WTFux/IICHAN merger democratic forum (246, permasaged)

1 Name: Lain!YsrYiS7Bco 2005-09-24 05:12 ID:mtMDRl4J

Wanna know why I brang a shitstorm upon myself? Attention! The only fucking way I can get anyones attention these days is to make a scene.

WTFux and IICHAN will not merge until a proper democratic decision has been made by the majority of iichan and WTFux moderators, as well as VIP's and general users of both communities.

Discuss here, comrades.

136 Name: washermachine!kxrJVlZ8OE 2005-09-24 19:15 ID:JRiWeVoH

personally... i respect cho0b and his decisions. i'm a big mooch, and i do a lot of anonymous trolling. i'm from 5chan, and migrated to iichan when 5chan died... and from there i became a 4chan /b/tard [and still am today.] i hold a personal record of being banned and unbanned 10+ times from 4chan. when cho0b started #/b/ i was behind him in support... when he started wtfux i was behind him in support... and with the merger i'm still behind him in support... and anal sex.

i agree with shadowpillar, wtfux is a sacred banned [intentional] camp from other image boards, a refuge for the confused, and a place to go to just to waste time. i liked it because it was laid back and i didn't have to worry about mods fucking with any of the stuff i did.

the merger worrys me because iichan has always been elitist... and i fear the elitism will continue or even fester and grow worse if iifucks happens.

so uh,
that's my two cents

i hope things work out for the best
and i'll contribute to my best ability

<3 washermachine#hahaha

p.s. the camwhore board is the heart and soul of wtfux.
don't mess with it.

137 Name: Man_of_Mystery!FEZKlA6o6g 2005-09-24 19:16 ID:ZDD+IBh3

don't worry about it.... iichan eats wtfux, end of story, it's over, wtfux is gone iichan kills us, end of story. cho0b was an idiot for trusting lain with us, like lain said himself, it's nothing more then a PR ploy, he want to stir up contraversy, he did it, he also killed a site in the process, I hope you are fucking happy lain!

138 Name: Canuck!5la.hIIyNg 2005-09-24 19:23 ID:FaqaacOi

W/e give me the new url so I can start spamming again. I AM FOR THIS DONT DIE LIKE MOOT

139 Name: Random Anonymous 2005-09-24 19:28 ID:v0yzJabY


but seriously, it's not like this unification thing is permanent or anything, the minority that doesn't like it will just move on to somewhere else which seems to be what usually happens under these circumstances (hint hint nudge wink)

140 Name: Colin!tmGs7bPDwg 2005-09-24 19:37 ID:bmahW+t9

>>106 I know it's not that simple... I am the admin for five of the iichan boards and when it was WAKAchan, there were discussions about whether my boards should be part of WAKAchan or not...

But I do think WTFux has some decent boards. The cam board is the mainstay of WTFux and we here at iichan have nothing like it. So, why not let it live here? (This is coming from someone who doesnt even use the cam board, but does think the idea is good).

There are a lot of board themes that both parties have in common currently. Therefore, some of the change-over would be pain free.

141 Name: Random Anonymous 2005-09-24 21:52 ID:+OTAmNzy

wtfux is a retarded real-life pedophile den

142 Name: Lucky-7!AHfolaHfqg 2005-09-24 22:05 ID:C0Klj8W+

I'm loving this merger already!

Finally /a/ is about anime and not a pedololifapping wannabe /c/

143 Name: mia!EgtNxqjWtA 2005-09-25 00:00 ID:7u/6aEi3

my vote would be for no merger mostly because I am British and thus fear change. Also because I came back to iichan today after a week long leave of absence and the changes pizzed me off some. It seemd to have gone from "random" to just plain "retarded" plus I didn't recognise ANY names, except for about one post by Dawbis. Plus I don't want to run the risk of logging on and seeing any cp/loli posted by attention seeking trolls.

and that was my two cents.

144 Name: Random Anonymous 2005-09-25 00:12 ID:MWtifYN4

I'm not too sure about this. While I would normally welcome more traffic (and thus postings) to iichan, I don't think that WTFux is the place to draw said traffic from. It seems to me that WTFux is more along the 'funny comment' side of the spectrum, while iichan is on the other.

