[Contentless] ITT you post right now [ASAP] your current thought [Brains][Thinking][Personal][#18] (999)

743 Name: (*゚ー゚) : 1993-09-8080 20:49

Pocky is my secret weapon. It helps me focus and keeps me from chewing my nails. It also has a form factor allowing for slow consumption so a box can go quite a long way.

When I need to do anything that'll take more than an hour or so, I like to hit up the library and find a quiet cubicle, which helps reduce distractions and force me to just get it done. I'll often find something interesting I haven't heard in the media section and listen to that while I work\particularly symphonies and other things with a large form factor, because it gives me the chance to sit down and listen to something start to finish that I wouldn't otherwise.

In terms of organization, as soon as I get an assignment I put it on my calendar. It's easier for me to understand my workload and remember to do everything if it's laid out that way. When it gets really heavy/stressful, I write down everything I need to do (school-related and otherwise) individually on sticky notes and then put everything in order of execution, then focus on only one thing at a time and refuse to deviate from that order; this helps keep me from feeling overwhelmed.

And yeah, having been on both sides of the "productivity" curve, I still have to remind myself that the time I spend after I finish stuff is better quality time than the time before I finish stuff. Why not maximize it? (The answer is inertia, which is in the end the biggest foe in our fight to be awesome and rich.)

It's totally fine to want to screw around and waste time. I think that's a more or less universal desire. You just have to recognize that just like with booze, you can control it or it can control you. In the words of Tower of Power, you got to keep your monster on a leash. In the moment it's not fun to put off rewatching Twintails until you finish that assignment, but if you zoom out and look at a bigger perspective, it makes more sense.

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