[Contentless] ITT you post right now [ASAP] your current thought [Brains][Thinking][Personal][#19] (999)

190 Name: (*゚ー゚) : 1993-09-8125 09:20

The deep irony is that everyone's now flattering you for displaying the same deep cynicism and contempt you have just called out, while writing something actually much more vague, stale and overstated in both past and present than >>173

Yet it's "post-sincere" enough for other cynical morons who think they've "outgrown" the cynical morons who also think they've "outgrown" the angrily misguided cynical morons originally being complained about to approve.

Moral consistency now demands that they also laud and expand upon this post-post-post-cynical retort for its appeal to the "even more biggerer picture" and self-referentiality.

Also, a prematurely old soul is, some might argue, the exact opposite of immaturity, so one might critique the application of the insults just as much as the spirit in which they are made.

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