Really? Take a look at the Anime section of the WTFux boards. On the first page alone there are the following threads:

All three of those threads are choked full of this "unrelated crap".

145 Name: Topato!t2KGxiRsVc 2005-09-25 00:55 ID:WEIDGf1g

8( I'm like the last wtfuxer to post here.

146 Name: Topato!t2KGxiRsVc 2005-09-25 00:55 ID:WEIDGf1g

8( I'm like the last wtfuxer to post here.

147 Name: Random Anonymous 2005-09-25 00:56 ID:t0liN0hk

If the Real Fetish and Niche Anime boards get more posts, then a merger would be great. 's all I care about.

Still don't think we should have Furry or Camwhore boards, though. At the very least, put them under a DQN tab or something so I can forget they're there.

148 Name: JoeBarborak!zT8CLv1HqE 2005-09-25 01:02 ID:BMFy9f+t

Hey, I've seen wtfux since the first day it started - shit I even have my own board on the page and mod a few others. I have 0% problem with this merger, because the other option is death. I don't feel like reading every post on this page right now (need to go pick up takeout chinese in five minutes) so I'll just say

149 Name: Random Anonymous 2005-09-25 01:39 ID:ziGZMFzE


150 Name: Fiyerstorm!VrblQV4FqA 2005-09-25 01:45 ID:HFnaWuRt

I don't approve because as I can already see in this thread, there's some tension. Yes, there's a lot of mature and easy going people but they're easily overshadowed by the fact that there's people out there who are going to say and do bad things.

wtfux introduced me to imageboards so for it to merge is like something disappearing because it's not going to be the same. Billy's made his choice and though I'm not for it but he and I are friends and not just lol internet buddies so I see no use in trying to start a big fight about it. (DRAAAAMAAAA)

Though I did have fun trolling in #iichan last night.

OH SHI- <3

151 Name: liljenny!PvHEudHNso 2005-09-25 03:24 ID:kLG82eyx



152 Name: liljenny!PvHEudHNso 2005-09-25 03:24 ID:kLG82eyx


153 Name: KJI!XDpPLAUYlQ 2005-09-25 05:53 ID:ASx7AXRb


Cams was pretty part of iichan already (or at least a part of wakachan, since it's listed as one of the boards. )

I've never really posted at wtfux much since, much like their site name, it was just sort of not my taste.


154 Name: Patware!dPPKej8poo 2005-09-25 06:29 ID:Heaven

Hello, I'm Patrick Benware. You might know me from such films as 'Camwhoring on /b/!' and 'Camwhoring on wtfux!' and also 'Moderating the /gaming/ board!' I'm here to officially support this merger and to say that I don't really know liljenny, they just showed up the other day and started eating my chips and I was all "Hey, those are my chips." and then they took out a very big knife and kinda gave me a look so I decided I was just going to let liljenny do whatever liljenny wanted to do.

Further, I don't like trolling. And yeah, rock on with this sweet merget music.

155 Post deleted by moderator.

156 Name: dmpk2k!hinhT6kz2E 2005-09-25 07:24 ID:Heaven

> 120gb a month and and the number is still going up

WTFux is supposed to bring more posters, yet the entire site only uses 120GB a month? That's a pittance...

I don't care one way or the other if WTFux and IIchan merge.However, up until now most of the posters in the niche boards I run have behaved in a mature manner. I hope this won't change.

157 Name: Random Anonymous 2005-09-25 07:27 ID:NGvN8TPB

This is what happens when a handful of IRC visitors think they're the majority. They get friendly and close, bond with one another, then think they're everything, forgetting the many people who don't care to idle in an Internet room and chat, chat, chat. Seriously, I'm betting most lurkers and others who actually make up most of the traffic have no idea who most of the tripcoders in this thread are.

Pushing unnecessary concepts such as "community" and "camaraderie" only leads to everything getting torn apart by those close people, ruining it for the majority who are outside of the clique.

>>You will be trolled. Hard and long with a huge cock.
>>I'm only trolling in retaliation.

This sort of... garbage sullies the good name of "Internet troll." Try again, kids.

158 Name: Random Anonymous 2005-09-25 07:50 ID:Heaven

Look at this shitstorm that all the tripfags are posting. Just shows the quality of WTFUX. Please, for the sake of everyone move to for this discussion!

