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811 Name: ( ˃ ヮ˂) : 1993-09-6549 15:19

Yeah, it's the come-up that freaked me out. I took a dose of about 6.4mg/kg, but managed to "hold onto my mind" and not actually trip because I was anxious.
It's because of the "alert sensation;" it was accompanied by a weird "electrifying" feeling in the throat/chest area, sort of tingling or needle-like, and I was worried that maybe something around there was stiffening/swelling and I'd suffocate (I'm supposed to have asthma, but the only time I've found it harder to breathe was after exercise).

I'm definitely trying it again, but I'd prefer to avoid having drug abuse on a record somewhere.

( ß -ß) >>791 DPH is some scary shit, man.

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