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40 Name: (*゚ー゚) : 1993-09-8765 02:18

I'm curious how many speakers of Pidgin actually find this more readable than proper English. First of all, Pidgin English is an oral language, nobody learns to read Pidgin. If anybody has learned to read, they've learned English or some other standardized language. I especially don't see the point of using transliterated spellings ("dem" vs. "them", etc.) considering that anybody who has learned to read would have learned the "proper" spelling.

Second, Pidgin is not standardized. It's a mix of English and local languages, so there are quite wide variations depending on the location. It seems that the BBC solves this problem by focusing on Nigerian Pidgin but using only the most common slang words. The result is not really full-fledged Pidgin, more like English with Pidgin grammar and transliterated spelling. They estimate that 75 million Nigerians speak Pidgin, but how many of those actually want to read this watered-down Pidgin?

Also, these article titles made me giggle:
"Why dem dey call Hurricane human being name"
"Ghana import 30 million condoms but dem no use am"
Then I remembered that proper English article titles are often just as stupid.

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