159 Name: Krull !p7zeV5aXsI 2005-09-25 08:26 ID:Smkwxphq

Well if it be needed to keep things going then fine,I just hope it don't change things too much...other then that-might be fun.

160 Name: ☭Normal-chan!nqprlgUDj6!!j+bpGPO6 2005-09-25 09:41 ID:Heaven

Protips for future people picking mods:

-Don't be intoxicated when picking mods.
-Chances are if you're just making someone a mod because they're your friend, they're gonna be a shitty mod.
-If chosen mods decide to censor (delete) people's posts or unjustly ban people, thats a good time to take away their moderator privilages.

Don't make the same mistakes that 4chan made. Don't make the same mistakes that wtfux recently proved to have made.

161 Name: Lucky-7!AHfolaHfqg 2005-09-25 10:45 ID:C0Klj8W+


Of course! Instead of taking advice from people who have contributed for a long period of time let's listen to some newbie lurkers that only deign to post to complain!

Your misplaced democratic ideals dont mean shit in here, only the higher ups get a say. If you're not part of the clique it's because you're not interesting enough to be in there in the first place.

Omg I so should have gone to wtfux after snacks's fagottry, iichan is so freaking emo.

162 Name: Random Anonymous 2005-09-25 11:03 ID:Heaven

> Your misplaced democratic ideals dont mean shit in here
> WTFux/IICHAN merger democratic forum

PS: This thread is not about dissing posting with names/tripcodes nor dissing anonymous posting.

163 Name: dunkinbean!vZIEseS8Jk 2005-09-25 13:07 ID:gtkGz3Gw

The problem i've always seen with IIChan since it's rebirthen is the lack of an awesome community like that it had back before it died last year. As nobo put it /b is just processed 2ch garbage now, where in the past it was actually really comparable and sometimes better than 4chan's /b. The rest of IIChan is mostly just Sling posting on the anime boards (suck it), and those who are dedicated to the niche boards. The IIFux idea can only bring good things in making IIChan cooler than 4chan again.

I, Dunkinbean, pledge allegiance to this merger.

164 Name: Random Anonymous 2005-09-25 13:50 ID:Heaven

I've been on 4chan /b/ and since December 2003 and iichan /b/ since forever and I can say the latter was NEVER better than the former. It always lacked the same activity, the only thing that made and makes 4chan /b/ an entertaining place.

Anyhow - none of the wtfuxers really care about any of the stuff that is present on iichan. None of them care about "animu" or any of the niche stuff present on iichan. I don't see what any of them could bring to iichan but I don't see how it matters, either, because as I see it we are not talking about a single portal for both sites anymore and apart from that, both sides of the internet are free places, both parties can already post at both sites so why bother forcing them together anyway?

165 Name: iichan oldtimer 2005-09-25 15:11 ID:weS0nYEy

key word my friends COMPROMISE, no merger should be without it. For us who lurk it dont matter if iichan merges w/ wtfux, the important thing is we get what we want, can mods handle that? I mean imagine how many troll (on moderated boards) supposedly your going to ban. Believe me get real tiring fast. Even in this thread alone i could see few mod deletes

166 Name: zimmy!0BbUttseX. 2005-09-25 15:58 ID:K7UdHrL9

zimmy approves.

167 Name: Corbet!Ir/.C0rBzc 2005-09-25 16:04 ID:Uup5X9LG

i love you too, dave

168 Name: Loli!foZ.1XrglQ 2005-09-25 16:09 ID:fVr7F/Xn

i fully approve of the merger

just try not to hate on us pedos, iichan

169 Name: Sahnidi 2005-09-25 16:11 ID:2dME5Ion

I dont know what WTF...thing is. But I love IdleChan, and as long as it doesn' change negatively, I'll go with the merger.

