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845 Name: (*゚ー゚) : 1993-09-8913 19:16

>>843 from my limited experience, Twitter may be cancer, but it's better than Tumblr about keeping people in their own bubbles instead of nearly the whole damn thing being the bubble. So judging from that person's posts, a lot of people in that particular bubble would probably be amenable to the usual /tg/ and 40K chakras even if they were clueless about chans and anonymous posting.

FWIW, I recently got an account for lurking purposes (I want to take up drawing animu style at a later time, might as well weeb out now). Quickly found that Japanese Twitter is less jimmy-rustling than English Twitter in general. Doujin artists and the Pixiv crowd especially tend to treat it like it's their business--it kind of is. So their handles are decent about staying "on brand", though there are plenty of digressions for posts too funny to ignore, random photos of food/pets, and way the fuck too many im@s and FGO screenshots (okay, perhaps I self-selected for people who already draw waifu bait in the first place).

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