loldamien: best job in the world
10:51:03 PM daisukexkun: lol
10:51:04 PM necrolich666: yeah!
10:51:09 PM redskiesofyou: i want to work for chris
10:51:10 PM necrolich666: lol notrlly
10:51:15 PM q4tlqbvyhk: do you know that i used to work for a major united states federal agency and got fired from that job for surfing 4chan?
10:51:15 PM redskiesofyou: like be the girl on the phone
10:51:16 PM thelastmerovin: Kilo, you know the FBI actualy has a backdoor into the server? They use it to grab IP's when someone posts a threat, they have immediate access.
10:51:20 PM q4tlqbvyhk: i don't want to say which one...
10:51:25 PM comradelunar: NSA
10:51:27 PM comradelunar: NSA
10:51:27 PM comradelunar: NSA
10:51:31 PM daisukexkun: lol
10:51:31 PM mikosutoka: .... o shi
10:51:36 PM q4tlqbvyhk: no it wasn't hte nsa
10:51:37 PM q4tlqbvyhk: i wish.
10:51:42 PM daisukexkun: Ahh damn, my head hurts
10:51:46 PM redskiesofyou: 'perverted justice' or whatever their team is
10:51:46 PM comradelunar: Federal Geological Survey
10:51:52 PM ldfkufjq: go to bed daisuke? o.o
10:51:56 PM kilo1185: yes
10:52:00 PM thelastmerovin: lol
10:52:03 PM kilo1185: they dont appear to do their jobs thou
10:52:10 PM daisukexkun: Too early
10:52:15 PM q4tlqbvyhk: i think it's raining
10:52:18 PM kilo1185: i think they are in it for the CP
10:52:19 PM daisukexkun: And I suffer from insomnia
10:52:20 PM q4tlqbvyhk: yay rain
10:52:26 PM ldfkufjq: 4am here now heh
10:52:27 PM comradelunar: choclit reign
10:52:30 PM ldfkufjq: o god
10:52:34 PM ldfkufjq: i turned on radio one yesterday
10:52:37 PM daisukexkun: oh lord
10:52:39 PM necrolich666: There's a red light that keeps popping up in my house :(
10:52:40 PM ldfkufjq: and they were playing choklit reign
10:52:43 PM ldfkufjq: i died a little inside
10:52:44 PM comradelunar: Oh god.
10:52:46 PM kilo1185: yup
10:52:46 PM mikosutoka: ._. wtf.
10:52:47 PM loldamien: ! on the radio?
10:52:49 PM ldfkufjq: yes
10:52:50 PM daisukexkun: He's skyrocketted to fame
10:52:50 PM q4tlqbvyhk: i recorded the video of snacks, moot, maddeth and rj singing that.
10:52:51 PM comradelunar: It happened.
10:52:54 PM lastxkveqxztoc: That is amazing.
10:52:57 PM comradelunar: We wilol welcome the end, soon.
10:53:00 PM comradelunar: will
10:53:01 PM kilo1185: USPS
10:53:05 PM mikosutoka: looks to the sky
10:53:13 PM daisukexkun: The sky's the limit!
10:53:13 PM comradelunar: LOOK FOR THE BRON CLOUDS.
10:53:16 PM comradelunar: brown
10:53:18 PM q4tlqbvyhk: I HELD THAT CAMERA
10:53:19 PM ldfkufjq: tinfoil hats
10:53:19 PM daisukexkun: lol
10:53:25 PM necrolich666: I want a wii
10:53:26 PM kilo1185: its 8:53 here
10:53:28 PM kilo1185: PM
10:53:30 PM ldfkufjq: wii is fun
10:53:31 PM comradelunar: 3:53
10:53:32 PM redskiesofyou: oh gosh chocolate rain was on tv today
10:53:34 PM necrolich666: 10:53 PM
10:53:35 PM comradelunar: AM
10:53:35 PM redskiesofyou: my life hurts
10:53:36 PM ldfkufjq: but totally stupid
10:53:40 PM loldamien: Was it a legit radio station? Or some sort of university/college thing?
10:53:48 PM comradelunar: Radio 1 is legit as it gets.
10:53:49 PM daisukexkun: Warioware Smooth Moves is good for laughs

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10:53:50 PM ldfkufjq: bbc radio one
10:53:52 PM kilo1185: they play it on the radio?