170 Name: Tradition!7aXgcysgq2 2005-09-25 18:30 ID:/1wJNJEG

"internet culture" lmao this shit sux i'll play FFXI 24/7 then see ya

171 Name: Man_of_Mystery!FEZKlA6o6g 2005-09-25 19:02 ID:ZDD+IBh3


I aprove of this merger, we can help each other out here. we need more band width and you guys need a spark to get things going again. so lets try to comprimise here rather then unreasonably bickering. also I am sorry to both comunitys for being a complete ass last night I am not usualy that muxh of an idiot

172 Name: Man_of_Mystery!FEZKlA6o6g 2005-09-25 19:04 ID:ZDD+IBh3

sorry, the >>144 was an accident, I was not replying to that post at all

173 Name: Random Anonymous 2005-09-25 19:11 ID:Gsgy6ViG

Goddamn that's a lot of words about a very unimportant topic. Could I get a summary?

174 Name: Random Anonymous 2005-09-25 19:17 ID:Heaven

Summary is @ >>100 and still mostly correct.

175 Name: liljenny!PvHEudHNso 2005-09-25 19:18 ID:Au07+i34

also iichan needs a loli board and appreciation for guro cat and dick floods

176 Name: _ns!yYqlaT62VQ 2005-09-25 19:27 ID:p4vGXb5V

Just to chime in here, I am wholeheartedly against this thing. I left iichan a while ago for a good reason and have no desire whatsoever to return to those parts.

I was - and still am - interested in knowing just how much I'd have to shell out per month to keep WTFux separate. $200? $300?

ALSO: I think that most of these posts should be thrown out as not being the opinions of "iichan and WTFux moderators, as well as VIP's and general users of both communities." (I interpret general users quite specifically as those who have been with a community for some time and whose voice would be one which actually should matter - eg if Kihei posted something it would not merit the weight of a post by one of the moderators) Furthermore, people who can't form a fucking sentence should perhaps be overlooked. This unintentionally miserable grammar is getting to me a little.

Of course, having said this, I don't know what the merger entails, except that there is already a #wtfux on zirc owned by someone who has a parody of Bill's name, that the iichan mods are widely known to be faggots and drooling retards, and that the users are even worse, if possible.

I'd like to take time to respond to each and every poorly-formulated post in this moronic oversized thread, but I have neither the time nor the inclination, and, to be quite frank, most of you aren't even worth it.

177 Name: Random Anonymous 2005-09-25 19:45 ID:ZDD+IBh3


you could run your own wtfux if you want _ns but don't expect anyone to come. none of us like you, you are just as anoying as wtsnacks. and we won't miss you.

>I think that most of these posts should be thrown out as not being the opinions of "iichan and WTFux moderators, as well as VIP's and general users of both communities

ummm look at the posts man, you will see that most of the prominent wtfuxorz and iichaners have posted, even cho0b has posted here, so stfu if you don't know what you are talking about, I resect most of the people at wtfux but I and a large number of other wtfuxorz think that your constant whining and bickering as well as banning users from chat for no reason what so ever is trite and stupid. no one cares if you don't join us, you are just a stupid bitter mod, now go away please

178 Name: _ns!yYqlaT62VQ 2005-09-25 20:22 ID:p4vGXb5V

I love you too nega.

179 Name: Random Anonymous 2005-09-25 20:25 ID:CB0k3ZcE

Actually >>177 is Man_of_Mystery!FEZKlA6o6g
Check his ID code (ID:ZDD+IBh3)

180 Name: Random Anonymous 2005-09-25 20:28 ID:CB0k3ZcE

Also, lol @ nobuyuki's bashing in >>95

181 Name: Man_of_Mystery!FEZKlA6o6g 2005-09-25 20:34 ID:ZDD+IBh3


lol at that arguement being null and void

182 Name: Random Anonymous 2005-09-25 20:49 ID:ASx7AXRb


>where in the past it was actually really comparable and >sometimes better than 4chan's /b.

So iichan use to have a penis in every other post as well?

183 Name: Fo0dNippl3 2005-09-25 21:04 ID:Xo2jshaQ

I don't like Wapanese but whatever

184 Name: Random Anonymous 2005-09-25 21:48 ID:HTBe2U/I

do what you thinks best, besides if people mis behave then the moderators will be busy, besides more people is always better on a board

185 Name: Random Anonymous 2005-09-25 21:58 ID:NGvN8TPB

>>Instead of taking advice from people who have contributed for a long period of time let's listen to some newbie lurkers that only deign to post to complain!
>>If you're not part of the clique it's because you're not interesting enough to be in there in the first place.

