[Contentless] ITT you post right now [ASAP] your current thought [Brains][Thinking][Personal][#18] (999)

976 Name: (*゚ー゚) : 1993-09-8108 18:16

Why the hostility? All I'm doing is rhetorically pointing out that the argument
What's better someone who assumes something is shit, or someone who tries it and realizes it's shit?
if taken to its logical conclusion, would be an argument for doing things that are obviously idiotic. Therefore, that argument is a bad argument. In fact, I would claim it is very useful to be able to identify, from a far distance, things that you won't enjoy. This will prevent you from wasting more time in the future.

So you should be considering what, exactly, you ended up not liking about Reddit, and wondering whether you can detect those same qualities early on with other sites. For example, many people dislike the way the moderation system in Reddit leads to a strongly-enforced collective opinion within groups of users. If you are one of these people, consider whether there are any characteristics of Tumblr that would lead to the userbase dividing into groups, and those groups then reinforcing their own opinions.

Or, perhaps, you can identify something that you don't like about 4-ch. The world is full of things to do, and it's not as if you'll ever exhaust the possibilities.
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