10:53:54 PM kilo1185: wtf
10:53:55 PM loldamien: wowzers
10:53:56 PM mikosutoka: you have satelite
10:53:57 PM mikosutoka: radio
10:54:00 PM mikosutoka: miss L
10:54:03 PM comradelunar: Well, I hope one day to hear it on Radio 4 instead of Sailing By.
10:54:04 PM q4tlqbvyhk: no they did a bit on the local rock station hear about tay zonday
10:54:07 PM ldfkufjq: i listen to it on the net
10:54:10 PM daisukexkun: Ah
10:54:20 PM mikosutoka: if you listen to sirus i like ch 22.
10:54:26 PM ldfkufjq: don't know it
10:54:37 PM comradelunar: I used to sleep with my digital radio. In a totally non-weird way.
10:54:53 PM daisukexkun: I actually sleep with my iPod on
10:54:54 PM kilo1185: wildfires ftl
10:55:02 PM necrolich666: eewww ipods...
10:55:08 PM ldfkufjq: i have an ipod mini >_>
10:55:09 PM comradelunar: Careful nobody steals it.
10:55:13 PM q4tlqbvyhk: nyoro~n
10:55:17 PM necrolich666: lol Ipods steal your soul
10:55:17 PM daisukexkun: What color Lia?
10:55:21 PM ldfkufjq: green
10:55:23 PM necrolich666: yay!
10:55:27 PM daisukexkun: We have the same one
10:55:27 PM ldfkufjq: best color
10:55:29 PM comradelunar: I pretend to hate iPods but I'm just jealous of the rich kids. XD
10:55:35 PM ldfkufjq: omg we're totally soulmates
10:55:35 PM redskiesofyou: everyone has those hererr
10:55:37 PM kilo1185: so daisuke and necro = east coaters?
10:55:38 PM daisukexkun: =o
10:55:45 PM daisukexkun: Seems like it
10:55:46 PM redskiesofyou: i just got an mp3 phone cuz i like black gadgets
10:55:50 PM necrolich666: yeah NY here
10:55:54 PM daisukexkun: Jersey here
10:55:58 PM necrolich666: w00t
10:55:59 PM mikosutoka: wb is gonna shoot lunar when he hears that quote
10:55:59 PM loldamien: PA here lol
10:55:59 PM daisukexkun: Wow
10:56:00 PM kilo1185: XM satellite radio fools
10:56:04 PM daisukexkun: Even a stae away
10:56:04 PM redskiesofyou: jersey all tha wayyy
10:56:06 PM comradelunar: Which quote?
10:56:07 PM daisukexkun: state*
10:56:12 PM q4tlqbvyhk: i'm in the nation's high-five
10:56:15 PM comradelunar: WB is going tos hoot me anyway.
10:56:15 PM daisukexkun: Wow, I can't type today
10:56:23 PM necrolich666: stae xD
10:56:24 PM mikosutoka: ldfkufjq
omg we're totally soulmate
10:56:25 PM kilo1185: i use my PSP.......
10:56:29 PM comradelunar: He gave me strict instructions never to use this AIM, lol.
10:56:30 PM kilo1185: dont kill me plz
10:56:39 PM mikosutoka: I know
10:56:45 PM comradelunar: He is the boss of me.
10:56:53 PM mikosutoka: I told him to get video of lunar beating
10:56:54 PM mikosutoka: later
10:57:03 PM kilo1185: WHAT?!?!
10:57:05 PM comradelunar: What.
10:57:07 PM kilo1185: pink is so ftw
10:57:08 PM mikosutoka: BDSM
10:57:09 PM ldfkufjq: kinky?
10:57:16 PM lastxkveqxztoc: What is going on.
10:57:23 PM daisukexkun: Whoaaaa
10:57:25 PM necrolich666: wtf
10:57:26 PM mikosutoka: aim hiccup AGAIN
10:57:27 PM daisukexkun: That was bad
10:57:28 PM q4tlqbvyhk: internets broke.
10:57:28 PM comradelunar: wttttf
10:57:31 PM lastxkveqxztoc: lulz
10:57:36 PM comradelunar: A whole tube just collapsed.
10:57:36 PM necrolich666: CORRUPTION
10:57:41 PM redskiesofyou: WHAT
10:57:45 PM mikosutoka: AIM HICCUP :(
10:57:46 PM necrolich666: lulz @ lunar
10:57:48 PM loldamien: what the shit

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889 Name: ( ´_ゝ`) : 1993-09-10076 17:48

@@@ ___
@@@(Ü_@ ÈQÈ
@@@ _ RRiGL„DM j@black penis! black penis! black penis!