Yeah, that's the kind of attitude I meant. It's pretty silly to think that someone is a newbie just because he's chosen not to sit in an IRC channel and chat with some Internet buddyroos. You still fail to understand that the you're only a handful of the total population.

It's fine if you want to go on IRC and chat, but what goes on with the people there always, always finds a way to cross over and poison the site and those who don't give a shit about it.

186 Name: Man_of_Mystery!FEZKlA6o6g 2005-09-25 22:59 ID:ZDD+IBh3


who the hell said a damn thing about going onto chat rooms, being active in the comunity does not equal going onto IRC rooms, and why shouldn't those that go out of thier way to contribute to the site have more respect then those that just sit around and whine about not being treated fairly. You are the one being rediculiouse here. Plus this thread isn't about whether you feel "wanted" or "needed" it is about posting your opinion on wether you want iichan to merge with wtfux. The only person I have seen so far saying that "unimportan people's"(what ever the fuck that might mean) opinions don't matter is _ns and he is just a wtsnacks on more drugs so don't pay any attention to him. If I am not mistaken both iichan and wtfux wants everyone's opinions, we don't care about names or status. So if you have something to say about that then say it. If you don't then gtfo

187 Name: nobuyuki!GfMr2LTKW. 2005-09-25 23:24 ID:Heaven


Unlike other places, just about every "troll" I saw there had a name and a trip. I like that, cause then I can go "oh that's just x being a goonie". Would you rather be annoyed by the constant asshole with no name? Seriously.


hint: lurkers aren't contributors. contributors make the majority of the community, because lurkers aren't part of the community. They're just weirdo's outside the fence and if that offends you, fuck yourself kindly :B

That brings me to another point, >>185 is correct, that some anonymous users are possibly longtime contributors. Here's the problem -- there is no way of knowing for sure which anonymous who votes ye or nay is actually a contributor, or just a loudmouthed piece of crap who never does anything for the site but will scream like a banshee should we decide to change the baby's formula. Therefore, all we are left with to determine who's opinion is worth pondering over (and to what gravity), is users who have had a name which we can associate with a mod or VIP. This, of course, gets a lot of resentment from some anonymous users, but once again, how can we know which ones are actually worthy of complaining, and who contribute nothing?

Hereby requesting list of the mods/vip's who voiced their opinion, and whether it was for or against. too lazy to do it himself

188 Name: Eric!upWm/KiLZA 2005-09-25 23:28 ID:42lC0s3E


189 Name: blackmage!o0mageyCH. 2005-09-25 23:28 ID:gbW7QtKr

this just in:
we are not merging
iichan is helping wtfux to stay afloat
lain is not good at making news posts

190 Name: soviet russia!lM51PoudCg 2005-09-25 23:28 ID:Heaven

if by name and trip you mean soviet russia#deadjew then yeah

191 Name: lolocaust!rsvcwx6Axc 2005-09-25 23:38 ID:Heaven

> Would you rather be annoyed by the constant asshole with no name? Seriously.

How about just being cool enough to not give a shit either way?

> Here's the problem -- there is no way of knowing for sure which anonymous who votes ye or nay is actually a contributor, or just a loudmouthed piece of crap who never does anything for the site but will scream like a banshee should we decide to change the baby's formula. Therefore, all we are left with to determine who's opinion is worth pondering over (and to what gravity), is users who have had a name which we can associate with a mod or VIP.

That's a pretty dumb way to look at things. Anonymous users make up the majority of iichan contributors. Just because you are more willing to pay more attention to names and tripcodes than eloquently worded opinions doesn't really mean that's really all you are left with.

> This, of course, gets a lot of resentment from some anonymous users, but once again, how can we know which ones are actually worthy of complaining, and who contribute nothing?

You could just read what's being written and then consider whether that's a justified opinion or not. If you cannot do that then you have some problem with this type of software and the functionalities it provides which is kind of sad, actually.

And resentment is also coming from me. lol resentment.

192 Name: Man_of_Mystery!FEZKlA6o6g 2005-09-25 23:39 ID:ZDD+IBh3


how are you "helping wtfux stay afloat"

more info please

193 Name: cho0b!zSGCho0BnY 2005-09-25 23:51 ID:Heaven

>WTFux and IICHAN != iiFUX - Posted 7:50PM EST, September 25th, 2005 by Lain (more liek lame amirite)
>WTFux and IICHAN aren't going to "merge" and become "iiFUX" like some people keep thinking it will. IICHAN will help WTFux stay afloat with technical support and linking of sites and such. Share ideas, and become a sort of coalition.

