ITT we solve the question above us [Part 5] (999)

854 Name: ( ˃ ヮ˂) : 1993-09-7106 23:49

Shin Guard. It's a game I made up a few minutes ago. My friend poured some Gatorade from a mostly empty bottle that was on te ground next to where we were sitting in my TI-84's cover, so I said "Wanna play shin guard?" I told him it was a game where I put the case over his shin and hit it until he feels pain and that there's no way to win, only get a high score. He said no so I kept insisting until he gave in. I first kept hitting it with my hand until it stated to hurt so I said "okay level two" then proceeded to hit it with tr calculator itself. I gave up and told him he won, contradicting myself. I checked and the case still had some Gatorade on it so I said that the other shin still needs to go. I did it until it was completely dry then I congratulated him. It wasn't really a game but a way to get the sticky Gatorade off my calculator cover.

Would you play Shin Guard?

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