@@@@ (mJ@@ @ Ü_ kill yourself ya fuckin crackhead!
@@@@@ É@¿@@/ ^
@@@@@i@ | .|ÈQÈ
@ ^_˜¦@|@i@@@ jno no no stop interrupting my
@(___‚ÖQƒm TQQƒm cyberstalking ctrl v logs!

890 Name: ( ´_ゝ`) : 1993-09-10076 17:48

10:57:49 PM ldfkufjq: thanks
10:57:52 PM q4tlqbvyhk: yw
10:57:53 PM ldfkufjq: o_o
10:57:53 PM mikosutoka: welcome back
10:57:56 PM comradelunar: don't lulz at me, punk.
10:57:58 PM ldfkufjq: idk why i keep getting kicked
10:58:01 PM daisukexkun: Wow
10:58:05 PM mikosutoka: aim hiccups everyone got kicked
10:58:05 PM daisukexkun: That was really bad
10:58:09 PM q4tlqbvyhk: because aim sucks
10:58:16 PM daisukexkun: Yes
10:58:18 PM necrolich666: meh its the best imo
10:58:23 PM necrolich666: I hate msn and yahoo
10:58:26 PM comradelunar: Best AIDS.
10:58:27 PM necrolich666: too fancy
10:58:30 PM necrolich666: xD
10:58:35 PM daisukexkun: lol
10:58:38 PM comradelunar: That damn bleeping, gawd.
10:58:41 PM q4tlqbvyhk: using aim on anything other than aim client
10:58:45 PM q4tlqbvyhk: good.
10:59:13 PM redskiesofyou: color changes
10:59:15 PM redskiesofyou: are better now.
10:59:21 PM necrolich666: wut..
10:59:24 PM daisukexkun: How so?
10:59:26 PM redskiesofyou: the usernames...
10:59:29 PM daisukexkun: Ahh
10:59:32 PM mikosutoka: yeah not using aim client
10:59:33 PM redskiesofyou: changed color when everyone came back in
10:59:36 PM daisukexkun: Same
10:59:36 PM q4tlqbvyhk: with how i have this chat set up, all your text is black, and regular arial font... but the backgrounds
10:59:37 PM mikosutoka: havent gotten kicked once don't see annoying colors
10:59:40 PM q4tlqbvyhk: are like a crayon box
10:59:42 PM q4tlqbvyhk: it's awesome
10:59:46 PM redskiesofyou: i'm getting some very pretty yellows and purples here
10:59:53 PM necrolich666: weird
10:59:56 PM necrolich666: I has a green
11:00:08 PM daisukexkun: I'm in a sort of orange/gold
11:00:17 PM comradelunar: Snotgreen.
11:00:18 PM q4tlqbvyhk: i'll upload cap and link jussec
11:00:24 PM necrolich666: MEATBREAD
11:00:31 PM necrolich666: needz more dakka
11:00:38 PM mikosutoka: ... what
11:00:40 PM comradelunar: dakka?
11:00:41 PM comradelunar: orkz
11:00:42 PM daisukexkun: I don't know
11:00:43 PM ldfkufjq: pastel.
11:00:43 PM daisukexkun: lol
11:00:45 PM necrolich666: YEAH!
11:00:47 PM comradelunar: ORK ORKZ ORKZ ORKZ
11:00:47 PM necrolich666: orkz
11:00:48 PM q4tlqbvyhk: lia, you said you don't watch tv. do you watch any shows like, by downloading?
11:00:53 PM comradelunar: WE IZ DA ORKZ, AND YOU IS NOT
11:01:01 PM ldfkufjq: yes i do q.
11:01:10 PM redskiesofyou: torrrrent?
11:01:13 PM q4tlqbvyhk: i need to be specific, huh. what shows?
11:01:27 PM q4tlqbvyhk: http://i12.tinypic.com/4pnqaag.png
11:01:30 PM ldfkufjq: lost, heroes, battlestar galactica
11:01:37 PM comradelunar: Galactica? New or old?
11:01:40 PM mikosutoka: rainbow colors
11:01:40 PM redskiesofyou: that reminds me i need to find a torrent of gurren lagann, its hard since it got licensed
11:01:41 PM loldamien: woah colors
11:01:42 PM daisukexkun: Heroes is amazing
11:01:45 PM necrolich666: I never saw the pull of those shows
11:01:52 PM daisukexkun: Gundam 00
11:01:53 PM daisukexkun: =D
11:01:57 PM q4tlqbvyhk: yeah see, my chat looks beautiful :)
11:01:59 PM comradelunar: pewpew robots
11:02:02 PM daisukexkun: I can't wait for it.