Thank you for telling me all about what your plans are before you told anyone else.

>cho0b, WTFux's manager, has been overrun by the popularity of his site and needed help to keep it going. So he came to us, since we like helping people. IICHAN will remain IICHAN, and WTFux will remain WTFux, but there will be collaboration between us to make both sites better, and remain alive.

iichan came to me, I did not goto iichan.

>In response to the OMG MERGER OMG post I made two days ago, it was half-premature, half-planned. I didn't know the exact details of the "merger" between IICHAN and WTFux, but knew I may as well start the PR shitstorm early and get it out of the way. Now the plans between WTFux and IICHAN are pretty much finalized, and we've agreed not to become a single site.

Lain I understand that you may have not had much of an understanding as to what was going on, but what you did was very shitty. A 'PR shitstorm,' as you call it, is just you getting the hopes up of a lot of people and then going "lol, just kidding."

What the hell plans between WTFux and IICHAN have been finalized? I've had zero communication with any of the IICHAN moderators/admins about anything that's going on about any of this. I haven't agreed to anything and I think that you saying that I did is very rude.

>Sorry for all the drama, but I have to keep things interesting. Right?

Yeah, thanks for keeping everything interesting.

Thanks but no thanks, I'm out of here.

  •    . . . . o o o o o
  •           _____      o       _______
  •  ____====  ]OO|_n_n__][.     |wtfux|
  • [________]_|__|________)<    |bitch|
  •  oo    oo  'oo OOOO-| oo\\_   ~~~|~~~
  • +--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+-$1-+--+--+--+--+

194 Name: Fiyerstorm!VrblQV4FqA 2005-09-25 23:55 ID:SXGYAyvL


195 Name: Lain!YsrYiS7Bco 2005-09-25 23:59 ID:x7nYDceD

cho0b, come back to #iichan. We'll talk and come to a unified understanding. Things have been too crazy and I was asked by BlackMage to make an "official statement" on the frontpage.

196 Name: Man_of_Mystery!FEZKlA6o6g 2005-09-26 00:03 ID:ZDD+IBh3

well looks like I saw what was heppening correctly in the first place... Oh well, this prety much sucks....

197 Name: lolocaust!rsvcwx6Axc 2005-09-26 00:05 ID:Heaven


198 Name: JoeBarborak!zT8CLv1HqE 2005-09-26 00:05 ID:BMFy9f+t

zounds! Something is rotten in denmark! I've also heard 0% of what's going on, which is no biggie but this seems quite strange!

penis penis penis penis penis penis

199 Name: Man_of_Mystery!FEZKlA6o6g 2005-09-26 00:18 ID:ZDD+IBh3


don't worry about it, all that happened was the following, the merger fell apart, lain went onto the news board and posted crap he had no business saying to pretend he had athority when he had no clue what was going on cho0b got pissed, there is the simple explination, so all this crap just to find out nothing has changed

200 Name: JoeBarborak!zT8CLv1HqE 2005-09-26 00:22 ID:BMFy9f+t

also, your mom

201 Name: Man_of_Mystery!FEZKlA6o6g 2005-09-26 00:26 ID:ZDD+IBh3


wtf is your problem

202 Name: Random Anonymous 2005-09-26 01:32 ID:n+DZy5cd

lol, internet drama

To sum up this whole thing up: Lain made a big deal out of something small, exaggerated it, and in the end caused the downfall of it.

IMO, none of this democratic "post if you hate the idea" shit is needed since, as I see it, it was suppose to be simply iichan helping a friend.

The decision should have affected both parties of users minimally, if pulled off right.

Here's how I think iichan/wtfux should proceed, if both admin parties a willing:

IIchan should host all/most/some of the boards specific to wtfux. That's all. Just the boards that aren't on iichan already. (perhaps with the exception of some of them)

For the boards that iichan/wakachan already has, just let wtfux link to them as their own. (mp3, torrents, anime, etc)
That way, those boards will get more traffic, like lain seems to want.

Lastly, some of the new, wtfux boards can be linked from the iichan/wakachan portals. Since wakachan is an open community anyway, and iichan are now hosting wtfux, and might find some of those boards beneficial now, anyway. (such as the fact that wakachan's yaoi is dead now, anyway)

But, those are just my suggestions.

-Random Anonymous

203 Name: Random Anonymous 2005-09-26 01:42 ID:WJwtxftV

It's unfortunate that these mergers have to start with such inequality between the two parties. From the looks of it, I don't think WTFux has much of an alternative. This makes for poor bargaining, on both sides.

And I STILL haven't heard why you can't just throw them in the sidebar and end it.

204 Name: Random Anonymous 2005-09-26 02:23 ID:x7nYDceD

Check the front page, people.

205 Name: dmpk2k!hinhT6kz2E 2005-09-26 02:28 ID:Heaven

> why you can't just throw them in the sidebar and end it.

If cho0b gives permission, then I don't see why not. I've wanted to do this for some time to the sidebar. /cams/ has been linked for a while, but nobody knew what its status was since cho0b never said yay or nay.

It's unfortunate the way this has been handled. I suspect that there will be some degree of integration eventually, since that's the nature of the beast, but the drama was unnecessary.

206 Name: Anonymous 2005-09-26 06:58 ID:I+1jRnTt

Holy shit I read it all

And I still don't know what the fuck is going on*. Guess it must be one of these YOU HAD TO BE THERE AND 24/7 IN LIKE THREE PLACES SIMULTANEOUSLY thing. lawl.

*Aside from the usual TRIPCODE versus ANONYMOUS.

207 Name: _ns!yYqlaT62VQ 2005-09-26 17:03 ID:Heaven

lol yay

Also man o mystery, my gripe was mainly with unintelligent people casting their votes like so many sperm on the wind; if I don't know them to be smarat and they don't prove it in a post, I don't want to count that vote! Not that it's anything more than an academic issue at this point.

>The only person I have seen so far saying that "unimportan >people's"(what ever the fuck that might mean) opinions don't >matter is _ns and he is just a wtsnacks on more drugs so don't >pay any attention to him.

lol whining about getting banned from an IRC server for 3 minutes this one time is not a good way to make people on the internet respect you.

Fun fact: I have UNbanned more people from the drama facroty than I have ever banned.

Fun fact #2: Since WTFux is actively against the banning process, nobody has EVER been banned from the website. Thanks, Bill! Because of this, the IRC has become a ghetto banning device. It's not a real ban from the community, it's almost always a 2-4 minute ordeal, and is generally warranted (ie, you made me angwy!~! LOL)

208 Name: washermachine!kxrJVlZ8OE 2005-09-26 20:39 ID:M3fMMBno

fun fact- i love you noskills

209 Name: Random Anonymous 2005-09-26 22:05 ID:Heaven

>It's not a real ban from the community, it's almost always a 2-4 minute ordeal, and is generally warranted (ie, you made me angwy!~! LOL)
>matter is _ns and he is just a wtsnacks on more drugs so don't >pay any attention to him.

210 Name: BlackMage 2005-09-26 23:42 ID:b6i+1Rxn

too lazy to go find my tripcode
look at the new iichan news page, ignore everything you have yeard until now.
short ver:
lain is dqn.
wtfux is falling down.
iichan has spare bandwidth.
iichan wants to help.
it's not as interesting as some people want to make it.

211 Name: ☭Normal-chan!nqprlgUDj6!!j+bpGPO6 2005-09-26 23:58 ID:Heaven

God, you guys are making the biggest deal out of a stupid little imgboard assist.

Why does this thread even exist, it's not like you're going to tally up every person's vote and the compare the two sides to make a decision and secondly, since we're not merging anyway, what is the point?

If you want anyone to support giant mergers or whatever the hell else, you need to get your shit straight and stop spreading misinformation just to "get attention lol"

Sometimes I get so sick of this imageboard drama. I'm gonna go listen to linkin park now.

212 Name: Random Anonymous 2005-09-27 05:07 ID:Heaven

> what is the point?

I think we all just needed confirmation that Lain is dumb.