11:02:04 PM ldfkufjq: new one
11:02:11 PM necrolich666: Meh
11:02:14 PM daisukexkun: Been a Gundam fan since I was younger
11:02:15 PM necrolich666: gundam wing > all
11:02:17 PM q4tlqbvyhk: lol
11:02:21 PM comradelunar: I shat brix ovre female starbuck.

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11:02:22 PM ldfkufjq: never seen gundam
11:02:28 PM daisukexkun: I liked 0083: Stardust Memory
11:02:30 PM necrolich666: Ahhhh!!1.. endless waltzzzzzz
11:02:30 PM redskiesofyou: aw im a gundam girl
11:02:31 PM ldfkufjq: kara thrace is pretty hot
11:02:36 PM redskiesofyou: i'm watching Turn A now
11:02:37 PM necrolich666: <333 my first anime love
11:02:38 PM q4tlqbvyhk: remember when they showed evangelion on cartoon network?
11:02:41 PM q4tlqbvyhk: lol mtv
11:02:42 PM daisukexkun: Oh yes
11:02:45 PM comradelunar: Agreed. Also whoever it is plays Apollo.
11:02:46 PM daisukexkun: That one day
11:02:50 PM q4tlqbvyhk: mtv lol
11:02:53 PM loldamien: How about the new Rebuild of Evangelion, excited about that Lia? :O
11:03:01 PM mikosutoka: http://i13.tinypic.com/4lt8tn5.png
11:03:05 PM ldfkufjq: i actually hadnt heard about that damien, i dont really watch anime any more
11:03:24 PM daisukexkun: I can see my Kyo picture
11:03:25 PM q4tlqbvyhk: anime for me: i'm not trying to get into anything new. but the stuff i like, is the stuff i like.
11:03:30 PM necrolich666: eveyone has cool icons :(
11:03:31 PM q4tlqbvyhk: which is basically eva.
11:03:32 PM daisukexkun: Exactly
11:03:47 PM comradelunar: I don't get anime.
11:03:48 PM loldamien: http://youtube.com/watch?v=7pfnqsEEEpo&mode=related&search= For your reference then.
11:03:54 PM daisukexkun: I've seen Eva so many times it's not even funny
11:03:55 PM comradelunar: It's all cartoons to me, like mickey mouse.
11:04:00 PM q4tlqbvyhk: is this a legit trailer?
11:04:17 PM loldamien: The three new songs by Utada Hikaru have been leaked, FYI
11:04:19 PM loldamien: Yeah thats legit
11:04:38 PM necrolich666: anyone read deathnote?
11:04:41 PM ldfkufjq: looks pretty cool o.o
11:04:46 PM ldfkufjq: not a death note fan.
11:04:50 PM q4tlqbvyhk: omfg...
11:04:51 PM necrolich666: ;-;
11:04:51 PM redskiesofyou: i dont get the popular stuff
11:04:53 PM mikosutoka: deathnote sucks
11:04:58 PM redskiesofyou: deathnote fangirls are scary
11:05:08 PM necrolich666: thx guyz /wrists
11:05:11 PM comradelunar: It all sucks, in my learned and not at all generalised opinion.
11:05:12 PM daisukexkun: I'm a Death Note fan
11:05:16 PM loldamien: Yeah, I can't wait to see it! The first movie will be shown sometime in September~ search around then for fansubs... I'm sure a bajillion people will sub it :D
11:05:24 PM comradelunar: Criminals!
11:05:25 PM daisukexkun: I actually bought a notebook at AnimeNext
11:05:33 PM q4tlqbvyhk: yeah they should be smarter
11:05:34 PM thelastmerovin: Death Note, what the fuck?
11:05:35 PM q4tlqbvyhk: and release it in the us
11:05:40 PM q4tlqbvyhk: simultaneously
11:05:46 PM q4tlqbvyhk: er, worldwide
11:06:10 PM redskiesofyou: hahah at Otakon all I did was buy gundams. i skipped the 4chan panel for gundam panel.
11:06:11 PM daisukexkun: Jeez Necro, we MUST have been separated at Birth
11:06:12 PM q4tlqbvyhk: lol new animus
11:06:19 PM necrolich666: I know right Daisuke?
11:06:25 PM comradelunar: lol at animu elitism.