213 Name: Random Anonymous 2005-09-28 12:43 ID:HTBe2U/I

itd be cool if it happened, more people on a board is always great

214 Name: Random Anonymous 2005-09-29 23:53 ID:Gsgy6ViG

For those who make use of this thread
Now you are in the habitat of >>1.
>>1 sometimes reveal his brutality.
Keep out to >>1 and never let >>1 near you.
Follow the cautions below to avoid >>1's hazard.
To keep off from >>1, you are ought to follow this:

  1. Obey watchman's instructions.
  2. Always be with your group. Independent action is very dangerous.
  3. Don't walk around in early morning, dawn, naight, and fog. It's a time for >>1 to get active.
  4. Be sure to have a whistle, a horn or a bell with you.
  5. Don't leave your leftover foods.

In case of encounting with >>1, you have to know that:

  1. Don't run away from >>1 alone. Glare against >>1 with all of your group members. Running away from >>1 is equal to suicide.
  2. If you get chased by >>1, drop your belongings one after another to >>1 as you run.
  3. Don't try to take back your things which >>1 get from you. Or else you are going to be killed.
  4. Don't use firecracker. It will frighten >>1 and make things worse.

If you need to be close to >>1 for researches or taking pictures, watch >>1 from the promnade. Don't feed him to call.
                         The Environment Agency of Hokkaido

215 Name: Random Anonymous 2005-09-30 10:58 ID:Heaven

 ( ´∀`)< ぬるぽ

216 Name: m00h 2005-09-30 14:34 ID:Heaven

Haha fuck 4ch they're just lame 2ch copycats

217 Name: Random Anonymous 2005-09-30 22:30 ID:Heaven

Haha fuck wtfux they're just lame 4chan copycats

218 Name: Random Anonymous 2005-10-04 18:06 ID:jEGgfKOD

posting in a dead thread, wishing it were still bumpable

219 Name: Random Anonymous 2005-10-08 04:23 ID:i+Nd4bOp


what the fuck dude cho0b needs a fuckin' job or some shit. fuck this. jamiroquai rocks, that is all.

220 Name: Random Anonymous 2005-10-08 06:50 ID:Heaven

221 Name: Bill o'reily 2005-10-26 01:35 ID:Heaven


222 Name: Random Anonymous 2005-12-23 13:01 ID:ST11koiM

wow, looking back at this, almost everyone involved are a bunch of retards, namely the iichan camp.
that's why the merger never happened (that and cho0b trolling you :P)

223 Post deleted by moderator.

224 Name: Anonymous : 2006-04-07 14:29 ID:56dd+hj2


225 Name: m00t!Ep8pui8Vw2 : 2006-04-16 20:48 ID:7jHvMaDb

I think this is a great idea, iichan merge with wtfux now, I comand it, and you have to listen for I am moot

226 Name: Anonymous : 2006-04-26 23:07 ID:QgICX2BL


227 Name: Liudas : 2006-06-11 12:13 ID:/MwcWrZJ

Kas is cia esanciu suprantat lietuviskai ?? Jauciu niekas nesuprantat...Kaip zvengas mane imtu jei jus apsisiktumete visi vienoje vietoje :D

228 Name: Liudas : 2006-06-11 12:14 ID:/MwcWrZJ

Kas is cia esanciu suprantat lietuviskai ?? Jauciu niekas nesuprantat...Kaip zvengas mane imtu jei jus apsisiktumete visi vienoje vietoje :D

229 Name: noble poker jeux : 2006-07-31 20:06 ID:dUr5IFmB

<h1>entrusting attentiveness nonprogrammer functors permuted Xeroxing imaginary </h1>

230 Name: Anonymous : 2009-06-15 05:04 ID:L7x+q1jz

what does this buttan do

231 Name: nikeair jordans : 2010-11-19 06:17 ID:SXMdAvN1

Thank you very much for your great website

232 Name: DQN DQN LOL : 2012-07-30 14:06 ID:BI4aLPCz

233 Name: Anonymous : 2017-02-24 01:34 ID:Heaven

Rest In Piss WTFux

234 Name: Anonymous : 2019-04-12 09:09 ID:LWb07P3b

ranta tan tan or whatever

235 Name: Anonymous : 2019-05-11 01:04 ID:y+LWvoxB


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