11:06:26 PM daisukexkun: I wish I had enough for model kits
11:06:31 PM mikosutoka: http://youtube.com/watch?v=ToeY7MkCm0c
11:06:32 PM q4tlqbvyhk: i wish to draw gundoms from my naked imagination
11:06:36 PM redskiesofyou: i have like a wall of them ;____;
11:06:42 PM loldamien: I bought my first gundam model kit at Otakon... what kid of paints should I use for it?

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11:06:50 PM daisukexkun: And yet, I never saw one model of Sazabi or GP-02
11:06:51 PM mikosutoka: good paint
11:06:52 PM q4tlqbvyhk: fucking hell this looks good.
11:06:53 PM redskiesofyou: i just posted hi-res of my custom Zudah on /m/ yesterday
11:06:55 PM thelastmerovin: I have officialy lost all interest in this conversation
11:07:01 PM necrolich666: I only has a few models and deh bork
11:07:02 PM redskiesofyou: get an airbrush if you're seriousss
11:07:02 PM ldfkufjq: wow, people nerdier than me
11:07:05 PM thelastmerovin: Gundams FTL
11:07:10 PM loldamien: Yeah, my friend has an airbrush
11:07:12 PM necrolich666: more likely then you think
11:07:14 PM q4tlqbvyhk: gundoms
11:07:16 PM loldamien: Any brands of paint you recommend?
11:07:17 PM daisukexkun: It's more likely than you thing Lia
11:07:21 PM comradelunar: gundoms? Ew.
11:07:23 PM daisukexkun: think*
11:07:24 PM redskiesofyou: not reallyyy
11:07:29 PM daisukexkun: Christ, my typing's off
11:07:30 PM thelastmerovin: whatever
11:07:37 PM redskiesofyou: i dont use an airbrush, i use brushes :(
11:07:48 PM q4tlqbvyhk: i keep watching this rebuild of evangelion thingggggg
11:07:49 PM redskiesofyou: i need to get around to it
11:07:52 PM loldamien: k
11:07:57 PM loldamien: isn't it awesome :D
11:07:58 PM redskiesofyou: i'd go back and repaint everything too
11:08:03 PM daisukexkun: I wish I could find a model of Sazabi
11:08:04 PM loldamien: I'll find the music torrent, one sec
11:08:06 PM q4tlqbvyhk: eva makes me... cry.
11:08:14 PM redskiesofyou: gundamstoreandmore?
11:08:16 PM redskiesofyou: HLJ?
11:08:17 PM comradelunar: Which makes me die a little inside.
11:08:32 PM necrolich666: Lia ever heard of the Vaselines?
11:08:37 PM daisukexkun: Well, somewhere close to where I live at least
11:08:53 PM redskiesofyou: for my zudah, i used a beaten metal textured spray paint (plastic bond sort)
11:08:55 PM ldfkufjq: nope necro
11:08:58 PM mikosutoka: wonder what'd happen if we all went to a bar together
11:09:04 PM redskiesofyou: internets is close to you, obviously
11:09:05 PM daisukexkun: Uhh
11:09:08 PM daisukexkun: True
11:09:09 PM necrolich666: oh they're quite nice :P
11:09:12 PM loldamien: http://www.datorrents.com/torrents-details.asp?id=24049 Should go really fast. The new Fly me to the moon is lovely <3
11:09:13 PM daisukexkun: But I don't feel like shipping
11:09:18 PM comradelunar: A couple of people people would get chucked out.
11:09:24 PM redskiesofyou: but stores rip you off
11:09:25 PM daisukexkun: Right here
11:09:29 PM daisukexkun: underage b&
11:09:33 PM redskiesofyou: they more than take for "shipping"
11:09:39 PM daisukexkun: As long as I get one, I'm fine
11:09:52 PM necrolich666: I wanna listen to some.....Savage garden...
11:09:56 PM redskiesofyou: haha guys at otakon/4chan asked where i stole my wristband
11:10:00 PM mikosutoka: how old are you, isnt there like bars in England that allow 16 for drinking
11:10:01 PM necrolich666: -.- don't judge me
11:10:04 PM mikosutoka: @ daisuke
11:10:04 PM daisukexkun: lol
11:10:08 PM daisukexkun: Actually
11:10:12 PM ldfkufjq: no, legal drinking age is 18
11:10:13 PM daisukexkun: I turn 16 in September
11:10:14 PM comradelunar: 18 nationwide just for drinking.
11:10:20 PM redskiesofyou: 18 in russias too
11:10:23 PM necrolich666: I am 16

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